We need sensible gun laws. Nobody needs an AK-15 to go hunting with.
We need sensible gun laws. Nobody needs an AK-15 to go hunting with
You do need them to fight the government
>My puny little rifle is going to beat an army with tanks and planes
Nice fantasy there incel
The USA was founded on the idea that the government can never be trusted.
We really need to start prosecuting you creatures.
Deal just don't touch our AR-47's
dumb faggot
The 2nd amendment does not grant the right to hunt, only to kill commie faggots that don't uphold the constitution.
>We need sensible gun laws. Nobody needs an AK-15 to go hunting with.
Youre right, I need something bigger. SHALL NOT BE MOTHERFUCKING INFRINGED.
2nd Amendment isn't referring to hunting, its referring to shooting tyrants which an AK-15 would be perfect for
Type "sage" into options to reply without bumping this shit b8 thread, making it die faster
>implying that we don't need to hunt down leftist scum like OP
>drone takes off
>fudds sieze airport
>drone cant refuel in time
>Tanks head toward target
>bullets drain fuel tanker in convoy
>tank stranded
>fudds get lucky with thermite
Bam again. You commies may as well KYS right now.
This is the only time it's acceptable to use this as an argument.
Those rounds don't go in that gun.
HAHAHA tell that to afghanistan right now
then take a time machine
and tell them during the cold war
and then go back further and tell them during the three wars against the british
Well said.
But you also need one when hunting communists.
Maybe they don't want to hunt with it.
Maybe they use it for defense purposes.
Maybe they use it for sport shooting or target practice on a dreary day.
Maybe they use it against someone like yourself who tries to take it.
Also these weapons pierce body armor rather well. We need them. In case the government ever sends their goons.
And don't argue they'd send the military. Afghans are still riding around in jeeps that's how effective the military is.
They'd send their cops. Their enforcers.
Those rifles will pierce their armor. That's why we need em.
sage slide threads.
>Nobody needs an AK-15 to go hunting with.
Fuck off, it's not your place to say what anyone else "needs".
ar-47s are a constructional right guaranteed by the founding tribal council of feather ink pens
The interesting thing is it's a willful ignorance of how we fought the invasions of the middle east. Maneuver warfare is basically geurilla tactics applied to a superior force. You hit the enemy where they're not, and bypass strongpoints, either marking them for air assets as you maneuver around them, or come back at it from an angle of attack that addresses a weakpoint.
All of these things taught all the right wing, or further, combat vets how to execute an insurgency to the letter, from all angles imaginable. For multiple tours.
And the flip side of it is that most of the ones who were involved in the heavier portions of that are out now, but maybe some are still in who remember. They'd be able to win a few victories, maybe. But in the end, any insurgency fought on US soil is a knife fight where both their hands are tied behind their back.
Keep crying incels. It's going to be funny when you willingly hand over your AK-15's like the good little incels you are. You guys really should just have sex.
I'm having 10 children.
how about no
>It's going to be funny when you willingly hand over your AK-15's
Do you work for the NRA? You should. You're ral good at it. The last time Obama talked like this those weapons flew off the shelves.
Democrats are bad ass gun salesmen.
If you guys ever get the presidency again I'm going to try to get a loan and open a gun store. I'm not kidding.
Hey...what's an AK-15? I want one of THOSE!
So your solution to having too many criminals with guns is to make all legal gun owners into criminals?
You got me there!
Does anyone know if they sell AKs at gun shows?
I do the sex.
i need my ar-74 and ar-57 too
I agree. Every household should have a tank for this exact reason.
People hunt coyotes with AR-15 all the time
You are right, we also don't need computers to live, we don't need cars to get around, we don't need phones, or TVs, hell we don't need most of this. We have lived longer without all of these than with them, but fuck do I like having them and will not be letting anyone take them from me ;)
I can't believe it took me so long to notice that.
>projection of personal insecurity and use of social shaming instead of attacking personal accomplishment
>lack of knowledge on fundamental basics of rifles or their nomenclature
You fucks could at least try if you're going to shit post.
Depends on what you are hunting ;) Remember you were told, you didn't listen.
It's all so tiresome. Probably some swj's college homework to make this thread (((again))).
>we also don't need computers to live, we don't need cars to get around, we don't need phones, or TVs
Yea but that shit doesn't even aid you in defending yourself from the grabby psycho homo rapist who just came in through the window, unless you throw that stuff at them really really hard.
How do you reconcile this statement with:
The good news is that MY guns will never be illegal, they will just be undocumented :)