How does Jow Forums feel about the Dem nomination?

How does Jow Forums feel about the Dem nomination?

The media is on full tilt shilling for Warren, and it seems pretty likely she'll end up getting blasted through to the nomination.

Is she Hillary 2.0 or a serious threat to Trump?

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Hilary 2.0, unlikeable and even faker than Hilary.

She has exactly zero chance against Trump. None of them do. The only one that did was Gabbard and they threw that away already because they're extremely stupid.

I think to some extent Dems realize that Biden is pretty much Romney 2.0 for the dems, someone that no one really wants, but no one can seem to beat, and they are desperate to push anyone else who is part of their establishment. Warren has thrown herself off the deep end though to appeal to the Sanders crowd and probably made herself unelectable, but she's the closest they've got to avoid Biden.

WHoo Whoo WHoo WHoo Whoo!!

The fact you even had to ask...She has a better chance of being blasted into space. Gezzz Louise

She is like Walter ("I will raise taxes") Mondale.

You mean "Warren 1/2020ᵗʰ" ?

Zero charisma. Her voice turns people away. She looked like a charlatan on Colbert Report. Unable to answer a basic question without getting political and confabulating a non-answer.

fortunately, reptilians can't grasp basic human empathy.
unfortunately, democrats would still vote for a lizard person over trump.

Will she chose a female running mate?
Or will internalized patriarchy force her to choose a male vp?

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Literally who?

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Only moderates can win. If old Papa Joe Biden doesn't mess up totally TEN MORE TIMES, he might have a pulling 70 electoral votes

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>voting for a female

Looks like she's about to go get her a beer.

It will be Biden, by the end. People know in their gut, and in fact vote with their gut, that Warren would be an easy win for Trump.

Sanders / Warren


I think the only candidate who can beat Trump is Sanders, but the dems will do absolutely anything they can to block him

>Dem Nomination
You mean the Clown Circus?

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Absolutely nobody on the current dem ticket can beat Trump. Gabbard had a chance but the party burnt that bridge early. At the current rate, which has almost no chance of changing, I can't see any foreseeable outcome where Trump loses. You could make the argument that that is exactly what people were saying about Hillary, only you could feel with all 5 senses how bullshit it was. With Trump's first term record, and with all plausible contender Dem candidates all trying to give everyone's money to illegals and outright saying they will go after firearms I think there is no sweat for Trump at all this election. I don't think you can make a reflection any easier, short of not having people to run against at all. Dems have really donkey fucked themselves into historical failure -- you could run a ventriloquist dummy and beat them.

She'll destroy Trump.

she is hillary 2.0. Lol white lady claiming to be a minority.

>The media is on full tilt shilling for Warren,
Elizabeth Warren is no friend to manga and doujinshi.

Feminist SJW such as Warren want Japan to stop making extreme hentai manga and extreme hentai doujinshi. Topics like rape, ryona, mindbreak, incest, and more are seen as hate crime violations. Warren wants legislation changes in the USA to prevent importation (downloading) of these items. If it becomes classed as hate crimes, even downloading it is criminal. So much for e-hentai and even the private sites with large memberships.

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>She'll destroy Trump.
Not as the VP candidate.

The media tried to prop up Hillary Clinton, one of the most well-known politicians and they failed. People want change, and Bernie went from being an unknown politician to one of the most well-liked politicians in the united states. He beats all the other candidates in terms of individual donations, volunteers and(what really matters these days)social media presence. Bernie is going to steamroll his way through the competition.

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The dims will never let him even get close to the nomination - even the working families party know he's yesterday's news. And if he did somehow get the nom Trump would smash him flatter than he would Warren or Biden. No democrat has the chance to win. None.

YANG 2020

yang 2020

She has a 1/1024th chance of winning the nomination

She's so fake, goddamn

she's not a hawk like Hillary. So that won't depress anti-interventionist turnout.
and her position on international economics actually pretty anti-neoliberal. In the last debate she implied that she would use access to the US market in trade negotiations with China. That's a strong protectionist posistion. So she shouldn't be seen as a sell out on the world stage when it comes to negotiations.

but the country in general loathes New England intellectuals and her entire presence screams New England liberal. and she's anti-gun. and she's gone full hog on identity politics in the primary. So if nominated the democrats will have the same problem with rural white voters as they did with Hillary.

