Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

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Other urls found in this thread: having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry/

don't raise your family surrounded by niggers and this wont be a problem

That chest tattoo says it all

Nice copy pasta

Don't be a shitty father and your daughter won't turn into a degenerate BBC-loving crackwhore.

wat about having son as a mother

nice meme flag polaku jebany

i think the jews / antichrist jews won on this alone for now alone at least. we are fucking jewed / screwed severely for now alone at least.

>lewaczka amerykanska

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The whole point of raising a daughter is to do it so that she marries a good man. If she marries a nignog you failed

I don't think I've ever seen a picture scream "daddy issues" more than this one.

what if you're black?

>meme flag
>1 post by this ID
Unironically have sex

Many women would be proud to have a son, but it would be a kiss of death for his development if raised solely by his mother.

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The greater point is that women should be wed off at 15yo.

Setting young women out into the world to date dozens of guys is not an efficient way to create a strong family unit.

Why is it necessary to let girls make every mistake in the world only to then settle with the guy that you as her father would have chosen for her right from the beginning. Its a waste.

>It goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes
This bitch is sicker then Heather heyer, I want to send her to L.A. like John mayer

Stop your BS. 99% of white women are not like this. Get off the Internet.

I turned out okay tho!
>I didn't

>user says something that involves women
>refers immediately to women's fuckholes
Everything revolves around your holes doesnt it?

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We pinched our daughters when they where babies when ever we where around black people.
This creates a instinctual association of danger when around blacks. Then when they got a little older (they where home schooled) we sent them to a liberal daycare for a week, we would send them with candies and other snacks. The liberal daycare teacher would always take more than half their candy and snacks and make them share with the nigger kids. When they refused to share they would be punished by the liberal teacher. Then of course the nigger kids would group up and attack my daughter's at the daycare out of jealousy further enforcing their instinctual fear and hatred of niggers.
This gave use the opportunity to teach them when blacks are around to hide their stuff or lose it as well. They would attack my daughter's and go through their coats and lunch bags.
My daughter's think the smell of niggers is one of the worst smells ever, they can smell them coming from several meters away.
We reviewed all TV shows before they're allowed to watch them and they where only allowed a hour a day of TV.
Honestly, be vigilant, be a proper two parent family, don't put your kids in public school and you'll be alright.
We didn't even need to pinch out children when around blacks. Tolerating the smell of niggers is a learned thing. It takes training from a young age to get white people to not find the smell of niggers offensive. It's why the liberals force diversity at a young age, because it's not natural for whites and niggers to co mingle. Honestly we can even smell Jews.

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Saggy tits should be banned.

give 1 sex pls

read again

It really is. Men should be sperm spinning by now.

what is sperm spinning?

>"Black Power"
Brave and proud
>"White Power"
Evil and wrong

doesnt want to be treated like a possession by her dad but then proclaims to be 'owned' by a nig. women are a meme

Yes. This is true if you don't understand the concept of procreation and passing on your genes you fucking idiot.

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Another memeflag, another nigger-tier thread.
Kill yourself.

The only realistic solution is to have sex with your own daughter.

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this thread was supposed to be a copypasta thread

please share your copypastas

you would know about nigger tier uh

look at this duude...

bix nood

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Only way not to be a cuck is to marry your daughter.

>not fucking your daughters yourself
Young girlchildren are made to be daddy's little fucktoy. If you aren't going to fuck your daughters why even have them? If you don't cum in your daughter how will she know you really love her and think she's pretty? You can tell her but if you don't show it by cumming in her how will she know?
Every father should be fucking his daughters from time she's a toddler so she grows up happy and loved

Look at this dumb whore

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no healthy person is attracted to own daughter


Its actually her face, you cant read her entire tattoo

>typowa lewaczka amerykanska
Hey Pshek, what'ca doing?

I grew in a pure white town outside of cities.
Nobody had to train me to hate niggers. The first memory I have of seeing a nonwhite, I immediately hated it, and KNEW it was not like me - NOT HUMAN.
So did all the other children of my neighborhood. Liberal teacher programming at higher school DID NOT WORK ON US, we became immunized from this. We called out teachers and authority figures for their bullshit from day one and made NO COMPROMISES.

RACISM is a natural defense. Racism is GOOD

No healthy person isn't attracted to his own daughter. You really think you had a hot little girl running around your house you would say "no, it would not be good to put my penis in that"? That's just social conditioning.

This is why I'm raising my family in a 150< pop. village in northern Finland

this is pasta

Makes sense

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Once you go black, we don't want you back

The broad in OP’s pic is a jewess.

this cope again

citation needed

It's a pasta. See below.

unironically this, cap population sizes of settlements, no economic freedom of women and you solve half of the world's problems

Indeed it is a pasta. having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry/

When you identify a shill/pasta/D&C

>alert other anons
>post the links to the archive
>don't quote OP

The shills will get tired once they know we have found them out.

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if I could I would put one between her eyes

what is wrong in posting pastas?

She made a viral tweet about disowning her racist trump supporting father and some anons did further digging and discovered her insane sexual fetish. If you search her twitter handle on twitter @Cascadianpoppy, along with the phrase “jewish” you’ll see people inquiring about it as she deleted her account.

this doesnt prove she is jewish