Why are so many middle class white people turning away from Trump?

Why are so many middle class white people turning away from Trump?

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Fake and gay.

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they're not FAKE NEWS

Farmers are broke
The auto plants aren’t coming back
The steel jobs aren’t coming back
Coal hasn’t been saved
He sucks jew dick

We're not.

they're not. They're just pretending to not like trump.

I only wish I could be the one to push the button that turns your entire race into ash. But I'm glad I'll be alive to see it happen.

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Boomers and Gen Xers still believe politicians actually mean what they say.

They're not, you're a fag, stop shitting up our board & shut your cock-hole.

>Why are so many middle class white people turning away from Trump?

Objection, your Honor -- assumes facts not in evidence.

the same reason the white middle class is disappearing

It's mainstream media sensationalizing a few rare cases of trump regret. In reality, most voters are happy with just how successful he's been despite all the roadblocks. Maybe they think if they keep saying this over and over people will stop liking him? Makes no sense, the people who fall for media tricks didn't vote for him in the first place.

You heebs never do anything though. Why are you JDIF so weak?

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>heebs never do anything

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They are turning away from him so they can get up and go vote for him.

we elected him as an agent of chaos, nigga


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Who said they are? The libtard media or the voice in your head?

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These "ex-Trump voters" never give anything anything plausible that they would ever vote for someone like him before or were ever conservative. There critique is always riddled with leftist syntax, stuff a Trump supporter would never use.

>omg I previously voted for orange hitler brumpf but then I discovered he perpetuated toxic masculinity and problematic hateful racism and I now no longer stand with cheeto hitler

This is fake and walkaway was real. LOL cope

Meanwhile, based on his New Mexico rally, Trump is doing fine with women, Hispanics, Democrats, and people previously not very interested in voting. Cue panic in the DNC!

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Because he hasn't delivered. Because he gives lip service to the Adversary's false values. Because his apparent purpose was to pretend that our concerns would be addressed, stalling any real action until suppression is prepared and we no longer can take action.

Further right. More sincere. Less patience. Less mercy.

the ass-rapings will continue until morale improves.
- dj turmp

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They’re not. You’re just another shill trying to divide us.

He's all talk on being anti-immigration. In reality, he's just as pro-brown replacement horde as any Democrat. Fuck this fucking lying goon.

They aren't. Just like he didn't have empty stadiums at his rallies during the campaign trail.

I love when CNN tries to spin the Republican office holders leaving the party narrative and they have 2 state Senators to show for it.


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>Cue panic in the DNC!

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pork chop

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>>Cue panic in the RINONC

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No you didn't that was a lie you swallowed so somebody else could manipulate a vote out of a useful idiot. If you wanted chaos Hillary would have been a better choice. In a few more years you'll be claiming you didn't vote for him at all.

Why are democrats such fucking predatory perverts that will fuck anything with a hole?

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They're not, shill

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Whats up with that anyway? I've seen allot more Hispanics and especially black people get on the Trump train lately. I might have to become a Democrat if this trend continues.

Yeah but who exactly will they go to?
Sleepy joe with his rallies with max 47 people that his staff had to cut back on substantialy because everytime he leaves his house he puts his entire foot in his mouth and says something retarded
Vote for Trump to achieve another 4 years of slightly above mediocre
He’s literally the best we’ll ever get

>I've seen allot more Hispanics and especially black people get on the Trump train lately.
Really? I'll believe it when the numbers come in.

It makes sense, though. No one suffers more from mass immigration than black men who want an honest role in society or black women who want a husband like that, and many Hispanics fled to America to get away from the kind of people who are following them. White people can at least compete against the immigrant hordes whenever merit's a factor, and will likely be able to move on and make another good place somewhere else.

Working people don't have time to go to rallies. It's just old farts and White truck drivers.

>gibsmedat $0.02

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>how successful he's been
wrong. they are noticing his only "successes" are for faggots, nigger drug dealers, immigrants with NOTHING for conservatives or white people who have been censored, fired, and assaulted non-stop his whole term with no help from him

>we elected him as an agent of chaos
and you got a swamp cuck

>1 post by this ID

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>Trump is doing fine with women, Hispanics, Democrats, and people previously not very interested in voting. Cue panic in the DNC
problem is the democrat ticket Trump/Kushner are runnning as republicans

Trump is a Kushner puppet, and therefore a Bibi puppet but there is no
>war in Iran
>war in Syria
>war in NK
>drone bombings of children
>funding of terrorists
>flood of arab niggers into the country
>$38 billion to Israel
So how is Bibi/Kushner profiting again?

>It's mainstream media sensationalizing a few rare cases of trump regret
Yeah it's a joke. The news stories are basically "some random unimportant guy somewhere had an opinion". They just want to push the false idea a bunch of people think like this. Peer pressure tactics.

>wrong. they are noticing his only "successes" are for faggots, nigger drug dealers, immigrants with NOTHING for conservatives or white people
So where are the news stories about Democrat voters realizing he's doing what they want and getting onboard the #TrumpTrain now? Keep spouting your shill bullshit.

Because he's a con-man that basically sold them out completely on day one and they're not spiteful fuckwits who continue supporting him to "own the libs"? Maybe?

>Whats up with that anyway?
Democrats have publicly become the political party of the mentally ill.

>Why are so many middle class white people turning away from Trump?
they arent /thread

I like making shit up too

Fake and gay

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ex-magapede here, going to vote for yang next year

Every single trump supporter I know is pretty much voting for Biden after the whole sharpie thing

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Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

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>Why is *something completely untrue*?

Reminder that trolling outside of /b/ is against the rules.

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>Democrats spurg out like schizoautists
>I can't handle this chaos I created!

You convinced me! I’m a Beto Burrito nao!

Ex trump voter here! I’m off the Trump train. I’ll be voting for the child raping Moloch worshippers next time! Who’s with me??

**It wa# her turn!

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>OP makes doctored retarded headline
>thinks anyone here is buying it
I know you kikes are salty as fuck that DRUMPF won't nuke Iran for you, but you can all go fucking Zyklon and oven yourselves into dust, faggots.

Former Trump voter here. I'll be ratcheting up my hoo hoos in a frivolous froth very soon, and you're all welcome to come and dangle your members at me to make me lusty and then let me touch nothing.
Since Trump is a failure I'm going to squeegie my weegie.

they love darkies so much that they want to be like them, secretly or otherwise
So much for diversity

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He doesn't care about anything but himself ans his ego.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

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