Are there any rare flags on? What's it's like on your country?
Rare flags
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>Are there any rare flags on?
not me
>What's it's like on your country?
This one is provably rare.
What's wrong Klaus?
I think this one is also rare.
Here's an old German flag.
thank you
saw another shitskin today
I think this one is rare
Fuck forgot the picture
Arent there shit skins everywhere now in Germany hans ?
sadly yes
Sad to see Germany turning into American Hans.
It's actually one of my favorites compared to any flag, definitely top tier when it comes to looks and design.
Then feel free to go back to Greece or Turkey or whatever Balkan shithole u came from
This is also a cool looking flag, don't know if it exists officially.
He wasn't talking about himself you dentally challenged taddy mouth!
What is it
It's a Zia people flag, I think it's a neat looking flag. Not my favorite, but it has good design.
Our flags are rare and we show up to disappoint, our country is also equally disappointing
How are the pyramids
Or maybe this flag, very interesting design.
I feel this is a good thread to express this in: I am sick and tired of all the anti-Canadianism on Jow Forums. I'm sick and tired of Americans saying that we're America's bitch. I'm sick and tired of Europeans thinking that we're no different from America. I'm sick and tired of people thinking that we're faggots just because we elected a faggot Prime Minister. I'm sick and tired of people claiming - with no evidence - that our food prices are unusually high. I'm sick and tired of you singling out Canada *consistently* while giving all other nations a free pass. If this keeps up we're just going to end up taking our balls and going home. Just wait to see how empty Jow Forums will be after we're gone.
Whatever, just post some good flags.
Sorry Abdullah but u have to go back too
Whatever, I can go back to Finland.
And here's another flag representing your cuckold Zionist country.