Future of Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe while not having the same issues as Western Europe still has major issues that need to be addressed. Firstly and the most apparent issue is the economic discrepancy between East vs West and while I understand communism is to blame for this it’s been nearly 30 since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall. Where does East Europe’s economy go from here? What should be done about troublesome states such as Ukraine and Moldova that are simply unable to stabilize?

Next issue is population decline and emigration. Eastern Europe has a demographics problem as well just in a different way. They have alarming rates of population decline. Immigration isn’t even an option for them since they’re poor and most immigrants would go to the western world instead.

Lastly is a bit of a sensitive topic and it’s about mentality. Eastern European modern culture is shit, it’s just as degenerate as western culture with the addition that it’s widely promoted by even nationalists. Things like the Slav squat meme is just plain embarrassing and further instigated the image of Eastern Europeans being a bunch of drunk idiots. This however is not the case, or atleast not for their diaspora in the United States. How can we promote more of them to follow better and alternative cultures like some of their traditionalist?

I espessialy want to hear from Eastern Europeans themselves, what are their thoughts on this?

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For the most part the more Western countries like Poland and Czech Republic only really suffer from the demographics issue. More eastern part is where the real issues are, and I have no idea how to even address their mess.


Eastern Europe isn't white.
Poland is white but they're Central Europe.

Jow Forums is fucking awful, shill threads get 300+ replies while legitimate discussions get slide.

Fuck off mutt this is a discussion for humans not your kind of subhumans

delet this

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>Things like the Slav squat meme is just plain embarrassing
Kys chair kike. squatting is natural for humans. Chairs fuck up your posture. You are literally giving your hard earned shekels to the chair industry to ruin your posture.


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This is the kind of mentality that fucks up the Slavs, all the shit like hardbass, squating, adidas, vodka, etc.... are nigger tier. You can’t help but cringe when you read 19th century Russian world class literature and think what sort of culture these people hve today. Please for the love of god fix yourselves.

The best thing they could do is try to minimize US influence.

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>repeating Hitler's opinions

This is the legacy of communism, it’s lethal to any culture. Even East Germans were affected to a degree displaying more violent tendencies than their western counter parts. There’s too sides of the story though since the westerners have grown soft. Europe honestly needs a complete reform both east and west.

Vast majority of Eastern Europeans are not thug like that. The ones who are jut expose themselves more, along with popular Eastern European youtube channels promoting the thug culture.

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The same Hitler that threw Europe into this mess in the first place... fuck off to your confinement neo nazi larp threads.

Eastern Europe is going to end up accepting migrants. Look at the birth rates and Western EU countries brain drain the East.

Yea I realize that and I even mentioned that in the OP since the EE diaspora I know personally are nothing like that. However you see it online often where even the ones who don’t live this sort of life style still promote this kind of culture online be it for memes or whatever reason.

Like I said that’s not really even an option for them, I mean it is to a degree but they’ll at best get the lowest of the low since their countries are poorer than western counterparts.

First of all there is no such thing as slavic culture. Slavic culture was a thing in early V century, now its polish, Bohemia, Russian etc. And i have no fucking clue how you made up that theory that Western Europe that promotes radical feminism, marxism, multiculturalism, sexual deviancy and destruction of Western civilization is equaly degenerate as lets say "eatsern european" culture that has some subcultures that consist mostly of poor and stupid people that take pride in beinhg constantly drunk and doing stupid shit

I never once said Slavic culture as whole, most i did was mention Slav squatting which is what it is known as. I've seen my polish nationals embrace this, even on Jow Forums. The simple point i'm trying to make is that this culture isn't doing you any favors, in fact for the most part it has severe negative implications. The western world while it has alot of negatives in the modern day still have alot of good cultural aspects. For Eastern Europe they might have less bad aspects but they definitely have less good aspects as well. This isn't a personal attack by any means and you should not interpret it as such, i have genuine concerns for you guys and want you to be better and be better off.

many polish nationals*

you're autistic. stop talking out of your ass. you know shit about europe, mutt. if you want to solve someone's problems start by moving out of your moms basement.

Youre not talking about culture but about mentality than. Yeah polish mentality is completly fucked up. I dont see any way to change it, (((public))) schools made a "good" job

Well yea, even says so i'm my OP
>Lastly is a bit of a sensitive topic and it’s about mentality.
The culture that an individual embraces is part of their mentality. Poland is actually one of the better examples on what other EE should strive towards. Russia and it's satellites are much more fucked as this sort of mentality seems cool to them.

What purpose is there to sperg out so much due to a simple discussion. What did i even say to offend you?