There is also the unspoken problem that democrats need voter turnout to win. That means driving up the vote in urban center in the Midwest and Mid-atlantic. And blacks are not going to turn out in huge numbers to vote for an Old White Schoolteacher the same way they did for a Young Black Activist from Chicago. It's just not going to happen.

I still think she'd win, and she's definitely a better option than many of the others on stage, but there are real risks associated with her that democrats need to understand and head them off or else.

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It doesn't fucking matter who the candidate is as long as they don't implode in front of everyone, 2020 is just a demographic headcount like any "democracy" that's multicultural. "Can the Dems overpower the Republicans at the ballot box with sheer numbers of nonwhites?" is basically the question of this election.

Biden is falling apart faster than a poorly rolled burrito. Check out one of Styx's videos on Biden or something. He's clearly got early stage dementia or something similar.

I'd vote for warren if she canceled student debt. I want my free shit now.

Bernie would get zero centrist votes. I'll go to prison for life before a Communist is sworn in as president.

her plan is to cancel all student debt except for those making a lot of money
and she's more likely to find a way to pull it off than Bernie.
She plans to pay for it with a wealth tax that's probably unconstitutional, but she's technocratic enough that she may have a backup plan.

The plan since Bill Clinton has been to install easily managed presidents, either fools or compromised in some way. Biden, with actual dementia, would be ideal for this so they're going all out for him.

Don is Hillary 2.0

Trump is Hillary 2.0

Warren is a dirty, dirty cunt. Angry old white woman.

I'd vote for Warren simply because she won't end up being a puppet for Israel like Trump. But honestly I don't think any of the Dems running would suck as much circumcised Jew cock as Donald Trump does.

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Yeah, it really sucks how she wants to make life better for everyone in our country.


Yeah, not having to worry about medical bills or pay tens of thousands of dollars in college debt would be AWFUL.

Be sure to vote for TRUMP so we can keep medical insurance costs and education as expensive as possible!

>There is also the unspoken problem that democrats need voter turnout to win.

It's why some states recently legalized issuing of driver licenses without proof of citizenship. Since getting a voting ballot needs a government ID, this is perfect for allowing illegal immigrants to vote. Otherwise, they come up against the constitutional requirement that voters for president should be citizens, so getting a ballot wouldn't work.

Some states (New Mexico, Utah, and Washington) don't even require proof of residency.

Another method used in my state to get more poor and minority votes is to have mail-in ballots instead of voting stations. The postage is free in my state, so the illegal immigrants just drop it in any mailbox. They can also go to many public library branches and put the ballot into the metal ballot collection box or visit any authorized ballot or voting center to drop off their mail ballot (or vote in person at an actual booth).

If most of the latino votes are going democratic, then the democrat candidate will win because the black vote is definitely going to democrats who talked about Reparation payments. Early in the campaign, Elizabeth Warren said she was in favor of Reparations to blacks. Currently in the USA, the combination of blacks and latino population is the majority of the USA population. But the voting majority for blacks+latinos will occur in the 2040's decade says the Dept of Census prediction. At that point, added to the white SJW votes, the USA may be permanently into liberal voter hands. The voters can then vote whatever benefits they want.

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Turns out she wasn't related to an American Indian. She was related to notorious American Indian fighter.

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at this point its either bernie, warren, or biden. biden is senile and trump would run circles around him, warren comes off as a shrill unlikeable granny and would play the exact same role hillary did: an obviously fake bought out bureaucratic puppet. bernie would do the best against trump on a debate stage if he gets his voice fixed, he has some quipping ability

Pocahontas vs Trump. Please God, make this happen, I need more liberal tears,


She literally pretended to be a different race to gain financial benefits. It's absolutely hilarious to me that Democrats are supporting her. They have no principles whatsoever.

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Sad but true and nightmarish. The US is finished. I hope everyone is preparing for the collapse.

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I cannot believe that Elizabeth Warren is a serious candidate let alone a contender. EXTREMELY LOW ENERGY not to mention she made a total clown of herself with the DNA test.

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Hillary 2.0, let the slaughter commence.

