Daily reminder that he married a beautiful blonde haired blue eyed red-pilled trad Amsterdam woman while you still...

Daily reminder that he married a beautiful blonde haired blue eyed red-pilled trad Amsterdam woman while you still "hate women" because they refuse to sleep with you effortlessly

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Is this his second marriage?

There is no difference between r9k and pol

Now is that beautiful? Ugly cunt married an ugly cunt.

Yeah, I hear you can hire a wife for a day there, aka "girlfriend experience".

cmon she's an actress, no way this faggot could get that hot babe

post girlfriend

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Holy shit its her?

Fuck are you serious?

they're both satanists so idk why this would be surprising


Hi Styx!
PS- what brand of bathrobe do you wear?

If it wasn't for his wealth and e-celeb status, he wouldn't have a chance with her. He's an ugly little shit.

i guess the rumors are true about styx having a ten inch wang

Lol but that guy is literally some Federal ZOG Agent of the Government. Duh?

Just like David Dupe, Fed Ice Radio, Stormfront. Etc
Learn more here: bitchute.com/channel/white-genocide/


>trad Amsterdam women
Wanna know why I don't believe you?

Is she well known or something?
Details, please.
I DO know that this lanky twat needs to put on a t-shirt, and sell his homosexual leather jackets, and get a fucking haircut, and perhaps get those buck teeth filed down.. he looks absolutely absurd

Yes, there is, you retarded kike shill.
I hate you fucking people.

You’ve been to the prettiest Amsterdam whore and this chick is better looking?

Well, to be fair, it's no different in how people have met off the internet, especially in MMOs

I would not be surprised if they were in an open relationship and fucked around with others in bonobo like orgies.
Also, Styxenhammer is not white. He definitely has some admixture with non-whites.

I am starting to see women liking feminine manlets. Are the manlets winning?

Uh oh, triggered the hillbilly r9k incel

>you still "hate women" because they refuse to sleep with you effortlessly
I think you're projecting OP. I have zero problem with the opposite sex. I have zero problem with having a stable income.

And I bet everyone else here is the same.

>HURRRRRR! I better not go on Jow Forums! They'll call me names like "virgin" and "racist". HURRRRRR!!!!! Better give up my rights! HURRRR!

Go fuck yourself.

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>you still "hate women" because they refuse to sleep with you effortlessly
We're not Jow Forums OP.
A lot of us are married here.
You shouldn't assume the jew media is being honest with you.
The problem isn't incels, the problem is jews.

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>because they refuse to sleep with you effortlessly

I don't hate them at all. Its just frustration I have to put in a lot more effort when the same woman would sleep with someone else after he buys her 3 jack and cokes. Its so tiresome. It's such a crap deal! And I work hard on myself why should I settle for that?! Because I'm only average height and not the most handsome in the face?

the girl is just a Ethot groupie

they divorce

look at the skinny pencil neck rat face...lol

Is he Asian or a Mongoloid? Either way their children are doomed.

>trad Amsterdam woman
Did anybody else think that's funny?

Hope you enjoy your divorce in 5 years, gardener.

Uhhh I was with you until that last projection