Believe this, or be tortured forever

Believe this, or be tortured forever

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Who's gonna torture me? You? Try it you dumb faggot.

Whats not to believe? Seems legit.

It's a metaphor, dumbfuck.


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Believe this or go to prison forever

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What a shitty painting. Whites are just terrible at art

>Two of each
>95% of ship dedicated to insects


The ultimate redpill is when you realize that the Flood actually happened. You just have to set the right dates for it. It probably happened at the end of the Ice Age, in the flooding of the coastal lands that wiped out the Ice Age civilizations.

That's climate change

says the poo smearing pajeet

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people are dumb
religion is dumb
makes sense if you ask me

>all supernatural events which go beyond the laws of the universe must be explained by le SCIENCE! or else its foolish to believe they happen/happened

Get eternal life ..have to die first

>And no black people


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Most of the scriptures are not to be read litteraly, but philosophically


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Why was something as insignificant as Bible literalism used to attack all Christians in the early 2000s?

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>Most of the scriptures are not to be read litteraly, but philosophically
Yes the whole bible is a metaphor for "don't believe everything you read in a book written by ancient kikes nor crazy randos who approach you on the street or knock on your door." It is a very good lesson if you think about it.

I want to know how Noah repopulated the world with the animals.

How did the Howler monkeys get all the way to Brazil? How did the Koalas get all the way to Australia? That's a rather long walk.
Did Noah use his boat to drop the Moose off in North America?
skip to 7:43

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>How did the Howler monkeys get all the way to Brazil? How did the Koalas get all the way to Australia? That's a rather long walk.
>Did Noah use his boat to drop the Moose off in North America?
God is magic with the power to magic anything. He can do anything, all gaps in the internal logic of the story are explained by this. Think before you speak retard.

Oh no no no no...

So what was the point of the flood, why not just snap his fingers and make things the way he wanted?
Why do Christians today insist there is geological evidence for the flood?

>Believe this, or be tortured forever
No. You need to believe in Jesus.

Implying the flood wasn't Zeus

>Old Testament
Jesus is all you need

Where did the plants trees come from?
Utter bs jew lies.

If the old testament is not true what even is the point of jesus

Because the bible says it happened and the bible is 100% true or 100% a fictional story which is really a metaphor, duh. Don't you get it you ignoramus?

If biblical texts are to be read philosophical, does that discredit the validity of the christgod? If everything were to be taken metaphorically wouldn’t it imply atheism?

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Exactly! Did you know there is archarlogical evidence for ancient greek civilization on the Island of Crete? This confirms what was written in the ancient Greeks that the King Of Crete had constructed a labrynth where he kept a man-bull hybrid known as 'The Minotaur.' Amazing!

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*In the Ancient Greek's texts

>Ate people
>Lived in a underground complex
>Feared by all

Sounds like the king of Crete would have gotten along with the Clinton's and Epstein

But it look like Western society.

God here. Give me your wallet or be tortured forever.

>Poojeet talking about shitty

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Good thing Enki saved the human kind from the world wide flood eh. Otherwise Enlil would have goten rid of all the humans.
>be tortured forever
Not sure how this has to do with anything.

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Hell is not forever. The people that go to hell will eventually get out and get saved. 1 Corinthians 3:15

Mathew 5:26 Jesus says hell is finite and you will gry out when you finish paying.

Matthew 18:34-35. Jesus again says you will get out when you finish paying for your sins.

Mark 9:47-50. Jesus is talking about hell and says everyone will experience the fires of hell, and that it is good. Not only that but Jesus is quoting Isaiah 66:24. And Isaiah 66:24 literally says that the people that go to hell will literally die and be turned to ash.

Malachi 4:1-3. The last chapter of the old testament says that the people that go to hell will die and turn to ash.

Satan Dies! Satan is killed and turned to ash by the fires if hell in Ezekial 28:18-19.

Here's the thing OP. After going to hell and dying again, eventually at a later date God abolishes death(he litterally kills death) and all the dead people rise up again (if they are still dead then death cannot die) And God will be all in all. 1 cor 15:25-28.

Jesus is the savior of all men and especially of those that believe 1 Tim 4:9-11.

Everyone who inherits original sin because of Adam will be raised up to life because of Jesus. 1 Cor 15:22

The death of Jesus justified all mankind. Roman's 5:18.

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I know you are an athiest but i told you i would send you some links. These are the links.

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Why are you so afraid of God that you lie?

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>If biblical texts are to be read philosophical
The Bible is true, fren

Gods not fuckin real morty

Yes he is!

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Curse yids and live forever , checkmate.

Fuck you kike.

The ark is bullshit. The flood was real. There has been a few

The two T-Rex part, living in that boat, alongside all those animals.

Truer words never have been typed.

Lol the ark didn't look like that it was way wider. All it needed to do was stay put and float. Also Noah put baby animals on there probably. Maybe a few grown animals but it wasn't a lot because there weren't as many animals back then.

Not science, but at least pass people's natural skepticism, which it doesn't, so there's that.

The christ demon will never own my soul. Only a fool would want a blood thirsty tyrant and mass murderer as their god. Enjoy your eternal punishment for a finite existence. What a nice guy. Tortures you in life. Then tortures you forever in death. How about no.

Its not that the Old testament is false. Its that the new testament is the most relevant to Christianity


Seems legit, you have me convinced.

I agree.

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Cringe. You can't expect to go on a murdering spree and not get punished for it. Humanity sins. Yes it sucks. Deal with it.

>If biblical texts are to be read philosophical, does that discredit the validity of the christgod
Depends on what book your reading. Remember the bible is made up of 66/73 books (66 for protestants, 73 for catholics). Genesis in particular os taken mlre figuratively. Where as the gospels (matthew mark luke john) are taken pretty much literally by most christians and scholars/apologetics.

Literally and "philosophically" are not mutually exclusive.

you are in a cult. people have been promising salvation if you do what they say forever. Christianity is no different.

What's with that freaks face and hair? Fuck him!

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It is true. Old Testament then New Testament. Duh

Cringe. In fact because of the flood that's why he had Noah built the arc, smart one.

>>prays for miracle
>>miracle happens
>>Yeah i did it on my own F you God.
Seems a bit typical today of modern atheists.

Noah's Ark was found on Mt. Ararat in Turkey. Believe your globohomo masters and suck cocks forever.

Its not a metaphor. Youre not going to heaven if you believe that

>Believe the whole god damn universe came from nothing or you are retard
Atheist are the cringiest retards I have ever met

I started believing it when someone mentioned Cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis and some of the ways it overlaps with the myth of Noah.

The biggest Pro-Israel/Zionist bloc is American Christian Evangelicals.

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....So where did God come from if nothing?
Christians thinking they have checkmated Agnostics are top tier cringe.

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Everything on Earth that cannot swim would have incredibly similar mitochondrial DNA to each member of its species if they had their population reduced such that they had a single female ancestor within 10K years. I do not believe this is the case, so it must be an allegorical parable.

that horse has beautiful hair