
Was anyone here an adult during Y2K?

>Why did the jews push the narrative that banks were going to lose all your money?

>How much insane prepping did you do and what did you do with your stash?

>How have you applied what you've learned since then to recent jew narratives?

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I wish it happened so I was never born. 2001

I was a teenager but a computer nerd. I assured everyone that everything would be fine. And it was.

Imagine being this obsessed with jews

no but I remember it. It was fun time with lots of consiracies that the Apocalypse would start at 00.00 and all computers would stop functioning and the world would collapes.
Much like 2012 I guess.

power outage, dams failing.. basically armaggedon was being pushed... was pretty fun. i tripped on for the last time lol

on lsd

I was twenty one. I remember thinking it was stupid. I knew a lot of people who were buying bottled water and shit. I've always assumed it was an operation of some sort. Or a financial scheme

>Why did the jews push the narrative that banks were going to lose all your money?
as far as I remember the conspiracy theory said all computers and other IT stuff would stop functioning because they wouldn't be able to automatically adjust the new timeline because they could not "understand" the year "00". so all stock markets and computers would crash and food couldn't get delievered to the super markets and we'd all die because of it.

I was a child so I didn't care much and also didn't believe it but I found the theory funny.

I was a freshman in uni at the time but I knew it was retarded to believe in it. I'm thankful it didn't because I had tickets to the 2000 Royal Rumble which was kino.

>1999 was 30 years ago


Wasn't quite an adult, but old enough to be groupchatting on ICQ all night waiting for the world to end.

I've considered that maybe it was a precursor to 911, either ritually or predictive programming

>reddit spacing
Kill yourself, shill.

Fucking dumbass

C'mon man, you're making us look bad

from what I recall people were fearful about how certain giant banking-computer systems were going to interpret a 00 date as 1900 instead of 2000.

I mean there were fears of programming errors on major computer systems, but that shit was corrected well before the Y2K meme

That's what it was mostly, mostly pre 9/11 media fodder. only retards who listened to Coast to Coast or Alex Jones took it seriously and hid in bunkers.

Y2K was gay. Nothing ever happens. I was drunk as fuck as an 18 year old. I got my dick sucked by a 30 yo bitch. Can’t remember her name. Nice tits though.

Me and my friends were ready to raid a local National Guard armory. We broke in and drove the Hummers around in Halloween 1998. Good times.

t. Gen Xer

Was fun - everyone freaking out about shit hitting the fan. I spend that New Years eve moshing to Candiria at CBGB's.
Are you retarded?

maybe I'm a little retarded too

I remember it in the news a little bit. I don’t recall meeting anyone who took it seriously.

Well, Jews control the media. Jews also control banks. Seems counter-productive to panic everyone and practically incentivize people to withdraw money from their bank, no?

Very few people took it seriously.
Some did at first a few years out, but then most people realized it was nothing.
I had a shitty little desktop computer that I pushed the clock ahead to Dec 31,1999 at 11:59pm and watched to rollover to Y2K with no problem. That's when I realized it was gonna nothing.
The thing it, in the years up to Y2k it was a real issue, and the tech people at the time put a lot of work into upgrading everything to handle the rollover.

I was 23yo in '99 but I can't be bothered talking about it other than a lot of the panic was down to the media for the sole reason of turning sensationalism into cash, again.
Contrary to media spin, very few people feared Y2k, people were more interested/entertained by the novelty of it.

>all these larping generation Z faggots
Just stop.

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I was 27. People thought the computers would launch the nukes. Like there were no safeguards. I'm sure they made money off the fear.

I was 9 at the time and no jokes we unironically prepared for the end of the world

had a bunch of large milk jugs and bottles filled up with water and stashed in the house. a whole ton of candles and matches, corned beef, spam etc, portable stove and gass bottles

covered up the windows with thick blankets and parents warned me not to look outside the window on New year's Day because it will be nothing but fire outside and will burn your eyes

also warned me that if any friends or family knocks on the door or calls out to let them in that you must not do it as it would be demons disguising themselves

my cousins and stuff came over nye and we had all mattresses and stuff in the floor ready for doomsday.

it was pretty scary and fun desu leading up to it

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I was an adult during y2k. I mean there was some panic over the whole computer time rollover and people being afraid banks would have serious software problems but I was kinda meh about the whole thing. Most people were. At worst we were expecting maybe a few days of serious disruption. Nobody I was aware of was "prepping".

But the whole "jew" shit is honestly just a meme. I actually suspect it's a long running information war by some foreign nation. There's several that would like to get America away from Israel so there's lots of candidates to push that "da jews" narrative. Most of you wouldn't know a Jew if you smacked into one face first on the street.

It's all a bunch of crap.

t. scared jew

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Cobot is a business programing language that has two digits for the date.
This would lead to errors in accounts, this was mostly patched over.
The problem still exists and if the code is still in use in 2049 the programs will fail.

