Dude lets just force more people to be alive because of my own selfish desires

>dude lets just force more people to be alive because of my own selfish desires

when did you realize antinatalism was the final redpill?

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We couldn navigate a rational path to a sustainable level of people on earth if it wasn't for poopskins

I think it is an excellent idea and should be explored voluntarily more often. Means more resources and opportunities for mine and those that want to be genetic dead ends for their beliefs and desire to "not be selfish" are more than welcome to make that sacrifice.

that boy ain't right

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In an alternate universe, after the events of the Naruto setting, the world was at peace, and they made Boruto as a spiritual successor to King of The Hill.


>selfish desires
why do anti-natalists keep repeating this line? Having kids is the most selfless act you could do, you're literally surrendering 2 decades of your freedom to someone else.

Meanwhile people who don't have kids are just cooming to anime porn and dating trannies until their 60s. It's literally about them all the time, they don't have the balls to seppuku and they call others selfish....

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It's selfish because you are forcing someone to be alive (at least until they are old enough to kill themselves) solely because you wanted to find meaning in life or something.

>forcing someone to be alive
are you retarded? How can you 'force someone' on anything if they didn't exist to be forced in the first place? Anti-natalists really are something special.

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antinatalists are subhumans
never have I met a more pretentious group of people that absolutely abhor children
most jewish shit I've ever seen

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Antinatalism is for r-selected insect nations, user

>Making a spreadsheet for your sister because she disgusted you with a child
Jesus I didn’t realised anti-nuttalists were this unhinged.

If only it were Nigerians and Guatemalans buying this meme rather than whites and Japanese!

Dang it, Boruto

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between this and goku and even bleach, anime really pushes the white protagonist with the asian girl

>that graph
Utilitarianism was a mistake

lots of people enjoy being alive. Just because you can't handle it doesn't mean that creating life is wrong.

I support it

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>Don't have any more white children, goyim.

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You're always old enough to kill yourself

isnt there some statistic about whites/asians having the most successful marriages and levels of happiness?

I want to fuck Himawari.

Yes, don't have a family who will take care of you when you are old and declining you will have uncaring immigrants to do those shitty jobs for poverty wages. You know your going to eat a bullet by the age of 40 you might as well do it now.

What I hate about boruto is that they cucked out on Sarada being Karin's daughter.
It was literally perfect and Sakura would have been seething for all those years she cock teased Naruto.

Antinatalism is a tool of the Jew
You never see antinatalist Africans

You are creating an entity where it didn't exist before. An entity that cannot choose if it wants to exist. Thus you are forcing something into existence.

They look like weirdling elves, which ain't a bad thing, mind you.

I have no idea if it's true, but for years I've seen the chart posted, and it's White Male + Black Female. Yeah I know, but apparently it's due to "White Worship" and the women doing all she can to please her white husband.

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how on Earth would you know whether something/someone wants to live? not everyone is a depressed, schizophrenic kike shill like yourself.
Life and nature are undeniably beautiful when they're not being subverted and destroyed by you and your kind

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It doesn't matter whether something wants to live or doesn't if it hasn't existed yet. If it does want to exist, but doesn't well then obviously it isn't conscious and this can't miss what it never had. But if it doesn't want to exist and IS alive, then that is a negative situation. Thus, the only logical positive outcome is to never exist at all.

>An entity that cannot choose if it wants to exist. Thus you are forcing something into existence.
I am only forcing something into existence if the entity had agency before existing and declined to be existed. To even say an entity cannot choose to exist is an absurd statement since an entity is a positive existence already regardless of any choice, and a non-entity cannot choose to begin with. Therefore it makes no sense to say one forces something to exist if choice doesn't even come into the equation one way or the other.

>But if it doesn't want to exist and IS alive, then that is a negative situation.
Again, you're conveniently assuming something is there waiting to exist before fertilization, having thoughts of its own. Existence starts with itself, whatever situation you apply is moot.

