PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP / @realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything! / /
NEW APPEARANCES >Pres Trump visits Border Wall in Otay Mesa CA 9/18/ /video /?464449-1 / /Te-PDydWAcQ >Pres Trump arrives @MCAS Miramar 9/18/ /video /709880 / /RVlZUohgfFM >Pres Trump departs LAX 9/18/ /3A1cKE3VuYs >Pres Trump/NSA O'Brien comments before departing LAX 9/18/ /cJe7WKHo2iE >CommSec Wilburine/Ivanka @US Workforce Advisory Board meeting 9/18/ /Lhq9GWMDo48 >FEDChair Powell News Conf on Econ Policy 9/18/ /TnT9J0JwmsA >DoJ/FBI/NSA Officials @House on FISA Oversight 9/18/ /28qqU8BRWPo >HHS Officials @House on Mental Health of Illegal Kids 9/18/ /video /?464368-1 / >USAF 2019 AFA Air/Space/Cyber Conf - Day 3 9/18/ /video /709728 / (DefSec Esper) /video /709802 / (Leading w/Purpose) /video /709862 / (Fwd Pw Proj) /video /709859 / (MDO Env) >DoDVideo: Bahraini Crown Prince Visits Pentagon 9/18/ /video /709854 / >Best Moments from the Lewandowski Hearing 9/17/ /CwKBypbqz4c >Pres Trump arrives @LAX 9/17/ / /R8F_CI0G4jg >Pres Trump departs Moffett Federal Airfield CA 9/17/ /tmOVwQPfQDk >Pres Trump arrives in Mountain View CA 9/17/ /lxWOyQtzSpo >Pres Trump departs NM 9/17/ /74siXv7Yzzk
OP pastebin: /nygxu29R prev
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September 18, 2019 - 22:55
September 18, 2019 - 22:55
September 18, 2019 - 22:56
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September 18, 2019 - 22:56
September 18, 2019 - 22:56
>why yes, I'm from florida, how could you tell?
Attached: screen-watch?v=r7HZucr_UAY_2019-09-18-00:01:36.jpg (1679x962, 1.58M)
September 18, 2019 - 22:56
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September 18, 2019 - 22:57
September 18, 2019 - 22:57
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September 18, 2019 - 22:57
>30 feet tall >Filled with rebar and concrete >Wired with sensors
What's not to like
September 18, 2019 - 22:57
Attached: MAGA Penny.jpg (789x793, 301K)
September 18, 2019 - 22:57
lmfaoooo at trying to soften it by saying >brown face instead of >BLACKFACE
September 18, 2019 - 22:57
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September 18, 2019 - 22:57
I think he wants to suicide.
September 18, 2019 - 22:57
>they are now speaking spanish with him.....
September 18, 2019 - 22:57
September 18, 2019 - 22:58
Attached: awoo throws apus.gif (1440x900, 548K)
September 18, 2019 - 22:58
I like that art. Who did it?
September 18, 2019 - 22:58
no ads yet.
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September 18, 2019 - 22:58
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September 18, 2019 - 22:58
Check trump in this latest video /video /pIPrYt4luluu /
September 18, 2019 - 22:58
Attached: BollardWall.png (1000x502, 737K)
September 18, 2019 - 22:59
September 18, 2019 - 22:59
September 18, 2019 - 22:59
What a chad. Probably fucked all those women that night.
September 18, 2019 - 22:59
I wish that America annexes Canada and all leaves have to live in camps out in Nunavut.
Attached: north-america-map.gif (749x936, 234K)
September 18, 2019 - 22:59
Despite the progress we've made, the fight against racism is far from over. On the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, we take a hard look at the present & recognize there's more to do to #fightracism in our communities. /JustinTrudeau /status /976439104266121217?s=19
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September 18, 2019 - 22:59
September 18, 2019 - 22:59
>painting something that'll be naturally sandblasted daily WEW
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September 18, 2019 - 22:59
Winning Big League!
Attached: tswons0khdn31.jpg.jpg (640x834, 99K)
September 18, 2019 - 22:59
don't fret about being a saudi bitch, wear it like armor. the world will not forget
Attached: copestrats.jpg (720x405, 65K)
September 18, 2019 - 22:59
September 18, 2019 - 22:59
KEK, you ever see what happens to walls or fences when Mexicans are around? They can't stop themselves from spray painting them.
September 18, 2019 - 22:59
Leftists are hypocritical and project what they do onto those around them. Just like how pearlclutchers and evangelicals who complain about things they don't like do worse than what they're complaining about. Who knew?
September 18, 2019 - 22:59
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September 18, 2019 - 23:00
September 18, 2019 - 23:00
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September 18, 2019 - 23:00
September 18, 2019 - 23:00
September 18, 2019 - 23:00
>It's been dictatored to me now Well gosh
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September 18, 2019 - 23:01
September 18, 2019 - 23:01
I doubt most of those people even knew what was going on.
