Can we have a nigger hate thread?

can we have a nigger hate thread?

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No because the turbo-kike jannies hate hating niggers more than Hortlur himself.

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always seen screenshots of this never the video. Man this is uncanny, I don't know if you should kill it out of pity or let it live as an animal in a cage of sorts, it seems to like dancing to music.

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this is paki.

the fuck? is that fat kid jerking him off???

Attached: _pol_ - _pol_ humor thread - Politically Incorrect - 4chan_12.webm (626x720, 2.83M)

I was about to share this fantastic image myself but it was destiny that you did so user.

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Every day another wh*te woman is blacked.
Every day she knows real pleasure.
Every day wh*tes grow fewer.

Your time is over.

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Attached: nigger no more.gif (302x302, 1.99M)

Niggers truly are the lowest life form on the planet. Equal to Jews, just dumber.

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okay bait nigger

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Imagine the smell. Niggers, spics, and arabs are abominations

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The white faggots from leddit who dream of black dick 24/7 SEETH when they see the nigger hate threads.

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We already rule you, Jethro.

Shitty Photoshop, nignog.
But then again why should I expect a different species to understand technology to any extent.

Also really shitty bait, might want to rethink the idea that Nignogs matter enough for them to stop shooting each other over shoes.

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>black men only
Should have just said men only. Same difference.

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This is just sad.

nah nigger it aint We made AIDS motherfucker. The elite of the elite want junkies and niggers gone. Liberal shills may preach this shit of interbreeding but where I'm from the bitch is done for if she makes that decision, and your worthless ass leaves her pregnant. You're closer to the monkeys and further from civilization

fuck whites that defend beating kids, it's a nigger practice

Yeah, enjoy the fatties and uglies that show up. And the kikes of course. Which is what is pictured in your ad.

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See her face? Pleasure.
Something you'll never give a woman, little wh*te.

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Someone literally steps over him while they're working their voodoo

Anyone else notice blacks always cut in front of people doing things? They have no concept of space

The future is mocha.

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>be black
>when white people cross the street to avoid me I cross over too
They practically shit themselves over it and it's hilarious.

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>be on time
so it was just a white woman event?

>shooped shit

The person behind the BLM flag is from Turkey.

Oh look another LARP from a nigger loving white guy.

The relationships of of bmwf are based purely on surface level superficial societal trends.
To the black man a white woman is a prize of society and culture. In his mind she exhibits all of the current beauty standards, primarily European. For him she is a status symbol of the highest calibur, their is no love there. He'll claim hes not a racist while enjoying an eternal flow of "gotcha" moments to every white man that sees him with his prize.
To a white woman a black man is a chance to display her conformity to current societal trends. She can appear as some sort of saintly figure for accepting the black man as a mate and absolve herself of white guilt. For her he is a pawn that she can play against other whites. In many ways hes a pet that even she doesnt regard as equal due to his status as being a mere gesture to the world rather than an equal mate. He is, by all accounts an accessory.
Because of the superficial nature of their relationship it is destined to fail because it is not built on trust, respect or any real substantial, long lasting qualities. This happens a great deal because black men and white women share childish personality traits like victimhood, reliance on authoritarian goverment elements and being lead around by emmotion.

"May the beauty of white women never perish from this Earth."

Pic related triggers the right people.

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Them bitches both get blacked on the low

dibs on ponytail

anyone have this pic but without the green boxes?

KYS nao pedo

The year is 2045. The southern United States lives under BLACK RULE. All white males are sissified. White women live to serve BLACK KINGS in vast reproduction facilities. Welcome to America's BLACK FUTURE.

Alex Lang remembers life before the revolution – before the government-issued hormones, the sissy wigs, frilly lingerie, and mandatory chastity. He lives on the war-torn outskirts of New Africa, where he hides his beautiful blonde step-sister Kaylee from the clutches of the brutal New African army.