Well you can put it like that for sure. I just look at culture in diffrent way, for me its more historical subject, Tb.h its hard to even talk about culture in "modern", globalised world, most of Poles accepted the globalist, consumerist lifestyle

>Next issue is population decline and emigration. Eastern Europe has a demographics problem as well just in a different way. They have alarming rates of population decline. Immigration isn’t even an option for them since they’re poor and most immigrants would go to the western world instead.
I have a solution for this: let dissident whites from the west into the east. We'd put more into the system than we take away. Win-win.

You larp as traditionalist and yet you think of Europe in such a uprooted way. I wish Poles,Balts and so on the best but they're are not my people so their future isn't mine.

Why even come in this thread to say this? If this doesn't concern you then you're free to ignore it. Even more so you can still discuss a topic that isn't directly related to you given of course that you have something relevant to say. Your comment was just a waste of time and effort for everyone.

Culture is dynamic, it's always changing and evolving. There is a historical aspect to it in which culture is built on prior cultures. Western Europe retained is historical culture to a degree but recently have started abandoning it for a globalist American culture. Eastern Europe had it's historical culture semi destroyed via communism and that why many regions have resorted to a thug culture built up in the 1990s during economic hardship. African have somewhat of a similar situation, they have no historical culture so their cultural foundation is all they've really know and that ghetto culture. I honestly hope this 1990s thug culture is abandoned, some nations had similar thug cultural development like the UK with Chav culture and in some parts of their population this culture has taken root.

idk if you will find enough people to resettle in the modern day, maybe in a decade or 2 if the EE nation continue in improving their living standards.

And who are your people? Do you only care about the Swiss? Germanics? Sweden? Do you care about Italy? UK? Greece? We should care about everything that happens on this continent because it generally has implications on all of us.

Germans are my people and i do care about my all Europeans but with different priority and not all European nations have the same intrest. For example Poles are against the Nordstream 2 pipeline which would boost the friendship between Germans and Russians and would also make Germany a bit more independent. And German or even Western nationalism would in the end stop the money flow from West to East so it's not even in their interest.
Also,different nations have a different perspective on history,the French often like to portrait themselve as the righteous nation and the Germans as militaristic even though the French were pre WW1 more militarlistic than the Prussian dominated second reich.
I don't want to dnd and i do belive we should support each other but i won't do it at the cost of my people and i've talked with many Polish and French nationalist which always had an underlying distain for Germany in their framing of history.

Don't make threads if you don't want peope to disagree with you faggot.

The west is the problem for eastern europe, western companies come here and don't pay taxes because they find a loophole or bribe the tax system while keeping the wage extremely low. I worked in a UK company that was making clothes and my pay was 150$ a month, fucking disgusting cunts, on the contract the pay was even less to pay less taxes. So the west is the problem.

When has mountain jew ever sacrificed something? What did you sacrifice? swiss watches?

Leave us alone, faggots.
Defiant bump.

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>boost the friendship between Germans and Russians and would also make Germany a bit more independent.
Historically thinking, this has to be avoided.

>sucking Ivan gaspipe
>makes Germany a bit more independent
Hans, you are retarded.

>First "issue"
is the one that allows us to be shitskin free, so fuck off, we're better off being shitholes
>pop decline
that's applicable to all white countries, west is just fudging the numbers with shitskins
>culture is shit
>says cultureless mutt

thanks for the seizure :D

Fuck off, we're full

>the Slav squat meme is just plain embarrassing and further instigated the image of Eastern Europeans being a
OP you are faggot

Sorry to inform you fren but everything you said is only but a biased opinion that one gets from the internet and have no fucking clue on what they are talking about. Aka larping, I've lived in 3 eastern EU countries for about 20 years, there is nothing of what you say other than some simple stupid stereotype of the internet.

Anyhow things change with time, a single human life time is but an "hour" in world history, empires rise and fall, countries get created or destroyed, these things take time, won't change in our lifetimes.

>slavs migrate into europe in the 5th and 6th century CE
>they settle in the area and subsequently create a juge bloc of countries that have been hotbeds of retards, criminals, drugs, and lawlessness for 1600 years

>american, probably spawn of said russian steppeniggers, creates thread in 2019, painting them as europeans

>in his infinite wisdom he posits greece is eastern european.

There are autosomal and nuclear DNA assays, you know. Serbians, bulgarians, skopjans, belarusians, slovenes, slovakians, a great chunk of germans, the majority of CZ - they are all clustered with russians, be it tatars, chechens, or uralic.

stfu faggot. Keep your propaganda to yourself. Hur Birth Rates take muslims! It's all fake news.