September 18, 2019 - 23:01
Attached: screen-watch?v=r7HZucr_UAY_2019-09-18-00:08:00.jpg (1679x962, 1.34M)
September 18, 2019 - 23:01
September 18, 2019 - 23:01
September 18, 2019 - 23:01
September 18, 2019 - 23:01
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September 18, 2019 - 23:02
Now that's a wall I'd fuck
Attached: Bear-Rides-Eagle.jpg (600x679, 179K)
September 18, 2019 - 23:02
Goddamn I didn't realize how large those posts are
September 18, 2019 - 23:02
the comments on twitter are always fun >thats a fence >but its a fence >thats not a wall >you mean a fence >wtf impeach
a lot of the bs media is actually saying that it was over 20k...
Attached: EEyCc7WXUAAvgKM.jpg (1387x2048, 384K)
September 18, 2019 - 23:02
September 18, 2019 - 23:02
you couldnt make this shit up. people wouldnt believe it
September 18, 2019 - 23:02
Could use some auto turrets desu.
September 18, 2019 - 23:03
Bump for IOTBW:
Attached: pepe_iotbw.png (500x500, 37K)
September 18, 2019 - 23:03
China has been depleting it's emergency pork reserves.
September 18, 2019 - 23:03
Justin Castro has always been /ourguy/
Attached: trudeau on africa.jpg (1028x585, 221K)
September 18, 2019 - 23:03
September 18, 2019 - 23:04
>20k liberals in washington square park in liberal manhattan. OMFG THAT'S AMAZING
September 18, 2019 - 23:04
>Touching a woman
Obviously not him.
September 18, 2019 - 23:04
gee if only there was a state that had more hogs than they knew what to do with
Attached: itappearsmysuperiorityIOWA.png (675x446, 76K)
September 18, 2019 - 23:04
>3.5 years >0 miles of new wall >60 miles of replacement fence >$0 paid for by mexico
based rural retards funding trumps pet projects and getting nothing done after nearly an entire presidential term
when does hillary get locked up btw?
September 18, 2019 - 23:04
Attached: Trump Salute 1.jpg (1679x962, 1.25M)
September 18, 2019 - 23:04
Not happening since Bibi probably won't be PM.
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September 18, 2019 - 23:04
>Chinese SLUTS want your BIG AMERICAN PORK right now! >Click here to find out more!
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September 18, 2019 - 23:04
awoo nerds!
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September 18, 2019 - 23:04
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September 18, 2019 - 23:04
I like how Canada and Mexico are similar in profile to the USA, if we were to add them both it just looks like a bigger natural evolution of the USA
September 18, 2019 - 23:05
Reminder they have to import Euro pig sperm now. I wish I was joking. The chinks are just so sad.
September 18, 2019 - 23:05
This from his SoCal trip?
September 18, 2019 - 23:05
>literal US clay in the holy land through our embassy >American boots on kike clay >literally enforcing the two-state solution
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September 18, 2019 - 23:05
guys! bernie got 10s of thousands of people at his rally in san francisco! he could actually be president!
September 18, 2019 - 23:05
September 18, 2019 - 23:05
>hurrrr he doesn't need grammar because blurrrrrrrrrr
September 18, 2019 - 23:06
We don't need Mexico. That ship sailed long ago. But Canada? Yeah.
Attached: pwXoy.jpg (964x740, 60K)
September 18, 2019 - 23:06
>China has been depleting it's emergency pork reserves.
Long Pig next on the menu
September 18, 2019 - 23:06
just got off the phone if bernie/warren is the candidate, trump will cancel student debt as an effort to undercut their campaign
September 18, 2019 - 23:07
September 18, 2019 - 23:07
>you couldnt make this shit up. people wouldnt believe it Gee, why would that be?
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September 18, 2019 - 23:07
September 18, 2019 - 23:07
Is trump calling Mexicans monkeys?
September 18, 2019 - 23:07
He has been accused of sexual assault and was on camera manhandling a woman just 2 years ago.
September 18, 2019 - 23:07
September 18, 2019 - 23:08
we've been at peak Poe's Law for a while now. a parody is indistinguishable from the real thing when it comes to looney liberalism
September 18, 2019 - 23:08
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September 18, 2019 - 23:08
TrumpOP, if lurking. I have more updates and some correction to the archive bin; there has been some confusion
September 18, 2019 - 23:09
Canada is a joke and must be destroyed
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September 18, 2019 - 23:09
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September 18, 2019 - 23:10
September 18, 2019 - 23:10
September 18, 2019 - 23:10
Jerry! You told me I wasn't staff, Jerry. You said I was a member. Well I turned myself into a staff, Jerry, you fat fugging jew.
Attached: Staff-Member.png (865x865, 161K)
September 18, 2019 - 23:10
How very racism of you user
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September 18, 2019 - 23:11
September 18, 2019 - 23:11
Hollywood doing the same old shit
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September 18, 2019 - 23:12
Wow, great party, Justin!
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September 18, 2019 - 23:12
September 18, 2019 - 23:12
Can someone explain wtf this means
September 18, 2019 - 23:12
/co/ is a leftist shithole. Go back to your trash heap, mindless "geek" consumer.
September 18, 2019 - 23:12
I couldn't even see him at first lmao.
September 18, 2019 - 23:12
September 18, 2019 - 23:13
lmao she can't even fake being a shitlib
September 18, 2019 - 23:13