How does poll feel about Jagmeet Singh ruling over Canada and sending racists to the CAVES OF Newfoundland?
Maharaja Jagmeet Singh
Canada has a better chance of being Khalistan then Punjab imo
His turban grows an inch for every point he gains in the polls.
Newfie here. Stay the fuck out, we're full.
I fucking hate this racist sand nigger. I want to murder him and kill his family.
Doesnt this guy have ties to that group that bombed an airline?
No, but Jagmeet is a closeted Sikh Sepatrist, which I think all Sikhs are. He's not a terrorist and never will be or sympathize with any aggresive violence. Only violence in self defense.
How is he racist brother and why so angry?
I think being religious hurts the party
religion is always poison
We will send only the racists. They will live in the caves with 4 chan and matresses.
based pakistani leaf poster.
He seems like he hates white people
Rest of the newfies are left alone to live in newfoundland. Bro ill get you out of newfoundland too if you want.
Would you say that about Budhism. Have you read what the 500 year old Sikh religion believes in?
I don't know about that. I am a Sikh I don't hate white people. I do hate the British Monarchy however.
The "Crown Jewels" of the British Monarchy were stolen from the Sikh Empire.
If you hate the monarchy so much why would you move to a country of the commonwealth? Lol
India kicked lots of us out when we fought for our own country. They still fuck with Trudea about it
Point I was trying to make , was that I seperate white people than the power structure that annexed our empire and colonized its people.
Budhism is more a philosophy than a religion isn't it?
aren't the sikh always having problems with hindus ?
and muslims
My girlfriend is a Hindu from Canada as well. 99 percent of interactions between Sikhs and all faiths are tolerant. Sikhisms core tenent is we are all equal. Sikhs have had only been ia part of violence for independence or self defense againts islamic extermenation when the muslims ruled india.
Also when the British goverment created Pakistan for the muslims , and India for the Hindus . It forgot that half the Sikh population lived in Pakistan and we had to leave ( my family is from pakistan, and the muslims fought with us and killed many of us on our way out.
religion is poison. always
>Jagmeet Singh ruling over Canada
every unlikely, the NPD will have a defeat they'll remember
Never know brother, he seems the most passionate of the Candidates, I say that objectively watched the last debate and he won it hands down.
Poo has destroyed the NDP party with his arrogance and hubris.
Nobody going to vote for a suited rag diaper from India.
Screen cap this post.
I will eat my hat if he gets more than two seats.
(Both infested with pageets)
Religion has been poisonous yes. However, if we all acted more like Jesus Christ and his teachings the world would be a better place. If we all acted like Guru Nanak the founder of sikhism the world would also be a better place. Same with Budhaa and the list goes on. We should not forget these wise men.
Literally nobody but poos give a shit about paki lives or politics.
Just sell me my slurpie pageet.
A live incel joins the conversation boys. How are you sir? How's the job? How's the wife?
yeah well most of the christians I see are degenerate hypocrites and assholes.
we don't need more of that
Magic elephants and rag hats
Sounds legit.
The sad reality is nobody had the balls in the NDP to speak the truth and say the obvious “ If we make a Paki the leader he will decimate out party.....such is life in clown world where reality is second place to accusations of racial discrimination. I will enjoy this dumpster fire
He will def get more than two seats.
Ignore the inconspicuous car with tinted windows parked in front of your home for 2 days.
fuck that newfoundland is boring af
this faggot aint getting in
We need to shill for him so he takes progressive voters away from Trudeau.
He will take the NDP to new heights. I judge him based on his intellect not his apearance, He is a lawyer , what job do you have?
Do it. Sheer Minority, Jagmeet official oppostion is better goverment then TRUDEA/CLINTON
Disgusted with pageet infestation so are my Chinese coworkers but put a pajeet in a tailored European suit and he actually thinks he’s equal.
Criminals and drug dealers Surrey is now a shithole everyone knows it.
I own a business, some of the youth are lost but Jagmeet is a great role model for them.
He just won.
Paki delusion at least when he is destroyed at the polls we will be able to enjoy paki seething and cope.
Ill vote for him. there are 4 million people like me in Canada who will as well.
Many will vote for him. He will be on the news every night as well because of people like you.
Why is he a role model because whites educated him? Why are non whites so prone to criminality?
Low IQ? Dissolution with not being accepted by Chinese and whites? Unattractiveness ?
literally can’t wait
Everyday I cry myself to sleep because chinese wont accept me.
bro there are no caves in newfoundland. only gravel pits.
besides the girls love adding foreign DNA to their gene pool.
I am a goodlooking guy. If you know what we look like which you probably do cuz you live around us. You know we aren't the spelling bee bing bang theory indians you are trying to make us out to be.
