/nzpol/ - New Zealand Politics

>John Tamihere screams 'Seig Heil' during a mayoral debate. Our Guy?

>GDP growth slowing. 0.2% per capita growth.

>Farmers crying that they need more no skilled immigrant workers

>'Oh no! I've been found out!' Chinese councilor kvetching after being accused of CCP ties

>Pigs refuse to set buyback targets and extend the deadline

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(c)ucked to Muslims and your (((PM)))

back at you

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Look at this shit anons

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Lmao so the gun buyback has completely failed.

I hate this country and really don't care about it's politics anymore. All the people on the "right" are just dumb boomer minded people. Whenever I see anything about New Zealand in the news I just get saddened.

Yep we knew it would, just wait and see them go all quiet about it once the time runs out.

Everyone on the right in New Zealand is essentially Kathy Zhu

kek the state of that buffalo bill lookin cunt

>All people publically on the right are just dumb boomer minded people
That said,

Yeah, praying that we will have some sort of legitimate right wing party in the future because its going to be grim watching both national and labour fall into the abyss.

Can we just please have affordable houses and jobs that pay okay also no Indians or Chinese, thank you

Whites>Chinks>indians> > > > > Africans

Don't let the blackpill take hold, user
Remember, it's the struggle you put up that you're judged on in the afterlife, not the earthly end result

K boys when are the sieges of peoples homes gonna begin. I suspect there are gonna be a lot of shootouts with police if the government decides it wants to really enforce the law change.

Sorry but whites>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the rest

Doubt it'll be that dramatic, people are just gonna hide the illegal weapons and no one will have a clue.

I bet they just pretend it was a great success. This whole thing is just a virtue signal anyway

Barely see any Africans but Indians and Chinese have infested this place, they have solidarity too, which is why they will win. Whites here don’t care, because if they’re rich they can live their bougie lifestyles and poor people spend all their time struggling to keep their rooms warm, no focus on working together or helping each other. Indians at my work live 15 people to a house and share cars and do communal cooking, pool their money together and buy businesses or land, average whitey working his 40 hours and putting into KiwiSaver isn’t going to beat that

It’s over here, unless you’re rich

I agree this is likely to be the case and Jacinda can get her Nobel peace prize for it and be happy.

Honestly someone just take me to the fucking sticks already. Getting fed up with living in shithole ethnic neighborhoods, so noisy.

What's life like kiwibro

Check out Action Zealandia. They are pretty new but have soild ideals. Leftists are going mental on twitter over them.

The European spirit can surpass all of this when catalyzed properly.

I'm seeing twice as many Apefricans each year. It scares the shit out of me more than Indians, though I accept there's far too many of those fuckers

It’s not going to happen though and I have tried reasoning with people I know but they’re fully committed to “fuck you I got mine”

Materialism, careerism and social climbing fucked this country up

checked and correct, they don't care about reality anymore, they're not above lying and bullshitting

Personally it's not too bad among all the mental health issues, just sick of the small things i.e being surrounded by meth dealing gang members.

As another user said if you are not rich or upper middle class here it is fucking over. There is such a quality of life gap here between the "rich" and the "poor" - even more so then places like the US

I saw Chloe Swarbrick walking in Wellington before. She is really really qt irl. And we made eye contact and she gave me the cutest smile. I've got a huge crush now.

This may be true but I believe the tide is slowly turning, more and more of the people I speak to can see whats happening. Time will tell but in the meantime as another user said the struggle must continue, apathy is a dead end.

>There is such a quality of life gap here between the "rich" and the "poor" - even more so then places like the US

kek, yea I think we are basically Argentina tier. I wanna go back to uni but my parents unironically think minimum wage is enough to live well here.

A rich New Zealander has a house/houses, vast amounts of land and an obscene amount of money saved up. A rich murican might get a 4 bedroom apartment in the city.

Correct me if im wrong but it seems like these are issues that are in urban enviroments, I grew up in the rural south island and had a fairly different experience.

I imagine if you live in rural areas you own property?

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I just quit my job and thinking of doing the same or just collect WINZ

I can get uni for free since I’m over 26 and with the money I get I probably get about half of what I used to bust my ass for

Not sure what I’d study tho, businesses don’t care about degrees anymore

there are more and more apes in Wellington every month. The amount of white girls being BLACKED and CHINKED here is disgusting.

How bad is Auckland bros? haven't lived their in a few years, bye the time I left my suburb it was basically Chinatown.

Well it was a family farm but we are by no means rich. I see your point though and its a shame most people have to live in the city as it is. I've experienced it myself coming to university and the city really is a pit for your soul to sink in to.