I found out I am Jewish. What should I do?

I am adopted. I have known since I was 16. But I just found out I’m jewish. What now? How do I go on? What do I do about this?

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this, rabbi

Attached: Talmud on Goyim.jpg (1000x750, 100K)

Kill yourself

Wot do?

Accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior

It has nothing to do with religion. I’m a genetic jew. Not a religious one.


Do not kys user. Be the person you was before learning who (((you))) are.

Continue living the good life and follow the strait path.

Exactly what I said don't be a kike

Become rabbi, go to biggest meeting, fireworks and kino.

>What do I do about this?
Take them out from within. Start by learning all their secrets and methods then redpill everyone else.

I’m already a Christian. So will I be okay?

rub your hands together, join the ADL, subvert your host nation, and track the decline of white birthrates

Yes you're saved if you believe in the grace of god

I like your advice.

"jews are the scum of the earth" - Joe Biden

Paid for by Joe Biden2020

Attached: behold.png (775x737, 735K)

take a shower
dry off in the oven

Not unless you donate all your money

The room started spinning when I found out. I’m really depressed.

Audition for the antichrist

KYS shlomo


>Me, the very instant if I ever discover I'm even 1% Jewish

Well, what do you feel about the jews putting aside you...

So? What do you think about them.

Eat baby dick?

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follow brother Nathaniel's path

Go scam someone, subvert a country or become a dentist. Only those 3 choices.

You're prolly just a steppe nigger; how closely related are your parents?

I don’t know. I was only told about my bio mother

Infiltrate them and expose as much as possible!
Get rabbis on tape talking about "dirty goyim" etc. If you won't that, you truly are a jew.


Get some rope

Yes, if Catholic or orthodox even better.

Join JIDF ?

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>taking an allegory for sun worship literally

It's not about your blood but the spirit

gas yourself

kill wh*Te dogs

