>You smell of curry, dumb bastard! Go back to your fucking Southall slum!

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>Pakis liking Indians
What rock have you been living under?

I hate leafs so much

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there's some seriously stupid fucking people that post here nowadays

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It's the narrative. All "POC" are beautiful innocent souls who've been victimized by evil white people. Truth is, whites are the least racist of all.

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KEK is it poo vs paki?

>Her mum had clashed with the driver after urging him to not let anymore people on because of overcrowding. >When the male passenger tried to calm the mother and daughter, he was met with a torrent of abuse. Referring to an area in London, mobile phone video shows the woman scream at the man: ‘You smell of curry, dumb b**tard. Go back to your f**king Southall slum.’


every day there's a new video of a nigger insulting a paki on the bus or a mudshit insulting an indian

When will they all learn?

all globohomos have willingly given themselves to demons, they will have GRIDS infected wet nigger shit forcefully wafflestomped down their throat before they're sent to burn in blood & piss for eternity, until the starts burn out

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brownies can't be racist

>get rid of white people and you will have utopia...just like the rest of the world

Day of the sewer

forgetting Hitler?

Whites are always apologizing for their racist ancestors and are first to condemn white racists. But blacks and browns openly call white people shit in public and no one ever objects. I've seen it happen a hundred times on the subway. It's just a fact in Toronto. It's also a fact everywhere in the third world. Being openly racist in the third world is just being normal. It's not controversial or even much noticed. It's just assumed to be natural and right.

Hitler was a man of peace.

Of course they don't, Lefties and liberals have never heard of South America or are completely misinformed and think that everyone must get along because they're not white.
It's like how they think that latinos might be nice to blacks when in actually they're notoriously more agressive and meaner to them than whites.

The only reason they don't tear each other apart is because the western infrastructure allows for enough material comfort to make such actions pointless. Once wypipo reach a certain minority status and social services start breaking down, blatant corruption sets in, etc. You will start to see tribal violence on a large scale. The "global village" of modern cities is a tinder box of deep ethnic and religious animosity that is only kept at bay by gibs and comfort.

Weak. Why don’t you actually see what’s currently happening in the Middle East?

>Once wypipo reach a certain minority status and social services start breaking down, blatant corruption sets in, etc. You will start to see tribal violence on a large scale.
That's an interesting hypothesis. Might actually bear out. Only time will tell.

>You will start to see tribal violence on a large scale.
This makes me smile

I remember reading a story about an Indian man who joined the Islamic State, they wouldn't let him be a fighter and forced him to clean the latrines. There is some real hate between those two people look at how South and South East Asians are treated as guest workers in Arab countries.

yet south africa cries

well it looks like she's integrated


Sounds like a porno if you’re on coombrain

Muslims literally hate everyone who isn't muslim. This isn't news.

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>doesn't post the video

Kill yourself.

she aint wrong about the smell. At least muslims have to be clean for their 5 preys a day.

> ‘You smell of curry, dumb b**tard. Go back to your f**king Southall slum.’
now imagine this sandniggress spewing this out with a brit accent

Muslims reek aswell dude. And during Ramadan they are absolutely disgusting with their horsebreath.

not here at least. They have to follow their religion properly which a lot of muslims dont. Come on a bus in canada full of pajeets and you will change your tune.

>Muslims literally hate everyone who isn't muslim. This isn't news.
It is to white people.

I'll just leave this here

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Yeah brown people stink but so do muslims. I went to college and had alot of muslims in my class. They reeked of home cooking and never washed their clothes. And their horsebreath during ramadan could be smelt even when they're 5 feet away. The teachers would dread every time a Muslim had a question and came up to ask them something with their dead breath.

well you're from Portugal. you probably had a lot of black muslims. Personally, haven't had that experience with the arab muslims.


I really wonder if this shit is genetic or brainwashing or both.

Could you provide some context for this? Not clear what the take-a-away is.

The white liberal score is brainwashing.

Look at the fucking title of the graph you stupid nigger.

Clearly a Somali chick. Why am I not surprised that you're a fucking stupid burger?

Nah dude, it's the brown muslims the most. You're obviously an Arab Muslim though so I'm just gonna stop.

She actually did it with a British accent if you would watch the video. KEK

Only white people feel white guilt. The rest of the world never changed. They still hate each other like they always have. It's only stupid, spoiled white people in the West who think we've somehow morally "evolved".

>quintessentially British

As a White poo, I laugh every time I see a dumpling head do this shit, and act morally superior for no reason.

Said literally nobody. Everyone knows white people are the only "tolerant" race.

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I'm a white poo, and I am brahmin, I feel guilt too. I don't know why, my people have been fucked since the independence. In rural villages we get lynched, because we are whiter and overall much smarter than those people, so we push for more liberal laws. But these never get passed. Thankfully my parents moved me out of that shithole. But I can't help but feel bad when I meet a low caste.

white people on average are the least racist people in the world.

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I can already see it happening in Winnipeg as the whites move to the edge and outside and dont make enough money to be taxed quite enough to pay the monkey meter.

The middle east number seems low.

Why do they still smell like ass from 4 feet away then?

Pure brainwashing combined with 4 generations of a dysgentic welfare

The ride never ends

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do you mean iraq and syria. i think they are grey/ not included in the survey.

Muslims also hate other muslims.

Hitler was especially non racist

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>At least muslims have to be clean for their 5 preys a day.
"Clean" is relative. Richer muslims just douse themselves in a perfume made of musk, oud, and jasmine. This is probably what you've experienced. The whole washing before prayers just means their feet, hands, face and armpits, but its only with water, so let's not make it out that they take 5 showers a day or something.

>British accent
it's more a low IQ creole than British English, I'm sure they reduce all European languages down to this level.


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>The "global village" of modern cities is a tinder box of deep ethnic and religious animosity that is only kept at bay by gibs and comfort.

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Paki Muslim here. I would have beat the fuck out of the Somali ape and stood with my Indian buddy. Somalis are subhuman. Indians are dumb statue worshippers and street shitters but they can be redeemed though Islam. Somalis already are supposedly Muslim yet still act like apes.
I give permission to India to drop a spare nuke or two on Somalia, though it wouldn't change it much.

Why do Paki women love it?

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Hitler wasn't white.

We are talking about the present time.

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its cuz they are chimps programmed by the television. But so are you.

whites are the least racist people


>No source

Muslimas are the most arrogant cunts on the planet. Domestic violence is their culture.