Did anyone notice how you can't access Jow Forums first hand from google anymore, that is...

Did anyone notice how you can't access Jow Forums first hand from google anymore, that is, it doesn't pop up even in the first 10 results the same as it was done with /b/ a couple of years back?
They're trying to censor something.

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Literally not true

Fuck off shill, literally a week back it used to pop in on the first place

Attached: 2131.png (1338x642, 48K)

great, my thread being slid by shills jews and niggers
fuck you all

Have a bump.

Maybe less boomers and retards will shit the place up.
How is this a bad thing?
Based Google.

I had exactly this issue as well op tried switching browsers but it seems to me that pol is being deliberately slid in the search result in an effort to reduce user traffic I’ve tried many different search terms to see if I could get a hit on the first page but no luck.

Bump. Noticed the same.

The evil bastards are scrubbing everything m8. Everything I used to watch on YT is no longer there. Everything I search for on Google I can't find. The level to which these people are control freaks is unbelievable.

They did the same shit to /b/ a couple of years back
You can't really access it directly

actually scratch that, you can now apparently
That's weird as shit

The jews are afraid and are desperate
We are winning guys
Keep meming trump into office

They have been very successful at basically making the internet a slightly more interactive version of TV.

fuck you kike, and fuck your orange jew plant

I've noticed that too today. I Wonder if it will affect the traffic, hopefully not

>orange man bad
Take your hormones tranny

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I feel very bad for children growing up in this world. Imagine being a child today. As if everything isn't confusing enough you go online to try and make sense of it and even then you are greeted with nothing but the "young turks" and cnn showing up. The modern world is child abuse on a profound level.

Well that’ll be because /b/ is fucking useless now nothing but porn for mindless anons to consume

Probably won’t stop those of us that are already here for ever but it most definitely will reduce the number of newfags coming here and getting accidentally red pilled I wonder if this has anything to do with the recent American hearing on combatting white nationalism worldwide?

Streisand effect
Now normie searches for pol and notices its not there
>"hmm why is it not here who messed with these search results"
And another person is redpilled

fuck your slide one ID post thread, fucking nigger

ADL, Google and other groups are getting ready to move against any opposition.

Pewdiepie's donation trolling really fucked them up badly and exposed their fuckery to 100 million people spread across the entire planet, they want revenge and they're also shit terrified that their fuckery finally turned people against them, this is all desperate tactics to stop more people waking up to their bullshit.

Weird, I'm also able to do it on the phone, but not the pc

I'm surprised it wasn't the case before, i mean infinity was fully delisted from google and you had to use the direct URL to get there.

Now the journalists, boomers, brainlets and dumb r.edditors alike who have the mental capacity of niggers won't come shitpost here because they're usually too fucking retarded to find out how a filipino druggie culling imageboard works. Isn't that nice?

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It came up as the second page which is werid. Are youbto lasy to type Jow Forums.com in?

catalog used to show even if you typed Jow Forums pol or Jow Forums Jow Forums or even just Jow Forums
That's what was changed, it's not about laziness, it's about someone deliberately fiddling with the algorithm for whatever the purpose

Google doesn't want normies to find us. Which is good because they can't handle our autism.

it's so that you cant post spicy new OC memes

/b/ or Jow Forums was hidden from google
same with infinitychan

Fuck off Rabbi. 100% true
Jow Forums doesn't appear in google at all. It used to appear first.

Now you get this excuse;
>In response to a complaint that we received under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have removed 1 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read the DMCA complaint that caused the removal(s) at LumenDatabase.org.

>not just typing urls
Fucking boomer normie

Stop using joogle. everyone take note - joogle exists for one reason - joogle.
If you have no skill you need to work on that,
joogle is a portal for normies, bottom line.
get your shit together.

We can use this to our advantage. Less exposure means less heat. Those who want to join the political discussion can still seek out pol. Those who have been here already know how to get here.

>This notice is not yet available for viewing.

>Lumen has recently received, from Google, a copy of a removal request originally sent to Google. Once it has been processed, the removal request in question will have its own unique ID number, URL, date and other associated information.

>Thank you for your patience.

How long does this usually take?

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I noticed this morning because I am too lazy to type the URL out and always search pol on my iPhone. It's not the first time either btw

Yes,When i Type pol nothing comes up i need to Type Jow Forums and than enter pol

Oddly enough searching for "Jow Forums Jow Forums" on google had it as my top result. Even more weird, it wasn't on the first page of duckduckgo, even though the catalog.neet.tv entry for it was.