It really be like this up here.
Is Canada even real?
Other urls found in this thread:
it do be like that
this that
The truth is that no one but Trudeau actually lives in Canada. Anytime you have seen someone claiming to be Canadian it is either Trudeau in a costume or a paid shill from America LARPing as a Canadian.
This is the best thing a PM has done since Chretien choked that guy
suck my dick mutt
>it is either Trudeau in a costume
Kek, I'd almost believe it.
Nope. It's just a secret society of people from Washington, Montana, North Dakota, etc.
Shit, I've said too much.
I've observed the Canadian border from the US side, it almost looked like a hologram. I'm pretty sure every leaf posting is either a bot or a human soul that's been trapped in the machine for years and has mentally degraded beyond all recognition.
It would explain why leafs are such shitty posters.
Ahhh the good ol' shawinigan handshake.
Okay hamburguesa
He was a drama teacher, once an actor always an actor.
He's also constantly apologizing and crying.
>amerimutts are shocked at white faces
no surprise here
>muh rake post #537487538775816
Americans are such NPCs
>I-I'm white you guise I swear just look at this picture of Trump
my fucking sides
he lives on his Excellency The Aga Khan's island
based americans
there is only 1 thing on the planet gayer than bagette, and more insufferable than bong. thats a fucking leaf.
Best Prime minister EVAR!!!!
Dressing up as a sand nigger and wearing brown face is the best thing to ever happen!!!
Heil Justin Brown Face Trudeau!!!
Genie is the best one, hits you the blue hadu-kens from across the screen
2 will do everything to kill you.
The 2 others will do everything to protect you.
Choose well.
Finally he's pandering to the Jow Forums audience
I wish I didn't live here but unfortunately I do and there is no where else to run to.
...he says yur part nigger
>american calling anybody else a nigger
my fucking sides
Did he end up banging those slores?
Technically that would be statutory pedoing...
>all he wants to talk about is niggers and cocks
yep, it's an Amerimutt.
At this point, I believe it
kek, 1 looney deposited in your account
Rob Ford was pretty funny
That's pedaux talk there.
I remember the big "cheese" Trudeau smirking at trump in Belgium at UN building dedication. I just knew he, macron, may, German cow would all get theirs. Basic evil progressive fuckers. They are the true enemy. All actors.
He had his moment. Yikyak era
>Select Your Fighter
Chun Li
Ralph Klein when he went to a homeless shelter and threw change at a guy and said "get a job".
he wasn't a PM but yeah that was fucking grand
The guy actually turned his life around after that, got a job, has a family and credits his interaction with King Ralph.
Here Trudeau is at a young boys summer camp in pedophileface
>This is the best thing a PM has done since Chretien choked that guy
Yeah, this guy's pretty funny with all the costumes and stuff. You should elect him president.
>Chinese Canadians thinking they’re White
Cultural appreciation, its only ok, when Castro does it
Canada is 5% chinese, the USA is over 15% black. If I'm a chink then you're 3 niggers at the same time.
damn i might just vote trudeau just so the memes can keep cooming
he really is the meme candidate.
"She said I wanted to eat her pussy. I did not say that. I have enough to eat at home thank you very much."
Also he (used to) and his brother Premier Doug Ford will frequently call into radio shows to berate other callers or defend themselves angrily. Makes for a good time in the car sometimes.
>3 niggers at the same time.
Just the way you like your asshole filled, you gay faggot.
I laughed.
>amerimutt hears of niggers and immediately thinks of gay sex
typical. why are you faggots always projecting your degeneracy onto everyone else?
>t. Trudeau
Haha, my isp is giving me a burger flag for the last week. It doesn't matter what you say leaf bro. The vilification of Canadians is running full steam ahead.
Based and Dougpilled
>admitting to coping with your problems by blaming Canada
wew lad
Are you retarded? I am Canadian, my isp is showing my ip as a burger.
Lmao you pathetic maple monkeys always fail to make me laugh with your "leaf humor" threads
Face it, all Americans even the niggers will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad snowniggers ever will be. You are on the wrong side of the border, get over it losers
everyone believes you
>calling someone a nigger and asking them to come to your country in the same breath
Americans, everyone.
Well now fellow Canadian I don't know why you would think that. Canada is the greatest nation on earth. We are full of diversity and our PM is the most handsome of all world leaders.
fuck i just died laughing
it really do be that way
cmon lets be friends burger bro
Holy kek my sides
So fucking based. Doesn't give a shit about what other people think just does the first thing that comes to his head.
Well, he’s got my vote now
Yes and let's not forget that Canada has the worlds strongest military as well.
Canada is literally just another American state except for Quebec.
The Sikh one hahaha
who is diss?
You wish retard
>Normies who went out and partied finally having their careers ruined for "offensive" costumes
>Robots who stayed inside all day have no incriminating photos
Feels good man
They say it don't be like it is but it do.
Quiet Trudy. We're on to you.
That man has no testicles. Seriously. Literally and figuratively.
This brownface thing is so embarrassing for Canada. We need our dignity back.
I worked for the Conservative Party of Canada and when Trudeau won, I remember thinking: You know, Trudeau represents everything the left should hate. He's a priviliged ass white guy that essentially became leader of Canada because of his dad and his name. He's had an easy fucking life and not to mention he's fucking goofy and has never actually made anything of himself. He just got into politics after being a substitute teacher after in his fucking 30's. Honestly, I know you guys meme him all the time, but the guy is SERIOUSLY an air head.
Take Obama, as a comparison. Obama was at least someone that fucking got himself through a tough life, became a constitutional law professor, did some activism, became a senator and then the president. Obama was actually worth his salt, even if you didn't like him.
Trudeau is the EPITOME of white privilege and fucking class privilege. His family owned a bunch of gas stations in Quebec.
I know why Liberals like him: women like him. He's a fucking air-head.
>owning gas stations
>Take Obama, as a comparison. Obama was at least someone that fucking got himself through a tough life, became a constitutional law professor, did some activism, became a senator and then the president. Obama was actually worth his salt, even if you didn't like him.
Except that's 100% false. His life wasn't tough, his mom was well-connected and he was given every advantage from Columbia to Harvard to Alinskyite partisan to everything.
wow cultural appropriation much
They didn't work in them simpleton.
haha, oh god
>stop being racist you fucking dumb dumb head
Canada is a meme country.
no doubt trudeau is a fucking fruitcake, but seriously burgers are being led by saudi arabia's cum bitch
Where did this sperg come from?
at least we don't thumbnails you fucking newfag lmao
Big talk for a cuck who can go to prison for using the wrong pronoun
You know, if Nazi's come out and start supporting him, it may be enough to make the left hate him. Just go on Twitter on your shit accounts and call him based and awesome that he can bring back black face, etc. You guys have to control the narrative, haven't you learned anything? Get ahead of this while there's time, talk about how great his back face and it will get traction. Don't let this die, force Trudeau to keep talking about it, do so by making it seem that Nazi's love him now.
the kikes fucked now
>I'm 14 and think I know how subversion works
Not a bad idea.
>"brown" face
>in a black and white photo
this is reaching even for them