>Supreme Court: Prorogation carried out 'in bad faith', judges told
>Pole tell Poles told to fuck off as each try and jew each other for NHS care & Bennies
>Corbyn warned he must not 'stay neutral' in Brexit referendum
>Hard Brexit would put officers' lives at risk, says Northern Ireland police chief
>BBC apologises to Prince Harry over ‘race traitor’ image
Brit/pol/ - Boring Politics shit edition
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The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
*blocks your shite bread*
Degree of unit-ness: Absolute
help guys, i want to breed my twin sister. pic not related but she kinda looks like this. it's fucked up because we have a really good relationship but i just want to fill up her little twat with my seed while i'm kissing her lips and staring into her beautiful green eyes
have sex virgin
>tfw no gen-X fanny
British blacks are going to get slavery reparations. Pay up
i would
posting this every day until you enjoy it
>tfw no laura kuenssberg gf
Why the fuck is an ex para getting fucked for Bloody Sunday? They were just doing their job fucking Irish man I wish they’d fuck off
Guardian, BBC & Independent are your sources of news? Are you fucking serious. This is pol. Not SJW vegan hangout. KYS post haste
I literally copied it from the last post, I don't care
need more peter hitchens content.
boring thread
Sorry that some of us have sex
We never had nigger slaves in the UK so all you lazy niggers are getting nothing
It would nullify the Remainer argument about muh freedom of moment, imagine being able to live and work in any of the main Anglosphere countries (as long as your not a scrote looking for bennies), countries which actually like each other and have a shared culture and language.
Backdoors already existing i.e. student visas etc.
Peter got kicked in the fucking head
Can you go innawoods in NZ, too many big spiders in straya
do you honestly think once will be enough?
Lol they wish. Most likely thing they’re going to get is knoifed
I kicked him in the head before too.
i mean him being butthurt by literally mentioning Mosley?
innawoods in NZ ? i think a lot of NZ is literally mountains and hills
Mate mccann from sky news is fitter
Too many orcs
can't we all just be friends
Nah thats bradford innit
post redheads
you don't get to bring friends.
Madeline Mccann fitter? Nonce
When will we get justice for the 16 million betrayed remain voters?!?!
thread theme
How did socialism infest the universities?
What's Pete done now?
The political reporter kate mccann from sky news you absolute pedo
daily reminder 50% of young C2DEs voted for brexit
As soon as you have sex
Got the diagnosis while doing panto
Listen lads, Its NOT ME who prosecuting soldier F.
You’re a loyal unionist, aren’t you paddy?
When women started teaching
I prefer.....eh.....humanist?
Things like pic related happen in the woods in NZ and they looked like really nice woods there in LOTR
Just bought 10g of pure flake from the dark web. What am I in for boys?
Evening lads, fuck tim
stick on some Judge Jules, crack open the cigarettes and enjoy
goes well on an ice cream cone
whats he saying ?
possum FC t b h
do what? COOM?
>judge jules
1998 was way back user
My husband Stephen. This shit is so awkward.
The head on Shane Williams when he heard the news.
Former Peter Hitchens fan here, it's hilarious watching him crash and burn but seriously we can't let Mosley get his hands on the nuclear codes.
>whats he saying ?
"Ted Kaczynski was right!"
>1998 was way back user
Whats your point user. Im aware its not 1998, and Im aware 1998 was not yesterday.
What the fuck could you be possibly be going on about?
i want an army of these guys now
should we release possums into the wild in britain as a joke ?
Whined about Mosley and of course, Mosley fanboys weren't happy about some Jew loving blackpilled cuck doing that
The (((Hitchens))) brothers have caused a lot of damage.
This fella is a wreck. I wonder what he was like is the dressing room.
Henrik the Danish lefty is now a free speech advocate and the brexit party didn't mean to target their supporters.
No potatoes for you then pal
fuck yourself
hey man settle down i love late 90s trance but JJ has been shit for 20 years grumpy
He will eternally be a 1950s Conservative, when that hasn't been a viable position since the Summer of '67
Imagine being blown the fuck out by the ghost of Mosley
yeah it would be cool
yeah, i think about a quarter of a million of them will be about right
like are you serious right now? guy has a life threatening illness and you come on here shitposting making fun of him. i know this is Jow Forums but cop on.
Hitchens 1 was a mid 2000s fedora tipping atheist neocon and hitchens 2 is a rightward punching dont do anything doomer
>1 post by this ID
I swear to God I'm going to snap your little Celtcuck neck
Ive heard about this fishing thing. I'll live.
>bbc hiv propaganda
Did you know that people with HIV are not allowed to be banned from being a chef? Let me tell you, as a former chef, I have seen multiple people bleed and sneeze into food when cooking. You really think your average low / mid ranged restaurant is going to spend another 10 hours making your sauce when that happens?
He hates possums i reckon, hates them all to bits
3 now. What's your point exactly, kike?
Give me one good reason why I should be interested in politics anymore.
Im watching an AIDS programme. Leave me alone.
Turns out The Nippler doesn't understand what an app is.
you'll do fuck all ya anglo saxon bastard.
>3 posts by this ID
Was Hitler a 'Progressive'? Hitchens seems to think so...
the guy legitimately needs a suicide watch right now
Ill help you fella. You get the neck. Ill break the legs