If Pajeets were capable of competent leadership they’d be doing it in their own nation.
Pro tip. Running from dirty wizard shithole isn’t the best pedigree his parents probably stood guard in rice fields wearing rag diapers.
Lets put them on PEI . They cant leave the island?
Giant nosed dirty wizards with man Jammie’s shuffling down sidewalks with your giant feet in cheap white tennis shoes
How’s that.
PEI will be perfect for this guy! Yo bro newfoundland or PEI remember deal is you get access to 4 chan and a mattresses. Thats it and all you really need right?
If you wanna judge the race by the 70 year old men sure brother.
NDP is polling at historic lows under this Mastercard Marxist. He is so unironically regressive that it hurts.
They arent acting like Christ or his teachings though those are just flawed humans.
Ok dollar store cologne reeking pajeet screaming and yelling (due to obvious insecurity) with outdated haircuts affliction two size too small t shirts and again comically oversized feet and noses
What the fuck are they doing here anyway they are going to be nothing but a burden on our healthcare system they payed nothing into. White mans taxes well spent ...not
He seemed pretty lively in the debate. Was on the news yesterday again because white racists cant help thinking they rule the world and want him to take it off. Other poc will vote for him too if you keep making his race a big deal just watch.
Are you chinese brother?
so desperate to distract from Scheer's inept campaign that OP posts about the inconsequential NDP
I am a 27 year old business owner and get raped in taxes as well. That's why im voting jagmeet, get trudeau out . put scheer in.
>>I am a good looking guy.
If you are brown you are invisible
I just want the best for my fellow North American brothers
Ive dated girls of all races and now am going to marry a Hindu punjabi girl. All my friends are in the same boat/ Incels need to be racist to cope i guess . Need to feel better than someone.
the NDP is entirely reliant on the Québec vote which they won't get because QC will never vote for a guy in a turban
I don't know what they were thinking when they appointed this guy as head of the party
Yeah no , last time ndp was already polling at ~30% at this point in the race,
Now they are
Waaaah it’s white racism that makes anywhere pajeets congregate instant shitholes.
Nobody thinks Punjabi are anything but cranberry farmers, chop shop petty criminals and slurpie cup distribution technicians
bro tier
They probably actually listened to him speak.
I want to grab him by his turban and skullfuck him.
I work in real estate transactions and currently constructing my own rental properiteis in Kelowna. I want to continue to develop condo sites. What do you do ? Are you also an incel?
They knew but nobody had the balls to tell the idiot his rag hat was going to destroy the party. It’s what it represents Québécois don’t want to be displaced by mass immigration of pakis, but this filthy beast in a European suit is so fucking delusional he thinks he is desirable as a fellow citizen and neighbor. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most whites moved out of Surrey because of the noise and smell these things are unwanted even in the shithole they scurried out of
You and every other pajeet developers
Ever think we don’t want condos full of foreigners And would prefer the trees? Course not you arrogant fuck
What race are you? I'm moving to kelowna to be closer to the mountains and away from Somali.
I live in Abbotsford and Sikhs have been here since the 1800s . We are doing very well. You guys know this as well. Whites have some issues and I wish them all the best but drug addiction and low employment is a real issue for the caucasian in my area.
Hes a Sikh, so I like him.
I am Jatt sikh, lke jagmeet above. I dont have a beard or turban though lol
For real it seems to be growing. Anyone know what's up with that? Does it grow out of his head naturally?
Slum dog debonair does have a good European tailor
That's very nice of you! Always need to remind myself that you are the majority lol.
Basically the White of today is the Native American of yesterday. Broken and defeated, this time by their own government.
Where do you poo? Why must you inhabit a 90% plus white town? I'll be there soon and we'll discuss your exit strategy.
canadian sikhs larp as blacks
lot of non sikh indians hate him for being a khalistani, he was part of a student group in toronto that celebrated indira gandhi's assassination
Greens will win more than ndp
I am exaclty the same way. Everyone is my brother however.
That in itself is making the story, the racism he faces is boosting him.
if by boosting you mean destroying the NDP, then yes
I really hope that is the case. May is the only one who seems to be a genuine person.
At least his brown face is real.
Hey why do Sikhs keep calling me "brother"? are we about to have you buttfarts fighting the muzz over here?
I live in a 99 percent Sikh area of Abbotsford brother. Abbotsford is not 90 percent white. more like 60 I would say.
if by genuine person you mean an out of touch useful idiot drunken hag, then yes
Sikhs believe all of man kind is united in the same struggle.
You are just showing your struggle in a different way.
Reported to the RCMP. You'll be visited by them shortly. Enjoy!