Why are you proud of electing a sex offender (pedophile, rapist, sex addicted, drunk) Brett Kavanaugh on the bench?
Why are you proud of electing a sex offender (pedophile, rapist, sex addicted, drunk) Brett Kavanaugh on the bench?
Other urls found in this thread:
OP raped #metoo
>serial sex offender
Hey now I voted for George Bush Sr not Bill Clinton
>Serial sex offender
[citation needed]
it is odd how their betters are all degenerates
look at his tiny ass hands
My first thought as well
Innocent until proven guilty is a very important principle of our country. But also too complicated for some to comprehend.
Low energy post, sage
Fuck your slide thread
So Clinton and Ginsburg?
Have sex, incel
>Why are you proud of electing a sex offender (pedophile, rapist, sex addicted, drunk) Brett Kavanaugh on the bench?
Because he won't be voting to repeal the second amendment anytime soon.
- 'Saving the Supreme Court from Trump requires two-steps: first, block Kavanaugh, then fight to win Senate. If Kavanaugh's out, we’re halfway there' ~ Brian Fallon(Hillary Clinton Press Secretary)
- “I will oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination with everything I have" ~ New York Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer
- "Whatever happens, I'm just glad we ruined (Judge) Kavanaugh's life" ~ Ariel Dumas(Writer for Stephen Colbert's Late Show)
>electing ... Brett Kavanaugh
Go back to Guatemala. Supreme Court Justices are not elected.
Supreme Court. Trump will be gone by 2020/2024.
Honk honk.
Meh, they only ever banged sluts who wanted it and roasties who should have been grateful to get it. Both are better than Hillary or Bernie would have been. Though, this is a slide thread; so sage.
Accusations are not convictions. If we barred everyone ever accused by anyone of committing a crime, 99% of human beings would be barred from holding public office.
I don't vote for people who make false rape accusations, so I don't vote Democrat.
I'm equally proud of the left's continued baseless attacks against both. While they waste their time on that, real things are getting done, and history is being made, and all they can come up with is slander and attacks. I'm sure that will appeal to the American public just as well as Hilldawg did! There's no way these idiots are sinking the ship THIS hard on their own, so I'm pretty damn proud of whoever is helping them out, especially Trump for providing all the delicious bait. You retards will never learn and I'll never get tired of winning.
Better a sex offender on SCOTUS than a SJW.
>source: my ass
It's so predictable of the left accusing the right exactly of what they are guilty of themselves.
As a Dumborat are you more proud of your legacy of KKK lynchings of black men falsely accused of having sex with white women, or lynching white men falsely accused of raping white women?
>Owning the libs
Bill Clinton isn't president or on the SC. You make no sense child.
Suck my massive uncircumcised schlong, faggot
I am actually most proud that I live in a country with due process.
Thanks for asking!
you know, it's hard to say. Without Trump grabbing them by the pussy, we wouldn't have Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. And yet, Kavanaugh is the one who will still be around fucking up roasties and femens after Trump is out of office. Hard choice, desu. Just wait til Grumph gets his third SCOTUS pick and make this shit thread again.
You live in a white capitalist world where you believe white means money. In reality it doesn’t. Means you live behind a communist blockade. In tv you realize many target conversos and not expat audiences. It shows equality and equity. However money isn’t always European. European immigration is said to be dominated by the Pound. So if I got a true forex historical sheet you can always track nodes of mass influx even when illegal. That’s why you could never take down the English pound away. Because it will deregulate the system for the rest of Europe. Remember that in one of the initiatives people of Latin or native tongue promised to never speak Germanic languages. So they go to or stay in the US and speak their non Germanic language and never learn the English language. Yet you curse them. Meanwhile all those that speak a Germanic language you sanctify. Remember just because they say or act like they don’t speak it don’t mean they don’t. It’s just that they are warring themselves you just have to sit down and watch. How they beat their only ally up. And see them ally themselves with their enemy. They call it the crystalline mindset.
You see it’s always the Democrats. However in some jurisdictions is known that the Democratic Party is technically the Republican Party. For example a Brooklyn Democrat is a republican in disguise. It’s a political pep peave.
I literally don't care at all about the personal lives of politicians. I didn't care that Clinton cheated on his wife when he was in office, and I don't care that Trump grabs women by the pussy.
I'm never going to personally interact with any of these people, so what difference does it make to me if they're perverts or rapists or whatever? Hell, as long as he kept the taxes and regulations low, and avoided pointless wars, I'd be happy with Harvey Weinstein being president.
During the Clintons presidency they tried doing round up on the Texan sisterhood. Which is basically a southern US political group of over achieving females. Not just from Texas but Alabama, Missouri, Florida, and Louisiana. They promised to never speak English. Just Spanish. What the Democratic arm realized is that they were nothing because they had no general information into the area’s history.
From the gulf. Drain the swamp.
just like the holocaust, still no evidence, only stories
>A recently surfaced sexual misconduct allegation suggests that at least one report
>about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s behavior
>went undiscussed at his confirmation hearing, although the claim lacked
>corroboration or significant investigation.
>What do you think?
i too like beer
I like a whiskey with my beer.
Why not both?
I'm not and I didn't elect him, he was appointed. The swamp wasnt drained.
damn. they do look very small in that picture
It looks good on camera, doesn't work in real life.
Id also like to say to all the people saying "innocent til proven guilty" I've worked as an aide for many political campaigns. Shit like this is an open secret, laughed about over beers and late night parties. This isn't a republican or a democrat party, it just happens when you give people that kinda power. I had to stop despite the money being good for the work because I stressed too much at night over the men and women who's loves were scarred and laughed about. Believing innocences til proven guilty is a fucking joke in this country where connections can cover up just about everything. Hell, I had a few things of my own covered up.
Pissing on Ted Kennedy's grave.
Yep laws protect the criminals we know that.... I guess I kinna know why u would support them
>Never proven guilty
First of all, the whores that Trump grabbed all consented.
And more importantly, no one cares. If they do a good job they can rape all the dead baby pandas they want. Not that Trump is doing a good job though.
we're proud of impeaching the one you put in the whitehouse 25 years ago