Name a better political podcast

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This weev is a hell of a character. He always makes me turn off light switches for him on Saturdays.

show romanian flag samefag

Did Ridgeway join it?

what is fedposting?

Best podcast. Stay safe Vic Mackey. Reds are gunning for you.

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no idea. they said they'll do another episode these days.
not what you think.

I miss Larry and Azz on hate house. Nice times.

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Myth of the 20th Century.

azzmador said he will never make podcasts with larry because he's an alcoholic.


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Yep. And sadly the hate house episodes are gone.

>muh jewish podcast!

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Any updates on Larry ?

Where is this hosted now??

What’s this whole podcast about? SIEGEposting?

Where can I listen to it?

on my computor

you have to search for it