Jow Forums tards wrong again. Evidence proves Iran behind the attacks 100%
Tuck in your tummies burgers cause your going to war.
Jow Forums tards wrong again. Evidence proves Iran behind the attacks 100%
Tuck in your tummies burgers cause your going to war.
Time for burgers to die for their greatest allies!
Hopefully a USA draft is on the table
It was Russia
clearly it was the north koreans
I love when the Saudis pretend like they're a real military.
Not only is Trump making America great again he is making America safe again. May god continue to bless the commander in chief
Why don't the Ayatoilets own up to their terrorism? Why are they always denying and hiding behind their proxies? Perpetual dindu nuffins
Who needs military when their are burgers ready to sacrifice their lives?
Get out my country faggot
there is no doubt that saddam has chemical weapons,,
or whatever the fuck it was
not buying these ''unquestionable'' evidence claims
Israel is gonna be super sad when Trump doesn't do anything
It's alright
when a democrat finally wins the election you will finally bring freedom and democracy for iran!
And I support iran over the yaudis AND the USG
Youre not getting the war you want
Back to red dit, pig
Why not? you must bring freedom to iran
This reminds me of something from years back, something about a country, name started with I and WMC or something like that.
Do Saudis really think they have any credibility? This little show is looked upon as hardly any better than bibi's Iran presentations
Why don't Saudi Arabia and Iran quit playing games, admit their feelings for each other, and just go to war already?
Because Saudis and Jews want you to invade Iran like you did Iraq
>don't question it the science is settled
Cant wait for Greta to start comparing Irans CO2 emissions to the Holocaust
Blaming Iran for oil field attacks because houthis used Iranian drones is equivalent to blaming the US for terrorist attacks in Syria because Obama armed then.
>pol/ tards wrong again.
Houthis using Iranian weapons is pretty much the consensus.
I only believe this if it is validated by and Colin Powell
That televised Hallabjah massacre was a bit of a giveaway, user. He was kinda proud of himself for that one.
>undeniable evidence
Okay so show us the actual evidence so we can believe you.
What's that? You don't have evidence to show us? Well why would you even talk to us about this in the first place with the statement that there is evidence unless you expected something out of us.
The missiles pretty much have Iran stamped all over them since they have one that missfired
>Colonel Turki al-Malki said the recovered drone and missile parts provided "undeniable" evidence of Iranian aggression.
>"This is the kind of weapon the Iranian regime and the Iranian IRGC are using against the civilian ... facilities," he said, using an acronym for Iran's paramilitary Revolutionary Guard Corps.
Then what are these
at least o brien isnt a jewish name
i didn't know it was that easy to fool goyim
i've been trying too hard
Iran will be the straw the breaks the camels back, you are going to have to reinstate the draft to have any chance of success.
All you need to fool them is a red hat.
thanks bruh would you like to sell me one? it will cost you just 1$
Its 2003 all over again! Muh Aluminum tubes.
time for war cousin semitic team up
SA can handle this w/o US involvement...we are partners against Iran, and will provide ISR and other support, but GCC is perfecy capable of doing what needs to be fone, when it needs to be done. anything else including retards and weak shills in this thread, is just background noise.
Imagine living in a such a cucked country that you need help from burgers
>This post
>This flag
>My face