Is reddit really that bad?

Is reddit really that bad?
Sure its boomer hell, but it's great for very niche communities, such as indie games, art genres, etc.
There also is some nice ironic shitposting in vain of /s4s/.
Everything else is bad though.
>Inb4 Plebbit

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Reddit is bad. NEETsoc is also bad.

Apart from the_donald (which is a shameless echo chamber) the rest of reddit is an SJW basic bitch wasteland with communist China levels of censorship.

>but it's great for very niche communities, such as indie games, art genres, etc.
I see this argument all the time. Sometimes it's the most active place for niche communities, sure, but even those are cancerous and succumb to the same hiveminds and power hungry moderators. It's largest problem is and will always be its karma / voting system.

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Its currently down for me

It can be bad but I mostly stray away from left or right leaning sections of the site. I stick to ironic circlejerks.

The worst thing is they start the communities on reddit then the whole fucking community is reddit.

reddit is good for healthy people who don’t suffer of tourette‘s

In theory, small nice subs are ok, but they eventually succumb to leftism, groupthink, and repetition. The pretentiousness is also unbearable.

just like Jow Forums

the_donald is fucking awful and probably full of bots. Posts there get thousands of upvotes with like 12 comments.
And if you dare criticize Israel they'll call you a liberal cuck or your comment will get deleted by a mod.

I have changed my reddit to only include things I like seeing.

Avoid any political or controversial reddits or current cultural happenings reddits. . Also porn reddits. Dont interact with screeching normies. Then it turns into a decent environment. A lot of reddits are just about hobbies.

It was once pretty good. Look at this:

It's not all bad
But the majority of it is full of the most insufferable types of self-righteous retards.
This holier-then-though rightspeak mentality is really the zeitgeist there, and the way that the site is set up enforces that sort of behavior.
There are a couple exceptions, like the shitposting boards, but they are rare.
go to any major subreddit and sort by top rated, it's an absolute shit show

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Yes, it really is that bad.
If you use reddit you are part of the problem.

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Reddit is great, there's lots of funny and informative subreddits. I usually frequent r/funny and r/dankmemes and I really like community on le reddit

It’s jewish that’s for sure

Kys reddit fag.

The goddamn nigger tier mods should know better than to allow a redddit thread to exist. This goddamn shit is only going to cause trouble

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I don't get why everyone here is so hostile. You should check out Jow Forumsfuckthealtright and Jow Forumsantifastonetoss. The left can meme and it's pretty funny

I have a long list of games subreddits. And I was completely banned from all reddit after making comment about a great video game idea where you manage a concentration camp and gas jews.. /pc gaming . Also, banned from the Donald for racist remark that beaners shouldnt be allowed in the country. Banned from so many reddits. Banned by association from weird normie reddits I've never visited. But now, I just look at hobby reddits and things and dont get mad about all rampant faggotry on that site.

SJW were once laughed out of the website, until pao came along. Tumblr invaded it at that time and destroyed it.
I hate what it's become. I hate these people so much. I can't hate niggers for the same reason I can't hate a dog. It's just their nature. But these people are white...
If someone actually Tarranted a reddit meetup, it would make me the happiest person in the world, no kidding.

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Jfc this photo kek

The voting system is bad, but the moderation is the real problem right now. Maybe one causes the other, you could argue.
You will actually be rate-limited if they detect you have bad karma. You can only post once every 9 minutes or so. So you will just get dogpilled by good-thinkers. Eventually you will get banned and if you make a new account you will have to wait a few days before even being allowed to post (on some subreddits).
I remember when reddit started it was very much a pro free-speech website. In those times the karma system also enforced some negative group-think, but at least it was an open forum. It was very hard to get banned or have your comment removed. I used to have a lot of fun reading all the downvoted comments, but now those are usually deleted so I have to look at a caching website to read them. Sometimes 500 out of 1000 comments will be deleted, completely distorting the reader's perception.

down in western us too

There are a couple based refuges on there, but if you go on the main subreddits, those people are absolutely fucked. I took a 2 year break from reddit, visiting for the first time today, and they're seething, backward far-leftists. It was not healthy for me to be there, amongst people who trust authority so thoroughly.

yes. Even if you don't agree with the guy in pic related, his comment should not have been removed because it is a reasonable position but it goes against all the vaccine shilling there.

so since you used to be a reddit faggot how much worse is the website gotten since trump got elected?

