The strike plans have been drawn up

The strike plans have been drawn up.
The Pentagon will release the evidence.
Iran will attack Saudi Arabia again on 9-19-19(Thursday).
Saudi Arabia will finally attack.
Israel and the United States will join in once Iran retaliates
Backchannels have confirmed.
>inb4 source

Attached: 9-19-19.png (1210x1958, 1.03M)

Other urls found in this thread:

if you're wrong you leave this place forever

hopefully in all the confusion and chaos i can manage to find a gf

how many times did you make this thread today?
fuck off already


Attacking Iran would be extremely difficult to PSYOP currently.

No one ever leaves this place...

do it, nigger.

Attached: 187.gif (300x100, 275K)

inb4 source is ALWAYS wrong and ALWAYS a faggot

Attached: giphy - 2019-09-19T034056.054.gif (210x158, 1.47M)

Why does the image of a Jew salvating and rubbing his hands always pop into my mind when I hear the words attack Iran?

I guess I believe you user

>Iran will attack Saudi Arabia again
what proof is there that they even did it the first time? i thought it was some other people who bought weapons from iran. What is irans motive for attacking saudi arabia? They havent started a war in hundreds of years, meanwhile the usa has been gearing up to attack iran for at least a decade now.

Seems like complete bullshit.

2 US tankers over Europe heading MidEast way

Likely have bombers with them with transponder off

Attached: 1553138058343.png (850x624, 855K)

>Iran is the victim
>sucking muslim dick this hard
You must be catholic

Attached: 1567469018739.png (258x330, 99K)

Attached: GXWdZ4YVn.jpg (782x810, 146K)

>muslims attack other muslims
>oy vey if you dont back the muslims you are a muslim liver

fuck of mr warberg.

Oh I thought it had already started according to your previous thread this morning. Wrong again.
When is this guy going to get permabanned

See you in 24h when once again YOU'VE BEEN FUCKING WRONG!!

But ok, for the sake of it, let's go through this: While we pretty much know Saudis and U.S. are convinced that Iran was behind the strikes and are clearly absolutely not happy about it they refrain from attacking Iran. They do so because the resulting war would be worse than all the wars of the last 20 years.

IF they retaliate now and in the future there will be surgical, small-scale strikes hitting only proxy forces with a high possibility. Reason? Same as above.

Iran won't attack again. At least not directly. Expect some further Houthi shit. I'm pretty sure they were just testing how Saud and U.S. react / if they would find out that the strikes didn't come from Yemen / if they would call Iran out / how far they would go. It was a test run to see how willing to strike everyone is. This test run is pretty much over.

We are back to sanctions, troop stationing and proxy fighting in Yemen, Iraq and Syria for now.


Attached: castle_bravo.jpg (500x373, 11K)

Make that 3 tankers

Attached: 1541844066329.png (1018x786, 1.35M)

>doesn't suck Muslim dick, must be a Jew
Just stop

Attached: 1568459523694.jpg (400x403, 77K)

When is >inb4-source user ever wrong?

Attached: liberation.jpg (478x480, 15K)

>Iran will attack Saudi Arabia again
When was the first time?

Zionist media lies

Fuck trump and fuck Israel for doing 9/11

Everytime he doesn't post hours- or days-old news.


Bahrainian officials flying to Riyadh right now

Attached: 1538461950634.png (1587x600, 153K)

So never. Got it!

OP, in his never ending quest to become the biggest faggot to ever post on Jow Forums, once again posts the end is nigh.

Attached: image.jpg (520x390, 20K)
Any anons excited to see the use of nukes in our timeline?



1 post by this ID

Sa ge

on 9-20-19 Iran will nuke Riyadh, Mecca and Medina. the reason the Pentagon faggot traitors and the Salafi Barbarians havent retaliated against Iran already is because they know Iran already hsmas THE BOMB.

Attached: new UN ambassador for iran the joker batman a Death in the Family.jpg (432x432, 214K)

They need to hit Jerusalem and Tel Aviv as well. In fact fuck it let them glass the entire region it will save everyone one big headache.

Your going to be hearing that them two words noticeably more for month's

Another coming in to Abu Dhabi

Attached: 1540250750357.png (1619x583, 252K)

they going to cast a nigger to a live action of snow white?

Operation snow white #296/72.

A fucking leaf.
Did you read OP?
>Pentagon will show evidence.
Go brown up bigot.

You're gonna really regret this faker...

Attached: 1514122114700.png (853x578, 610K)

inb4sourceanon has unironically never been wrong yet.

nibba please, there will be strikes on 20, 21 and 22, Iran won't respond but the third one will be massive provocation and they might get baited

Attached: 936.jpg (625x626, 31K)

Then prove me wrong by proving him wrong.

He's already made WW3 habbending 24 hours claims.

Show me.

How about you lurk more and sift through the archives of this niggers 1000+ posts of inb4source to decide for yourself how many times he's been full of shit. I don't really care enough to prove myself right desu not worth the effort. Believe me or him idc

All I'm hearing is you not proving me wrong. I understand.

I'm glad you see it my way. Stick around long enough and you'll see for yourself.

if he wasn't afraid of being wrong he would have a trip code

Trips are for fags. He IDs himself with metadata in the OP pic.

Is this fucking frank

Fuck off frank

Attached: 3UkJKF5Zns.png (750x683, 203K)

>metadata in the OP pic
You're a fucking retard

No (You).

okay so what will the opening attack look like? A F-22 lead strike to remove Irans air defences followed by a rain of JASSms?

the other day OP was larping saying that B-2-s were preparing to strike along with Ohio class subs.

This isn't even the real meta user but its probably better you think he's fake because you obviously wouldn't be able to understand the complexities of actual open source Intel ops. It actually makes them work alot better when there are people like you in every thread

I'm doing my part. How about you?

Not the real inb4source

Of course

Attached: trump.png (1024x682, 1018K)

Don’t tease me with a good time.

I wish they'd either piss or get off the pot, getting blue balls waiting for this to happen & I'll be waiting a fucking long time yet. In short op, get your hand off it - nothing is going to happen.

even frank was better than inb4source user

A strike would happen on Friday to minimize market disruption. Trump is a businessman so naturally he wages war like one.

won't happen. even a broken clock is right twice a day. get bent and shoo.

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Fake inb4source poster


In the Jewish month of tishrei (September -October) the big war will start (gog and magog) it will start after the king of Persia strikes the king of Arabia. The king of Arabia will ask a world power for help


This contains tishnei prophecy

And here is Arabia vs Persia

Yalkut shimoni yeshaya (60:4999)

499* my bad

The Bible. The pharisees have been trying to force prophecy for their entire existence

Alao check out mikah 4:1-9
Seems to imply the end days will start when Israel has no king. See election. They can't form government

Your pussy of a country won't do shit.
It is going to be just more sanctions.
Screencap this.

Attached: 68B3C236-AC17-4B43-A0F9-FA27599F630A.jpg (1136x640, 364K)

Is this one of those ‘faggots’ ya’ll keep telling me about?

go persia, you have cool cats and turn those semites into ashes

Just as an FYI, >inb4 source is always in his own threads and never 1 posts. I don't take it very seriously, but this seems like an impostor.

Attached: most-expensive-cats-5.jpg (2000x1333, 605K)

I thought something big was supposed to be happening in Venezuela or some shit? Why are you such a faggit larper?



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