Mass protests NOW!!!!
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Based Trudeau
True doe rayciss...GRRRRRRRR
trudump is such a faggot
Shin Trudeau (forma maligno)
If Trudeau grows a small mustache right under his nose, I'll vote for him.
Upvote everything, spread the word.
>Trudeau confirms he put on blackface a second time in high school for a talent competition. Again, says he is profoundly sorry. #cdnpoli #elxn43
Why does this fag like dressing up so much? Specifically as a brown man.
Stop sliding.
A better question is why would all Canadians LITERALLY vote in a white supremacist? Not even joking.
I was just about to make a thread similar to this. I want to know why everyone in power seems to have dressed in black face at one point in their life. What is so attractive about blackface to white people?
What if that was his true form and he's actually in whiteface
based and redpilled
Please go out into the cities and spread this like hell hahahaha i want to see leftist crucify him , would be pure gold.
the comments dont seem to care as much as the ndp pajeet.
This is not racism. Trudaeu is not a racist. He is an artist, and a performer. Something you brainlet nazi's would NEVER understand. Long live the Canadian Empire, long live Trudaeu. May the sun never set on a moose in the mountains.
He admits it!
Ya'll fucking with a black white jewish persian?
Canadian white supremacy. The USA needs to tariff Canada NOW!!!!!!
You're gonna pay for this you fucking nazi scum.
this is actually true. before becoming PM he was a drama teacher, so he's kinda just play acting
>What is so attractive about blackface to...
Not sure good question.
I would vote for trudeau if he offered me free dental and universal pharmacare. SInce he is not I am on the ECO fascist team the green party.
i like how they call it, brownface....
How did you find this place? Was it linked over on Reddit?
>I would vote for trudeau if he offered me free dental and universal pharmacare
I bet you would suck dick for money as well.
This may be what finally wakens the slumbering leaf. Now we may see "the rage from the north" that has so long been foretold by prognosticators and prophets. Now we see the mobilized canadian masses-- aroused, intent, united, surging.
They knew this was a power they had to contain. For so long, they got by with hockey and mild-manneredness.
But now the elemental canadianness is summoned from into being at last.
And the world gasps in hope and terror
I love this meme
Nazi scum go home!
I don't feel the Fuhrer was being racist. He just goes all out.
I outgrew my libertarian phase.
been on Jow Forums 12 years
Looks like a you grew a brain tumor instead.
What i don't understand is why this takes so long to come out, why now?
Surely if the leader of a nation posed for a "racist" picture in his yearbook then someone who knew him would have mentioned it years ago.
100% this! Literal NAZI RACIST Trudeau has no idea the sleeping fucking giant of seething rage he has awakened.
That disgusting pure evil Canadian NAZI RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
same to you retarded libertarian mad max shill. You guys are autistic af.
His apology is the epitome of hypocrisy.
BTW, he also admitted to putting on blackface in high school and singing Day-O
>I know you are but what am I
Clever, very clever, retard. You realize the Green Party has nothing in line with your political views besides the eco part, right?
That brownface smile fucking cracks me up! Also a bonus that the idiots will be outraged and it should affect his numbers.
Racist! Sexist! Xenophobic! #endthehate #TrudeauOUT
Hahahahahahaha perfect
>guaranteed livable income
>massive amount of jobs in a new deal like initiative
>Free dental and pharmacare
>Putting internation pressure on china and other polluters
>tuitiion free post-secondary education
>student loan forgiveness
hes going to resign screencap this
>that get
seriously though, this decade has shown that EVERYONE is fucking racist and whatever other buzzword that gets thrown out like it's going out if style, either legitimately or casually racist, every single person on this planet, everyone that pretends to be a pure angel that oozes nothing but virtue has been called out.
everyone's been put under a microscope and shown they are all fucking hypocrites
They're not outraged, they're ironically saying shit like 'no big deal this isn't news' and 'this is outrage culture', despite these people being the same ones that would shit themselves if it happened to a party leader they didn't support.
All this incident shows is that the average Canadian is tremendously fucking stupid and you can trust them to do the right thing as much as you can trust a dog that keeps biting people.
Read their platform. They are the only party besides the ppc with clear policy proposals. But I hate max Bernier because he is a libertarian who wants free trade agreements with everyone and want to privatize everything.
Better give free post secondary school or the equivalent in money to those who purposefully didn't indebt themselves stupidly. Why the fuck should taxpayers pay for losers who went to school for things they couldn't use to pay off their loans?
Nazi Trudeau Must Go!
Nazi Trudeau Must Go!
Nazi Trudeau Must Go!
Nazi Trudeau Must Go!
Are you stupid enough to think that the Green Party could find the budget for that when we already have one of the highest tax rates on the planet? Are you stupid enough to believe they could even get a fraction of that done? It's a rhetorical question, because they haven't had a chance of winning since they were founded and they're not growing so you may as well set your vote on fire.
>massive amount of jobs in a new deal like initiative
Muh WE GUNNA CREATE JERBS. Sorry, a green new deal will never exist. There's simply not that many new workers needed when you switch over from oil, coal, and national gas to solar, or wind.
Also lets be honest here, they would get their shit pushed in with any conflict regarding China. One allegation of racism and they would buckle.
i heard him apologizing for this saying "i know now that this is racist" etc. what a clown world. these motherfuckers would make it alot easier on themselves if they chose to live in reality.
Because it creates a clean slate before tuition-free schooling comes through. These kids have been tricked into going into college and taking debt and pressured by eveyone to go to school. All these if ands or buts get in the way of progress and nothing would ever change. |
If student loans are taken off the back of young people it will make it easier for young people to have kids, buy a house, buy cars, or whatever. Taking this debt off their backs will stimulate the economy by allowing young people to contribute to the economy. Only kikes are against this because they profit off usury.
