He's fucked. I gassed millions on Predictit.
What happened to Bibi?
He got a facelift
can someone explain this hair meme to me?
look up brendan fraser divorce
Get goin' Newfag!
thank you
yes, ma'am
also, what's up with your fat soft hand?
Nothing, first elections resulted in an inability of the parliament to form a government (one or more parties have to have a combined share of 61 seats), they couldn't form a government the first time so now they went to a second election to try again, the number of seats each party has hasn't changed much so it just looks like they wont be able to form a governemnt the second time either and then there will be a third election, I don't know where this stops but as long as they cannot form a government then Bibi is still prime minister I think.
>What's up with your fat soft hand?
Maybe it is because I'm a fat soft guy? GENIUS.
I thought attacking Saudi oil was pretty based. He went out with a bang at least.
Unlike you, Newfag.
are you sure you are not a homosexual male and/or a woman?
I've never witnessed a straight male, in irl or otherwise, display the loser hand sign - ever
Are you sure you aren't a loser?
>Are you sure you are not a homosexual male
>I've never witnessed a straight male, in irl or otherwise, display the loser hand sign-ever
I never claimed to be straight-ever.
another woman term
well, there it is!
I call your pudge and raise you a toe
Blumf has given up on us
Haha nice
>Hehehe he's GAAAAY!
damn you didn't read the rules did you newfag. It all makes sense now...you don't even know what 'spiky hair is' and your comeback says it all: You are underage.
you type like a woman
Third time lucky!
So far your insults have been calling me gay and calling me a woman. Damn how'd you get this good!?
you have convinced me
when are you appearing next at drag queen story hour?
>He doesn't even know how to greentext.
Come on user, this is just getting sad. Go back to Facebook.
And absolutely none of your """insults"""" have been on the mark since I unashamedly love traps.
nice deflection
there it is, again!
holy fuck!
>there it is, again!
Why would I need to deflect anything? I already admitted I am not technically straight because I love traps. And I would be fine with being in drag. That'd be super hot.