I worked as IT director for a mid-sized company of around 1200 employees back then.
Knew Y2K was bullshit, but the CEO and CFO were freaking out like Chicken Little, so I used their paranoia to get a $3 million increase to my CapEx budget.
Installed a full battery backup system in the server rooms at both our main offices, as well as adding a server room and redundant systems with backup drive arrays in a smaller office out of state.
I had been practically begging for the funds to do just that for nearly 4 years at that point.
Best thing for ‘em, really.

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stay in school, kid

I was 18 and knew it was bullshit even back then. They spammed Y2K everywhere though and normie retards were worried. Wasn't as much chaos back then, we were coming off the nation being hypnotized by Clinton blowing a load on an intern's dress.

So I can learn more about the Holocaust, rabbi?

Fear mongering is a powerful tool for getting people to be 1) submissive 2) compliant and 3) dependent. And thats just at the surface level, if you really sperg into the esoteric/spiritual you will piece together much more about how fear works to the detriment of both the individual and collective.

>Wasn't as much chaos back then, we were coming off the nation being hypnotized by Clinton blowing a load on an intern's dress.
Thats part of why y2k was hyped up so much.

It wasn't just cobalt. It was all kinds of software that, for no good reason, stored the year as two digits. I guess when you were writing software in the 1970s, it didn't occur that there was a point to storing the whole thing. Even when you upgrade, the old records still had the two digit years.

But regardless, it all got sorted well enough.

Old fat here. Premise of Office Space. Stashed some thousands in our home safe. Underestimated programmers ability to fix any problems that might have arisen.

I wasn't an adult, I was 14. The news said everything would be fine, but preppers on ancient TEOTWAKI forums said it was the end of civilization, so I was skeptical. My prepping was gathering up my machete, a flashlight, spare batteries for flashlight, and like three cans of Chef Boyardee pasta and some Nutrigrain bars...just in case. Nothing fucking happened. Nothing ever happens.

49. So was 29 on December 31st.

Was an Art Bell listener & laughed my ass off atthe preppers and worryworts.

But holy shit, some folks made a fortune selling shit to the Chicken Littles who were jizzing over the impending DOOM.

Shit thread sage this.
Population was full of normies everyone was even more blue pilled then they are now, most people didn't give a shit about the millennium bug.
They were to busy dancing to 1999 by that degenerate nigger faggot Prince.

This is correct.

YIIK is gay.

>t. zoomer

they're getting nervous

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I rememeber the red cross put out a booklet on staying safe during y2k. I saved it because i knew it would be interesting to look at in 20 years.

Once you are an old fag you will realize that the end of the world is just around the corner, always, it's how they get you into debt. Fuck it I'll put it on my Amex, it'll all be over before they collect.

Incidentally, machetes are terrible as weapons. Their light, thin blades really are meant for chopping brush and that's about it. It's why you see those incompetent Mexican cartels have to hack for ages. Well, maybe they enjoy it because they're psychos, but yeah, I never understand all these people with bush whackers thinking they have a real weapon. Machete vs knife, my money's on the guy with a knife.

Was old man even then. I remember my mothers sister came and stayed next door because of shtf.
So she sneaked down to the basement to my bed and I ate her out. She screamed so loud it woke the neighbors dogs and they barked all the rest of the night. Next morning everyone was so groggy they couldn't remember what happened. Praise kek and Y2K.

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The media loved to play up the worst case scenario but really I don't think most people were very concerned. I remember my parents buying maybe 5 gallons worth of water and some extra food during grocery that week but nothing other than that.

All day every day.
Tora blades do the best ones.
I know, I know. They are called Tora. Kek.

Meanwhile the klan was on Oprah, skin heads roamed the streets IRL, and satanic pedo elites was normal dinner conversation. Everyone was redpilled until the internet, not the other way around.

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You ate your aunt out?

I was 19 and extremely skeptical.. My father on the other hand spent thousands of dollars prepping. Better safe than sorry I suppose. Now I'm 39 and have spent $30k this year on gold, silver and guns.

You know who made some cash on that Y2K shit? Alex Jones. His fearmongering got him noticed, too.

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Tell it to a Rwandan, sempai, and bear in mind, not all machetes are created equal. A JMK heavy cane machete is a very different creature from a 22' Imacasa sable machete.

This is bait of 2008 quality fren

That was the 80s.

This guy must be a machete salesman

I was 22 years old.
>no prepping
>didn't fall for jewish tricks
I went about my business other than killing the main breaker on my gf's parents house at midnight.

For others, they were terrified of everything and bought into all kinds of scams like taking their computers, cameras, cars, etc., to scamming bastards to have them make them "Y2K Compliant." I laughed them off and just went about doing what I did at the time. No after effects other than dumping the gf a few months later for being such a tool.


stale bait here's your (you)

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Nice try, Xi Jinping.

The pic is 80s, not the post. Everyone was openly racist and casually homophobic, the whole post modern world is created by people who believe what they see on the internet. Half the shit never happened until it's faked and then people talk about it later. We are living in a post iPhone world. But nature will reclaim it eventually.

Was 18yo. It was actually not the big thing ppl claim today

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> worked IT during that era.
Y2K isn't a story about people creating a fake panic about something that wasn't going to happen; it was a story of what happens when an entire industry dedicates years of overtime to correct a problem before a due date.

