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He's fucked. I gassed millions on Predictit.

What happened to Bibi?

He got a facelift

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can someone explain this hair meme to me?

look up brendan fraser divorce

Get goin' Newfag!

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thank you


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yes, ma'am

also, what's up with your fat soft hand?

Nothing, first elections resulted in an inability of the parliament to form a government (one or more parties have to have a combined share of 61 seats), they couldn't form a government the first time so now they went to a second election to try again, the number of seats each party has hasn't changed much so it just looks like they wont be able to form a governemnt the second time either and then there will be a third election, I don't know where this stops but as long as they cannot form a government then Bibi is still prime minister I think.

>What's up with your fat soft hand?
Maybe it is because I'm a fat soft guy? GENIUS.


I thought attacking Saudi oil was pretty based. He went out with a bang at least.

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Unlike you, Newfag.

are you sure you are not a homosexual male and/or a woman?
I've never witnessed a straight male, in irl or otherwise, display the loser hand sign - ever

Are you sure you aren't a loser?

>Are you sure you are not a homosexual male
>I've never witnessed a straight male, in irl or otherwise, display the loser hand sign-ever

I never claimed to be straight-ever.

another woman term

well, there it is!

I call your pudge and raise you a toe

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Blumf has given up on us

Haha nice

>Hehehe he's GAAAAY!
damn you didn't read the rules did you newfag. It all makes sense now...you don't even know what 'spiky hair is' and your comeback says it all: You are underage.

you type like a woman

Third time lucky!

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So far your insults have been calling me gay and calling me a woman. Damn how'd you get this good!?

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you have convinced me
when are you appearing next at drag queen story hour?

>He doesn't even know how to greentext.
Come on user, this is just getting sad. Go back to Facebook.

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And absolutely none of your """insults"""" have been on the mark since I unashamedly love traps.

nice deflection

there it is, again!
holy fuck!

>there it is, again!

Why would I need to deflect anything? I already admitted I am not technically straight because I love traps. And I would be fine with being in drag. That'd be super hot.