Greeks have no right to criticize anyone before you pay debts and retake Constantinople

Problems with Eastern Europe:
1. Corruption, cronyism.
2. Incompetent government stemming from above.
3. Russia specifically - huge distances, poor soil, low population make it hard to develop economically/be competitive because you have to spend money hauling goods over vast land distances. Look at Alaska. Same but bigger. It also makes it harder to have good country-wide administration.

These are just memes. I have not seen anyone slav squatting in like 10 years. That culture died out here and probably in rest of slavlands as well.

Basically the "being corrupt = being successfull" mindset is deeply ingrained and not something to be ashamed of here because the government is obviously corrupt and incompetent, and so people see this and go "well no point in working hard, I'd rather also steal and be corrupt". There's no culture against it.


I am stating objective and verifiable facts.

To whom and in what way? You don't know because the astroturfing was effective.

Why would anyone want a city full of turks and mongrelized greeks? If we are given cartle blanche to completely exterminate the citizens then we are talking.

EE needs to intermarium already.
Weve had russia vs germany forever now. Boring.

>be 18 year old lowbrain shitposter
>only education from pol image macros
>need to come up with example of easteuro culture for first serious post in hislife
>le slav squat meme :DDDD (^: ebin

Here's a small tip: instead of sticking your huge kike nose into our business (like you always like to), why don't you deal with your problems first (homeless, niggers, crime, school shootings, etc.).
We can do just fine without your diversity and LGBR niggerfaggotry.

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If you find the Slav squat to be embarrasing, you are in no place to give advice.

We a wall
One Great Wall on the borders with Western Europe

Why is a mutt on the other part of the world listing internet memes like they are facts?
This thread you all ranted about "slav culture" without even stepping foot in eastern europe, you just shit out reddit memes. Kill yourself useless ball of lard

We are fine at cultural front i'd say. 3 most popular Polish songs in radio this summer were:
Golec twins who play this folk-pop mix for the last 20-30 years. Full of Slavic symbolism pic rel
Disco Polo song (pretty much continuation of folk music)
And this autoirony about our national trait - complaining

On top of that we did send folk musicians to Eurovision this year.

Last but not least The Witcher became famous around the world in the last years, opening American minds to Slavic culture and folklore. Even if Netflix fucks that up, and they will considering someone misstook Brokilon for Brooklyn, the fan made but played and filmed by profesional actors and filmmakers Polish movie looks very promising.

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>Russia and it's satellites are much more fucked as this sort of mentality seems cool to them
Dude, u literally livin in meme world. all ur understanding of russia or poland and slavic culture is internet memes.

It's called making that sweet Youtbe bux you dumbass.
Someone like that Boris fellow is set for life for acting like a retarded Gopnik.

Same here.
This new wave of Orthodox Hip Hop
and Ethno Hip Hop is great.
Still manele are a problem...but they aren't as insipid as they used to be.

And nobody gives a shit about zoomer music.
They should all be hanged imho.Romanian zoomers are the biggest faggots i have ever seen in a generation...Millenials are actually based.

Why Romania cant make mens like this anymore?

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we dont believe in future in eastern yurop
there is only bad past and almost as bad now

They still do.
If you think moving to a foreign country,with nothing,going from washing cars to owning huge businesses that don't need SJW shit and virtue signal to move ahead,you are a dumbass.

You just focus on gypos because it's convinient.
Why should we make more martyrs?

Hasn't Romania and in general Eastern Europe bleed enough for the wests comfort?

Then why did you not vote to make faggots marrying illegal in your constitution?

It's not legal either:)

That law would have actually made homos look like the mutants they are and could have been legally ostracized...not killed sadly.

Too much nonesense text.
Just fuck off amerimutt

Also it's because some NGO's funded by ofc money coming from YOUR FAGGOT COUNTRIES.

Managed to figure this one out and actually convince people to not vote for the referendum.
They knew what that law ment.

And keep in mind James.
Whatever is happening to you and to the entire west and north by extension(except may be Germany and Italy..cause we share some history)

We feel nothing,we don't care you are being taken over,we don't care you have terrorist attacks,riots and gangs.We don't care about the rapes and the mix racing.