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>But these people are white...
That's where you're wrong friend

pic related meant for op

Its as bad as they say. Its an echochamber with smaller echo chambers. upvoting and downvoting create a bad atmosphere for a messaging board

I had to quit after Trump won the primary. After that happened, a switch was flipped, and nothing was ever the same again. It's beyond help, now. Those people are going to start trying to murder people after Trump gets reelected. Every major subreddit has been infused with anti-trump, anti-USA messaging, and they love it.

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They are. Every poll they do is more than 70% white

>Those people are going to start trying to murder people after Trump gets reelected
this is the primary reason why I like trump and will vote for him again. He makes the right people mad. Hell even if he is killing the country I don't care because it's already in the shitter the way it is now.

>Is reddit really that bad?

>1-Best comment by votes
>1.1-Best comment by votes of the best comment by votes
>1.2-Second Best comment by votes of the best comment by votes
>2-Second Best comment by votes
>3-Third Best comment by votes
>3.1-Best comment by votes of the third best comment by votes

Yes, its a mentally rtarded thing

we have libertarians, ancaps, conservatives, minarchists, radical centrism...... here

>Is reddit really that bad?
It depends which subreddit.

reddit really went to shit when they banned fatpeoplehate. Goddamn, that subreddit was fun.

>Is reddit really that bad?

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it's good as a link aggregator if you never ever read comments

It’s really that bad because lefties actively work to take over subs, politicize them and use them for propaganda. Look at r/Epstein, it started as a bipartisan sub dedicated to discussing Epstein’s crimes and his associates regardless of politics, now its just another orange man bad sub.

Pretty much this.

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The Donald is controlled opposition. The mods there have long since been replaced by mods that Reddit has chosen for them. That place is gone and mostly boomers at this point.

>is this AstroTurf marketing campaign platform terrible?
yes, yes it is.

Hmmmm, OUT pleb

Hang this lulzy user pls

That the best you can come up with? You can't even make a point or have intelligent debate. Nice Confederate flag you white trash POS. In case you don't know, you lost the war. It's no wonder you will be a minority. I'll have to post this on Jow Forumstopminds because you're pretty lulzy

wtf happened to reddit? tey used to have based subs like coontown and white nationalist stuff. now even the right wing subs are brigaded by trannies and commies. go look at the republican or jordan peterson subs, so much astroturfing going on. reddit is a lot cause. reddit has no edge anymore, it's dull jokes aimed at white people.

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ITT: snowflakes whining about how bad le reddit is
Drink more onions incels

this. so much fucking this. have my updoot good sir

edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger

I’m convinced the majority of the front page is completely artificial by now. The vaccination stuff is the best example. Imagine a bunch of gamers, trannies, softbois and Atheists^tm spend their time circlejerking over how dumb other people are, where utter fags lacking all personal identity chase the most upvoted ideas, and adherence to the group trumps all. Now throw in some cheap upvote bots, the type that Reddit’s “powerusers” have been caught using to bump themselves up, but on a larger scale.

There were times where reddit was actually pretty good. The original donald was great before it got infiltrated by shills and turned into controlled opposition, mde was also great until the end and when it was banned.

Until recently it was also usable in mid-popularity subreddits, anything that was overtly bringing politics into subs that were non-political was downvoted. But now since reddit has banned every subreddit that is right-leaning the culture has changed completely, and leftist trash is upvoted even in non-political subs.


read it and rage

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It's really not the same at all.
Go to voat if you want to experience a reddit populated by channers.

i can't tell if this is real or satire anymore.