She's only a serious contender because sanders is in the race, and the DNC doesn't want a replay of 2016, even though that's what they're gonna get . Any other time it'd be a race with Biden, Harris, and buttegieg

They're not stupid, it's because of her positions on Israel.

She's another one of these off their rocker nuts. Look at these retarded.

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Not one Democrat has a chance in Hell this year. Expect a very low D. turnout, barely any independent votes, crushing losses in the Rust Belt and a dip in black support even with reparations, blacks know it’s just lip service. The Dems have been going crazy on live television everyday for 3 years, soon to be 4... I know they think the public are fantastic idiots and they’re not wrong, but this muh Russia stuff.. Will they keep it going for trumps second term?

On top of that they’re offering free healthcare, college and and housing to anyone in Latin America who wants to come visit. Making planes and cars illegal, giving terrible sound bites about everything under the sun... wtf are they thinking?

Only Bernie cares about anything and Bernie will never be allowed to run on their ticket! the rest of their candidates do their best with whatever lines the Big Jew feeds them, all they think about are themselves and the nomination, they don’t give a flying fuck what they pass or how it affects the country, anyone who cares about that is filtered out.

Politic$ attracts the wrong kind of people to work in public service.

I live in st paul Minnesota, taxes are terrible, and steady going up. Dems just inceased property taxes again to fund $75 million to "affordable housing" for welfare recipients.
My sister in law is a welfare manipulator, gets a budget of $2500 per month for rent through section 8. She can work, doesnt want to. Lets people stay with her then charges them rent. Affordable housing program is easily tooken advantage of.
Fun fact: in MN woman can be aproved for free health care indefinitely if they have children and claim single. But specifically men only recieve "emergency assistance" that givea only 3 months of healthcare per year. If a man has job during that time, instantly aid is cut off.

Nothin wrong with that - Shaquanda's 13 childs needs they doctah visits

>Lets people stay with her then charges them rent. Affordable housing program is easily taken advantage of.
Yup. Obama's section 8 houses purchased during the 2008 onwards downturn have the same problem. These are actual houses in good neighborhoods and were meant to give pre-screened welfare families an example of what it was like to live in such a neighborhood.

Unfortunately, these seem to punish the neighborhoods they are located in as past thread posters have described. One poster mentioned how the people in that house basically rented it out for the 6 months they were able to live in it. Another had porn video shot in it.

>Fun fact: in MN woman can be approved for free health care indefinitely if they have children and claim single.
It's similar in my state. If the woman has children, then health care is free and subsidized housing is available on priority basis. The woman is not required to work as taking care of children is considered a full time job, thus she gets the whole social welfare freebie package. Do they raise their kids right to not steal and be honorable productive members of society? Or do they spend their time smoking grass? So they keep on having children all the way up to "retirement age" and then apply for permanent disability status.

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As a Berniebro, I like her more than killary but she's still suspicious

We just want someone who isn't BOUGHT BY PACS AND CORPORATIONS

They want the wrinklier Hillary or the black Hillary, but the last thing they want is that old white Hillary

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if warren is nominated and gets elected we need a bunch of white guys to get fully kitted out and do a 13 day sun dance in front of the white house

>We just want someone who isn't BOUGHT BY PACS AND CORPORATIONS
You cannot get anything done in Congress or the Senate without doing what each clique, pac, or lobbyist organization wants or they will try to get in your way and block you. They might even fund your competitor's re-election campaign just to teach you a lesson. They will also make your constituents suffer from withheld funding or blocked congressional actions and thus you will lose the next re-election. They're pretty cynical, and if reducing the amount of disaster aid relief is what it takes to force you to obey party leadership, they will do that. If you get in their way, they will go talk to your party or the Speaker of the House or the leaders of the senate and you might not even be allowed any floor time to present your Bill for voting or approval.

They also make it easier to get you re-elected. For example, they can pay the salaries of "volunteers" who offer to work in your offices for free. They're actually paid by the PAC or someone else. But now your office has freed up budget money that you can spend on your re-election efforts instead. Besides that, having a bigger staff lets you handle more tasks and thus your political power is increased relative to the other representatives or senators that don't have a staff as large as yours.

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Yang is the only one worth voting for

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Nothing is a serious threat to Trump

>people still think Biden won't be the nominee
Bernie math all over again.

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