That was the year I graduated high school.
I was a new years party with other young fuckers.
One of the guys went outside and flipped the breaker to the house at midnight.
That about covers it for me.
Oh and we were excited and hoping it would happen. Yea. I remember that. Everyone. The young people were all hoping society would crash and everything would go chaotic.
See? We were blackpilled back then.

I'm pretty sure Iran is behind it this fucking shithole! Picrelated

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Yeah I don't think people get that. Y2K was a real problem. It was not some totally false narrative pushed by clickbait shitheads like you see everywhere today.
It just actually got fixed.

>didn't transfer at least half to an offshore acc and blame y2k

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> The young people were all hoping society would crash and everything would go chaotic.
Double checked, this guy genuine old fag confirmed.

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Holy shit, this fucking thread.

I was born in 1975 and was working in IT at the time. And YES there actually were real world issues as a result of the rollover but since we all knew about it in advance, all that shit got sorted out.

Y2K came and nothing happened and people said "oh it was a hoax." When the reality was that y2k came and nothing happened because everyone in the industry did what was needed to remedy any potential problems before they happened.

The jewpedia article isnt perfect but gives a basic overview and is worth reading if your interested.

Outside of IT, in mainstream normie society, people were being dumbasses about it. I went to a grocery store on dec 31st 1999 and everything in the bottles water, soda pop, bottled juice, etc aisle was completely cleaned out.

shit was gay, we knew nothing was going to happen but we lit fires and got wasted and shitposted irl with roasties just in case. most of us didnt know about the kikes then (we knew about the blacks, you dont need internet for that), only the skinhead bros did, and most of us thought they were just crazy. after years into illuminati, satanism, freemason bullshit, we believed them. also, the jews did 9/11, the real y2k.

>. It was not some totally false narrative pushed by clickbait shitheads like you see everywhere today.
No, it absolutely was that. It was the prototypical 'mass fear' article.

I was 13, I didn't believe the doomsday stories.

I came up with idea to sell t shirts that said "Y2K Complacent". But I came up with it in December 99. Fucking story of my life..

it was a possibility, because nobody knew for sure how computer systems would handle the date tickover
if there wasn't a massive effort in the 90s to futureproof code, the doomsday scenarios may have occurred if malfunctions occur and cascade out of control
the average person says y2k was a hoax, but that's not true, however some did scam others by selling bogus y2k solutions

there is a bigger problem when unix dates reach their limits in 2038
considering how difficult it is to get people to just update their computers right now, this would be far worse, what if north korea doesn't get the message and their systems malfunction?

what you should take away from it is
things happen all the time, whether they be a car accident or hurricane, you cannot always predict when they will happen or where they will come from
but a failure to plan is a plan to fail, prepare for the worst case scenario and you'll be fine in 99% of conditions, it is better to overprepare than underprepare, it's better to have something and not use it than need something and not have it

as long as you're prepared, you'll be ready for life and in a better position to help others in need if adverse conditions arrive

I didn't buy it for a second and ignored it.

I was in early 20s. Pretty much everyone knew by 6-12 months out that it was not going to be a big deal. Mostly, it was just amusing that they had only used 2 digits for the year because computers had been so weak.

What a Zionist faggot.

>Was anyone here an adult during Y2K?
I was 57 but I'm still not an 'adult'
>>Why did the jews push the narrative that banks were going to lose all your money?
all computers were going to fail and there would be no way to access accounts
You need to take your money out now and Buy Gold!
>>How much insane prepping did you do and what did you do with your stash?
I didn't do anything. Well, I did run a test on the desktop I was using at the time and found it would be fine.
>>How have you applied what you've learned since then to recent jew narratives?
I was 57. I knew about the jews back then.

christ are you a bruce or an insurance merchant. stop being a leaky vagina.

Yes, I was one of the IT geeks working on updating everything

reality doesn't care about what you believe

if the code uses the date in a weird way, it could trigger behavior that was not intended
this is why windows 9 was never released
because there is way too much code written that tries to identify windows 95 by looking for the number '9' and that can cause the wrong thing to happen

yes, but what if crazy ivan in russia didn't update the code on his nuclear silos and they accidentally launch, which then automatically triggers a retaliation?

No. Boomer and gen xrs btfo

>76 years old on Jow Forums

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you are here forever.

He had a broadcast the night of, said Putin was launching nukes, it was a real War of the Worlds style broadcast, folks.

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too many people dismiss it a hoax or scam
and they'll be unprepared for the next happening because they will think it is the same situation as before and won't see it coming

Anyone remember the Nike commercial about Just do it, i.e. running on the morning of 01/01/2000? Top KEK of all time.

shit happens
I just hope my adult children never find out.


Found this place in 2003. I'm 49, I was 33. I don't care for anime or porn. Yet here I am. You really are here forever.

TFW I will never be known as Vladimir The Ruthless.

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Not many people actually took y2k seriously. It was more a meme.

Bullshit. This was just a sales pitch that kids like you who wern't there have bought into. Calenders and clocks on computers just rolled over without any additional input.