White Jow Forums members, why are you not having 10+ white children?

White Jow Forums members, why are you not having 10+ white children?

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Do you want to pay for them?

You can't outbreed open borders.

Because im not stupid enough to pump out 10 children in a war zone of trannies and homos and pedos and jews and niggers and pitbulls?
Youre a selfish dumb mother fucker, you should suicide fast. Tonight you should do it quick, before you fling more unfortunate souls into this disgusting world. Fuck you cunt, seriously fuck OP. Why is OP ALWAYS gay?

I can barely take care myself, im a mess and I don't want to be a failed parent. :(

Show your flag Leaf, I know it's you.

How do all the shitskins afford 10+ children?

White women pay for them. Also government handouts of various kinds (leeches).

1. no money for it.

2. too much race mixing - cock carousel types - 100+ white / black men alone.

3. just too tired of it all to even care at times. it's exhausting.

4. feminism and/or etc. women trying to tell me how things are going to be all the time.

5. west is fucked already alone. no point to even try for now alone at least. I want to take my risks and go with exit dating and/or post collapse dating and such for the most part alone myself instead. IDK though. 80%/90% there though at least.

>White women pay for shitskin's children
elaborate? Are you talking about donations?

If you don't want whites to breed you're either a subhuman or swede-tier cuck.

I have two, its awesome. Have 'em young, anons, while you still have energy

>Why is OP ALWAYS gay?

It's a leaf roastie who keeps spamming these threads almost every day, now she has to hide behind a meme flag after getting btfo.

Oh my sweet memeflaggot summer child. Oh how innocent and new you are. It warms my heart to see such an unwelcome unwanted soul staining my board. Truly you remind me of my 2 year old self. I was just like you when my brain was in the beginning stages of development. Ahhh, good times. Enjoy your night OP, you absolute faggot

I have 3 so far. Fuck off. I’m busy.


Nah thots dont make threads they just shitpost in them. Cant be a roast, its probably just some kind of fat cuckold or something

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>Nah thots dont make threads they just shitpost in them. Cant be a roast, its probably just some kind of fat cuckold or something

Whatever it is, it's a fucking Leaf. Someone even made some OC. Kek.

Attached: canadian roastie.jpg (857x1988, 296K)

Jesus Christ, stop with this cringy Jew lies. Kids are not expensive whatsoever. Stop buying your 12 year old makeup from sephora and letting her go to starbucks for a $5 latte every day. Stop buying your newborn baby shoes he will never wear. Stop buying them toys they will enver use. Stop letting your 12 year old have an iphone. Stop going to mcdonalds when you could just have a home cooked meal that is fifty times better and cheaper.Kids are cheap. The lie that they cost 200,000 for 18 years includes $88,000 of HOUSING costs which you would have to pay for yourself whether you have kids or not.200,000 for a full 18 years is cheap anyway. And that's WITH housing costs for an AVERAGE family. Average people are lousy at money. You could have 12 kids for 200,000 if you stop buying t shirts for $35. NO, you do NOT whatsoever have to live cheaply. You don't have to cut corners. Just don't buy worthless garbage. You can live in semi-luxury for very little money if you're smart.

Kids > muh $4 cappuccino from a company that supports my genocide.

>being pro-white children makes you a cuck
How much do they pay you to shill?

This. But I'm working to improve myself everyday. You are too, right?

Lol slide thread. Report this tradcucks gay fucking thread also stop responding. Let this be the last response

This is what you get when you kill all the white warrior blood over a millenia of wars caused by kikes. Weve been pacified through culling of the heard. Our fighters and killers were ritually slaughtered in global wars for nothing. We are toeing the line of oblivion if we dont leverage the remaining warrior dna(spirit) we have left.

>How much do they pay you to shill?

Show your flag Leaf.

This must be a fake post. You should be more motivated to make kids to outnumber the trannies. Instead you try to (((push))) others not to have kids.

85 percent European here, technically not white.
So having kids with a white woman is racemixing.
Will likely not have children as to not make them have non-white genetics even if they’ll be 90%+ European, and I don’t intend on getting with a nonwhite, that’s just regressing backwards.
Only thing that will be lost which would have been valuable anyways would have been my height, since I’m 6’6”.