As an African with a black face and large black dick, I would like to fuck Justin in the ass. Justin! pull down your pants.
Not gonna lie, he actually makes a pretty good-looking nigger.
I hope he gets what's coming to him.
He'd be the 1st to condemn, railroad, and smear others who have done the exact same thing.
sorry not voting for cuckservatives. They have a proven record of cutting essential services.
All I see is a terrible photo of May, them claiming support for shit like "LGBTQI2 plus" and "two spirit" natives. Literally their first piece of their platform is "Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples" and "provide restitution for the colonial relations".
By the way, giving money to people because they are native is racist.
I don't care who you vote for. You're a single person in a riding that will likely be won by thousands of votes. I just wanted to see if you had anything to actual defend your position with but you, in all seriousness, haven't come up with anything.
You just run deficits when you want to pay for gibs. Look at the US with their insane deficits and ballooning debt. Then you just crash the interest rates (with no survivor), and servicing that debt becomes a joke. If the debt really becomes a problem, then you have the nuclear option of just printing money or defaulting. Gibs saved. Taxes are mostly a tool to shape society and avoid large inequalities. The actual income from them is mostly meaningless.
I wrote a list for you. Sorry dude mad max has no chance in hell.
That epic turban to boot!! Fucking Sultan style baby! Extra insulting!
now is the time to expose trudeau.
don't let this one go down the memory hole..
make it a meme so normies and media is forced to discuss it.
also we need to go overtime to expose other politicians (australian/NZ MPs for example, would be sweet to find something like this on the NZ PM, i know it probably exists).
contact people on social media who attended the same school/uni as politicians..
anything even remotely 'racist' can be manipulated to seem more malicious.
Nobody has licked the balls of minorities more and this is how it goes down.
Tariff Canada NOW!!
#RacistTrudeau is a credibly accused white supremacist.
He was not only in black face but also groping women while doing this, obviusly mocking black people with the "super predator" racist stereotype
Your list doesn't actually reflect what they would get done and that isn't even their main policy, which as stated, is reparations for native people, support for LGBTBQQ, and a bunch of shit that would be infinitely worse than even the bullshit Trudeau manages to create. You know how many billions of dollars reparations would cost? It would take around 85 billion dollars just to give every native person 50k and they would obviously want more than that. Then add in all the gibs on top of it.
>Sorry dude mad max has no chance in hell.
They are already polling higher than the Green Party in their first election. The green party has always been unpopular and will forever stay that way with their completely insane policies. You can have fun in your fantasies, I don't care.
I hope CAIR gets on his case.
He deserves it for his hypocrisy.
All the reddit forums are being targeted by paid liberal posters. They are feeding so much shit. It's a fucking lying liberal frenzy.
Alright leafs and burgers time to put on the thinking caps.
Comment in pic got me thinking about how this is actually going down behind the scenes.
First things first the story was picked up by Time and not a Canadian news outlet even though the whole thing happened in Canada.
Second, we know Trudeau is in the same little club as the the democratic swamp elites in the states. Trudeau gave the Clinton foundation 22 million of canadian taxpayers dollars for those who don't know. Also wiki links has a couple references to JT and "the horse up north" as they called him.
Third, we know Time would never run a story like this without approval of whoever's actually running the show behind the scenes.
So my hypothesis is the Elites above JT have known for a while that Trudeaus behind the scenes polling numbers have been super low. They've been propping them way up with the public polls in hopes of bringing up his real numbers(our polls have business ties to American globalists elites like Bloomberg). Now with the election a month away they may have realized they need can't turn the tide and If they really do control the polls than they have to find a way to explain his low liberal voting numbers post election since they have been propping him up at 32% for months. Like if Trudeau got only 15% of the vote in a month from now every pollster would be exposed for being in on the scam which would ruin their reputation and ability to control future elections. And they cant just slowly drop the poll numbers with a month to go unless.... they have a scandal to make it look authentic.
Now if that's all correct and the elites have tanked Trudeau publicly for that purpose, that means they have selected their new puppet on the left. Probably Elizabeth May since she's pushing that green agenda hard. Yesterday she rolled out her platform and it's basically a copy of the green new deal.
The hurt never really goes away to white supremacist brown face.
>By the way, giving money to people because they are native is racist.
It’s okay when it’s Europeans we are talking about. It’s literally okay for us to do things we can shame other races for
Lol forgot picture
Also I would suspect most of the "public" polling numbers they have given Trudeau have come at the expense of the PPC. The real polls probably have the PPC quite a few percentage points higher and that's where they robbed the majority of the votes from to prop up the Liberals with
You just nip pick 2 policies and ignore the rest. There is more of chance between a coalition of the greens and the ndp.
They are already polling higher than the Green >Party in their first election
not true.
green party 9.7 percent PPC only 2.7 percent percent.
TrueDope's political career gets ended by a whiny snitch bitch he hired because he wanted more womannnnn in politics and a picture where he is not banging some chick that is not his wife .
He done goofed up.
I'm literally reading their policies and stating them here. Reparations is the first one on the list. Like any party based on gibs, they just list off a bunch of shit without any intention of actually following through if elected. They do that so they can have easy talking points like 'free college and university' when there's no budget they could created that would include it, which is why even the NDP hasn't said they'll do that.
It's dependent on what poll you are citing. Green Party got only 3.4% last election, they'll foretasted to get as low as 3% this election. You're right that the green party average is higher, but the PPC originally had 20% when it was formed, only to have to fall. We'll see next month, but you have to admit that most of the people voting for green party are doing it in protest instead of actually thinking reparations and such are a good idea.
If yesterday, an Oracle approached me (testicles hanging out) and advised me to bet 10 million dollars that Trudeau would be caught in black face, I would laugh and kick him square in the nuts.