We feel no sympathy or disdain for you.
We will watch it burn and that's it...just watch

>Eastern Europe while not having the same issues as Western Europe still has major issues that need to be addressed.
yeah. they have slavs. and not only that, they are 99% slavs. which is worse than niggers

but the anglos declared war on him???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

i bet you have brown eyes

White Northern Europeans are pathologically averse to inter-personal conflict, so much so you could take a shit on their desk and they’d sit there and do nothing. The future of European Civilisation lies with Southern and Eastern Europe those with “hot-blood” and not the “cold-blooded” reptilians of North and North-Western Europe.

All that stuff you wrote is true. Now, as to what to do about it, I have no idea. Everyone is in the same boat it seams and God only knows where the ride ends.

Get them to leave the EU, that will sort out the emigration problem that they all have.
Most of them travel to richer EU countries because it's easy.
Give tax cuts to middle class couples who make more than two kids.

This. The EU is the cancer that's where all of the globo homo comes from.
Another thing that needs to be done is to put down the women. Female liberation is the main tool that the Jew used to destroy the west and they are doing it in the east as well. Ancaps are correct on that "hippity hoppity women are supposed to be property". Now, as to how to go about it is a different matter. As long as we have democracy and universal suffrage those uppity bitches won't go back to kitchen.

Yes, and tax cuts for middle class families with more than two children would help too.
Leaving the EU and possibly adding tarrifs on EU products would also allow you to reindustrailse instead of just importing everything.

>We feel no sympathy or disdain for you.
>We will watch it burn and that's it...just watch
I think this is the general sentiment in the East and pretty much everywhere around the world. The west has brought nothing but misery and their constant insistence on their supremacy (moral / cultural / ethnic) is what will be the end of them. The world is kinda waiting in anticipation to see them crash and burn.

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>east europe
I guess u never was in slav country, there is no future

>Yes, and tax cuts for middle class families with more than two children would help too.
Yeah, that one big time. But I think that the birth rates are not so much a economic well-being issue. I think that the main factor is liberation of women. The only places in the world where birth rates are OK are in countries where women have no rights and are basically bought and sold as cattle. It's really hard red pill to swallow that women are retarded and shouldn't be allwoed to decide for themselves by themselves.

They could have been as supreme as they wanted.
But they stuck their nose in everyone's business.

They complain about gypos.
Yet they are the ones that saved the gypo from extermination.
Them and the French.

>They could have been as supreme as they wanted.
This. In the 90's after the fall of the eastern block the whole Eastern Europe was ready and willing and excited to accept all of their values and their globo-homo shit. Remember how Putin pleaded for NATO to accept Russia. Their dream of their one world order was about to come true, but no. They had to keep putting everyone else down and keep telling them how they'll never be as pure, sophisticated and advanced and amazing as them. It's the hubris that end's up being the down fall of all empires.

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>19th century Russian world class literature
Written by a nigger, lmao.


>Basically the "being corrupt = being successfull" mindset is deeply ingrained and not something to be ashamed of here because the government is obviously corrupt and incompetent, and so people see this and go "well no point in working hard, I'd rather also steal and be corrupt". There's no culture against it.
I think that the level of corruption in government is no lesser in the west either. Heck, it might be even worse. It's just that their media creates the image that they aren't corrupt. I mean look at all the Jewry going on there. Same shit like we have over in the east. The main difference is that westerner general population is too retarded to notice the corruption. Eastern Europeans realize the game their elites are playing and don't buy into their bullshit as much. That's the main difference, I'd say.

Its not Hitler that created this mess, its your retarded slave nation.

Eastern Euros are indeed heavy drinkers op

Successful Businessmen implies corruption here

ok newsflash retard, ukraine and moldova are in no way troublesome outside russian constant destabilization of the area

kill yourself right now

unironically kill yourself before the retardation spreads, maybe take out your extended family too for being this fucking retarded

Eastern Europe doesnt have a future.


This guy has clearly never met a Hohol

dont worry about us, economy will become better but it will probably need another 30 years, but still it will never catch up to the western part, also our countries cant do anything about emigration, there are too many pros to emigrate and maybe 1 or 2 cons which mostly is homesickness anyway, but yes the drinking culture is bad, soviet heritage u might say, only time will fix and/or improve this place, polmeme dictatorships wont change anything

>2 retards circle jerking
always a nice sight

You know what, once Burgerland collapses, it's gonna be fun watching you get gobbled up by Ivan once again.

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whatever helps you sleep at night

>alarming rates of population decline
Fuck you. You come and try to live in this shithole.

Oh, yeah, by the way, what's with the self-hate in the Baltics?

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the more retarded people are the more nationalistic they become

Yeah, thought you'd say that. You do realize that by thinking like that you are making the whole "get gobbled up by Ivan part" an unavoidable outcome, don't you?