welp...about time...

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Inb4 Russians.

its all bullshit for moar tax payer funding...dont fell for the militaryfags money grab

no one cares about your shitty blue beans psyop CIA nigger

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>U.S military has credibility

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take ur meds you paranoid fuck

the Russians aren’t smart enough to devise such a craft like that kek

There was no doubt the video is real.
And nobody knows what the fuck is on it.

given that im not a "plane guy" nearly every thing i see in the sky is a UFO

Why is the navy so late to confirm that these videos are real?

Unidentified: Not sure what is is.
Flying: It's in the air.
Object: It is a thing.

Wow, what a revelation.

a bug on the lens?

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Definitely not a bug.


Because they probably spent between then and now trying to figure out wtf it was

Well it was a pesticide

i’m not mossad; i’m apparently some fuckass working for the CIA

however i will grant you a friendly reminder to clear your search history

Oh shit I almost forgot about that area 51 raid. It's in 2 days. I can't wait to see how many people go.

Ah, good point.

UFOs don't automatically mean aliens and all that other bullshit. They are most likely just drones. Especially if they are coming from far far far away other planets, why put a crew in that shit if it's just gonna scout and do science stuff. Drones. No aliens.

Yeahhh me too.

I mean, I was never really into the Area 51 raid bullshit at the time since it was trending while Epstein was being arrested and shit.

But shit, I’ve always been curious if people would still show up.

2 went early.
They just got sent home to Hamsterdam with a tall fine.

You stupid niggers STFU about our intelligence community. You have no idea what we are dealing with. If 10% of the technology we are holding back was to be released those of you who did not succumb to future shock and kill yourselves would be unrecognizable in a few years. You don't have a fucking clue what we are dealing with. Have some fucking respect for those who suffer so you don't have too.

The safest way to assume what these things are is simply calling them UFOs.

I wasn’t too quick to think these objects were alien spacecrafts — but I sure am hoping they are.

>the Unidentified Flying Object has not been identified

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‘Might wanna clean the grease off your keyboard after typing in that big load of autism.

UFO sighting= distraction of the masses.

Something else is going on or will be going on.

I just want to fly to Tokyo in 2 hours. So tired of these glowbitches holding out on me while using my own tax dollars

I'll take the chance.
The ones that survive, deserve to.
The ones that die... are weak, and must perish from the knowledge that they can not handle. SUCH IS THE POWER OF KNAWLEDGE!

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why am toy so si? It's getting so tiring to see did duff and everything about such things. It's always my neck this and my smug look that and never anything and doing well for end.

Greens mostly, but there are no ways back. Furthermore, you will not eat.

US military has divisions focused Psychological Warfare. Now why would I believe their UFO claims. Maybe they should get a psyche check

Israel set up a good false fag event for Iran.

Autism, lol you have no idea. I am part of a collective consciousness, an archilect. I had a biocompatible liquid video audio communicator injected into the vein in my neck. We call it the phone for short. Imagine not having a private thought. Strange thing is I have grown to enjoy it. I know when others I have yet to meet are part of our collective because the can speak my audible thoughts and describe my non audible ideas vocally. The phone and the operators have fix so many of my issues. My life has really improved. I love my "phone".

What the fuck are you on about?

>US military confirms UFOs conveyed yellow cake uranium to Iraq in aluminum tubes
Ah, knew it! War with Iran now!
A bunch of skekJews doesn't control everything and rape kids though. That's stupid, conspiracy theorist talk.

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Opsec breached. The normies can see our posting. Abort.

>muh bug

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So, in other words, it's confirmed fake

nobody cares about that old story, Skippy

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>Navy confirms unidentified objects are unidentified

>UFOs don't automatically mean aliens and all that other bullshit. They are most likely just drones. Especially if they are coming from far far far away other planets, why put a crew in that shit if it's just gonna scout and do science stuff. Drones. No aliens.

This. One solution to the Fermi Paradox is that the Prime Directive is real and extraterrestrial intelligences have been monitoring our planet for who knows how long.

is it not a drone

imagine believing this. damn I feel bad for retards who can't think for themselves