>tfw no huge tittie hinata to fuck while she shyly moans my name

You're not understanding me at all. The statement

>But if it doesn't want to exist and IS alive, then that is a negative situation.
is meant to apply to an already existing creature, such as an adult human. Which is why I said "IS alive. " I don't know where you got

>Again, you're conveniently assuming something is there waiting to exist before fertilization, having thoughts of its own. Existence starts with itself, whatever situation you apply is moot.

ok I thought you meant an non entity but I see that you’re just applying Benatar’s silly asymmetry argument. (Don’t mind the IP change I just got on the train from home).


That older study had sample size that was too small

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Japanese don't consider these characters literally white. Teens often dye their hair blonde or any color. Obviously they are copying us but its cool.

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The male hapa is always the most retarded one.

It even shows it by looking like his white dad, and the good little sister looks like the Asian mom

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Lmao Naruto is perhaps the epitome of cringe. Such a shame because 666 Satan was sort of a somewhat proper shounen series

The world is overpopulated with literal soulless animals because of this, like animals. At some point mothers just accepted that their kids were basedciopaths, circa 18th century.

And if you like 2D and live on a flat earth, you might be one.

Go push it on Africa, Western countries are already below replacement rate. But you don't care about mouths to feed, you care about exterminating whites

Oy smitzen barmitzvah goy!


Spot the jew

You could say that it's like the Asian version of a white guy going on BLACKED.com, it's just that for Asians, it's whites instead of niggers

Or, maybe they just acknowledge that even the lowest of whites is better than an Asian "man"

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LMFAO, my sons(or their descendants)will become powerful warlords in Post-America and you'll be a forgotten fart in the wind of history because you're a gay nerd.

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Well, now I have a new head canon.

Goku was a little Jap boy trying to fuck Bulma in the beginning. I think it’s just that Whites and Asians are more compatible in that both are women and civilizations aren’t trash and we feel more comfortable with the men masse. Much more comparatively to niggers, id say, we’ll, hopefully. We shall see if Whites pull through until the end.

Kid looks fine.

>men masse
En masse
Neither Whites nor Asians flood each other’s countries. We are both based.

>denying life to future generations because of some imaginary guilt and cynicism in a world full of pure miracles in every direction to be sensed by the human brain for free.

Sounds like Sodomy to me.

Makes you wonder how bottom right (in OPs pic) came about...
Also, leave

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Seems like the best thing to do would be to kill other people's children OP.


This is what insanity looks like. Only a selfish, indoleny retard could navel-gaze long enough to come up with such a ridiculous, unrealistic philosophy. You couldn't possibly actually believe it, because you would be dead by now.


if naruto didn't bone hinata we would have never gotten based himawari w/ the byukagan, and boruto's retarded jougan.

Antinatalismnis the stupidest shit ever holy shit
Are you a fucking nigger by any chance? I say we kill all antinatalists, give them exactly what they fucking want, to die like dogs

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kill yourself, unironically.

Reminder that anti-natalism is cuckery of the highest order.

Yeah I'm sure the shitskins will be so considerate of mother gaia and not shit out countless children we then have to pay for.
Who are you trying to fool OP??
The only people targeted with this 'don't breed to save the earth' bullshit is white people.
Blacks don't give a fuck about anything other than handouts, as they've proven time and time again.
They'll let their entire countries go completely to shit, they don't care.
Doing things for the environment doesn't matter when you've got billions of niggers on the planet.
Why should it come upon white people to stop breeding?
We're a minority.
Blacks should depopulate long before whites.

OH please get laid Virgin. Dai no Daibouken was so much better. Long ass manga series blow

Holy fucking christ that is one hideous looking cunt!

>he wont even take responsibility for hos own birth

Those kids were conceived through sodomy no jutsu.

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Oof based. Naruto is a disgrace to the manga world. Try reading good manga/watching good anime like Cat Eyed Boy, Lupin 3, Ashita no Joe, Berserk, Big O, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Fist of the North Star, Legends of the Galatia Heroes, 90’s etc.

>dude let's just deny the chance of happiness for the sake of equality of outcome

when did you realize that you're just another NPC-fantasizer?


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Kishimoto was just providing the solution for how Japan can reverse its declining population growth.

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