Communism is good

Communism is good.

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Communism doesn't work, scumrade

On paper
Not in reality

granny faced whore is ugly

>Communism is good.

for jews

a good diet plan, yes.

Don't act like you wouldn't smash that raw from behind

if that's a communism then i'm a communism


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Capitalist pigs.

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100 million people would disagree with you

Christianity is stupid.

monroe's feet are god tier


Also this. Commies think she's attractive because she's been fed.

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Not really. Born from resentment, leads to genocide of some of the best people in society and only shitty antisocials identify with it


Sieze the means of reproduction.

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iPhone Venezuela MacBook Starbucks bottom text

>Communism is good

Great, you can die for it then

I'll seize that ass

That thing is the least breedable looking ever. No hips, ass, or tits

neet rat


she has two kids and a rich husband and lives in Moscow center so somebody definitely disagrees with you

shes also a high end fashion model now

Monroe's everything was god tier. I wonder how she aged.

(s)he's hiding a fat chode

*blocks your path*
Abolish your private property and give it to the state!

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u wish discord tranny

All feet are not equal.

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Does Monroe still produce content or did she shy away?


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idk her instagram shows her riding around in a porsche panemera and her husband has rolexes n shit so i doubt that cosplay was real

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She probably got fat or aged badly.

>newfags not knowing about monroe

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you are in denial you closeted faggot you like cock and want us to accept your degenerate sexuality

She got very ugly, got a thousand piercings and tattoos

communism for big corporations, but not for the rest of us

>coomers knowing about monroe

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Not surprised but any proof?

...for the leaders and their friends. For everyone else it's hell, terror, and starvation.

>woman's ideology is good

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These threads with an image of some slut in the op should be auto bannable. Getting tired of these and the ones with nigresses.

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she goes by katia or some shit now


>pays for hair dye, makeup, and a cute outfit to advertise a system of government that would allow her access to none of these things.

Modern communists are so fucking delusional.

Sage bait threads.


reverse img search n click her insta and twitter she rich af u tranny fake woman

She looks as young as most commies are.

the original image

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Post some! Make sure it has a commie symbol somewhere so it's relevant.

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Nice I had lost that old shop in a busted HDD

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Only direct democracy can withstand Epstein attacks. I'm sure Israel has Chinese Epsteins enticing middle management in every major company there. They will become leaders eventually like in the US and EU. Sometimes the best offense is a good offense.

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can you stop posting russian thots please?

they did this work and photos for money. they do not care about communism

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present your argument

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SHe's no promoting ZOGmmunism, she's cosplaying as a character from a Russian VN.

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Christianity is stupid.


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don't pay any attention to the mountain of corpses