As musclebound black soldiers prowl the countryside searching for fertile white women, Alex will stop at nothing to protect sweet Kaylee's purity. In his pink-and-blue wig, flirty sissy skirt, and fishnet stockings, Alex gives his tender white body to a gang of pitiless black alpha soldiers: the ultimate act of courage and sacrifice. But is sissy Alex prepared for the overwhelming demonstration of power and domination? The encounter brings him face-to-face with his worst fears... and his most unspeakable sissy fantasies.

that's a muslim airline.. plane coming back from hajj


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oh fuck ahahahahahaha

>tfw muh first quads
>already posted spiciest nigger memes...
Yeah, I was over on infinitychan (rip) when this creature first started making the rounds. Reports were flying in from cuckchan anons about how the jannies over here were evidently super butthurt about the massive influx of hundreds (thousands?) of threads being made about it as they struggled to 404 them in time.

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no, but i have a pic of the grill on the left

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The reality that black men like white women more than their own? I couldn't imagine living with that kind of mental breakdown.

>The year is 2045. The southern United States lives under BLACK RULE. All white males are sissified. White women live to serve BLACK KINGS in vast reproduction facilities. Welcome to America's BLACK FUTURE.
Sounds right.

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>slides her phone out of the way mid-fight

Fuck yes. It feels like ages since we have had a good one of these

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Show flag "nigger".

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the original is great to use when people say "there's only one race, the human race" like pic related

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Poor kid. He has to grow up around literal animals.

surely he intends on waiting until she fully matures...don't be so silly, user!

races with more neoteny are going to have shorter appendages so this isnt surprising, but also higher intelligence

Why hate what cannot think? They're locusts, why hate bugs?

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No, this is a board of peace. We love our black friends, especially jewish.

>writing an entire essay

lmao tiny dick whiteboi mad

WTF do these idiots think they are teaching those defenseless children?
Fuck. That just pisses me off ... fucking useless humans should never be in charge of children .. not even their own.

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Here you go, friendo

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>clap her hands like a nigger
>probably a coal burner

She looks like "I have no morals or decency and I'm having sex with the monkey race"

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Glad youre upset, ive copy pasted it many times. It never fails to deliver the rats.
Protip: you'll always be a nigger

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Black people have contributed more to this earth than whites. We showed you how to agriculture, we built america through slavery, we built most of the invention used today, we were responsible for the moon landing, and we are the fuckinh origin of all man, REMEMBER WHERE U CAME FROM

Attached: Roach.webm (240x360, 1.31M)

Lmao, you wouldnt survive in a black country. I bet you dont even own a firearm, peasent.

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That cheerleader is gonna make some lucky bastard the perfect wife. And I bet he won't be a nigger.

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When you cope so hard to gotta shoop the kid white even tho he has nappy hair lmao

Don’t downplay the idea that dese niggaz be sorcerers n shiet. Don’t want to cross a line and end up having your cock shrunk by Motombo

I hate niggers. Google image search nigger mugshots. Look at their faces. How repulsive they look. Just by look at their face you can tell they are violent, animalistic. Fucking niggers

She looks held hostage.
But whatever makes ya feel better about being a stupid and failed race, Tyrone

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White guy has wrestled at some point in his life.
Dumb nigger telegraphed his sucker punch and paid for it.


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How much produce you think they left on display?

You guys are all fucking hopeless lmao. I’m done with this retarded fucking board, wasted too much time already. You’re all neurotic, obsessive lunatics. I mean all — the ones who i agree with politically, the ones I don’t, the shills, the shitposters... the funniest part is that I often see comments like “gb2 plebbit ws have real intellectual conversations here bro” but in reality it’s just two sides of the same faggy, pathetic, pathological coin. Time to spend more time outside it seems

Jesus, that article is so on point it’s terrifying. Trying to imagine what life would be like without the ability to think abstractly and reason critically... I wonder what other races have these deficits?

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Niggers are all going to get minecraft’d

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for what dude they are primitive stupid as fuck best way to deal with their race is to force evolution through fucking their women and leaving.
mulattoes must replace niggers because racially pure niggers are unironically mentally retarded. thats all you have to know.

even their women know this thats why they worship white cock, to get out of the ghetto.

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