If this person was born in North Africa you would think he's an Arab...

If this person was born in North Africa you would think he's an Arab, but because he was born in Spain you think he is white

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He's not white and neither are you Kike


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He doesn't even look Arabic just the same skin tone, id have guessed Spanish if I didn't know

Hello Rabbi Shlomo Zuckerman, how are you?

>Spain = White

i thought be was the prime minstrel of canada for a second there

This. Spain was conquered by the Arabs. Most of them look like Arabs

If OP was born in the north you would think he's a fucking yank.

he isn't even close to be white no matter of where he was born

How do I cope with looking like a Nafri Monkey bros?

Por qué los latinos estais tan obsesionados con España jaja


I'm not Latino. I just notice that people from Spain look a lot like Arabs.

Well, that's are really stupid believes actually the curious thing is that was more African and Arab dna in iberians before the conquest that after, so again you are a autistic or a kike

Sure, Garcia

You still have Arab and African blood and will be like that for next generation.

I'm not a beaner

No, again the reconquista expell all from iberia, and those who were keep in iberia now are in your homeland (Mexico) because they were treated like shit

If you look this map careful you can see that was a great migration every time that a new place was reconquest

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Bullshit sand nigger

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just let the amerishart mutts cope lol most american flag posters here are just mestizos con complejos

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That guy is italian.....

lol cherry picking nigger loving mexican indian faggot


Mediterraneans are not white, they are Arabs from Saudi Arabia.

Pic related is one of the Moroccans that killed those Scandinavian tourists by the by

Attached: Nafri.png (198x340, 157K)

>memeflag OP
>divide and conquer bait thread
>1 post by this ID
>all this replies
Eternal summer is eternal

Which is right underneath Spain for the geographically challenged

Still he would be considered a natural citizen of Spain. Also I'm not a beaner.
I'm half German half Swedish and I don't consider you Spanish as our people.
My face.

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Who gives a shit. I’d call him hot. And if he’s ethnically Spanish, then yes, he is white.

He's definitely got some arab blood. You can hear it in his voice too.

You look like a med, unironically

nowhere close to being white, how color blind are you OP

OK this thread is pure autism

he with his father

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>fat lips
Dios mio...

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Yes he is Mohammed.

this desu.

Whiter than you Tyrone.

I doubt you’ve been to Spain nor seen Arabs.

Yes he is. Just because he has a tan as it NATURAL for some Meds to have, doesn’t mean he isn’t white.

Yes they are.

He easily looks pure Med. How does a voice sound Arab?

I'm 100% white
Half German half Swedish
Brazil nigger

sage this gayass thread ITS HAPPENING

I live in Dearborn Michigan. Many Palestinians and Lebanese live here.

get the fuck out fucking meme faggot

>He easily looks pure Med. How does a voice sound Arab?

pic related

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I'm whiter than you, user

>Shitalian Mudeterrian

I'm the whitest of white. Half German half Swedish.

>lmao "our people".
You're such a faggot, you even went out and bought a ring so that everyone knows what your female brain thinks is important. It doesn't matter though, because you would never publicly defend your race nor would you ever stand up for a brother in need. Just more empty posturing from a race separatist who buys into Jewish memes.

>blacksun ring
fucking larping fag

Carlos Sainz is most definitely not a arab you downy pol fag



I'm a proud 100% European half Swedish half German man. I am married to a Syrian women who will birth out the whitest purest blood. The ring symbolizes our struggle just as hitler said.

He honestly looks Southern European to me.

>”his voice sounds Arab”
>posts a cartoon pajeet voiced by a white guy
Yes, I’m confident you really know your subject here.

He is brazilian mulatto i know that there are white people in brazil

Bahahahahha look at this fat dude with his fat hand, white pride represent

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Nobody thinks this guy is white....the fuck you talking about?

chinks, gooks, and japs have lighter skin than that dirty semite and nobody would call them 'white'. he is a shitskin plain and simple.

Lmao, what moron would think that this person is white?

his face looks white. if you imagine him with blue eyes and blonde hair, nothing seems off

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Still whiter than you muttugal

este tipo no puede ser espanol, no jodas.

>but because he was born in Spain you think he is white
why are you making assumptions?
You're not white if you have brown eyes.

He is.

See this

that is pure bullshit - have you ever been to Spain? Maybe this one dude looks a bit off, but he doesn't in any way look like a typical spaniard, for fucks sake he looks pakistani.

He's actually Brazilian.

was about to say that fucker is mulatto.

>Bahahahahha look at this fat dude
Being that fat requires industrial agriculture, which requires advanced knowledge of chemistry, thermodynamics, and physics. All of which require a stable and productive civilization. Which requires citizens and members who themselves are productive and stable.

So thank you. We are fat. Now compare to sub-saharan africa.

t. 56%
Is it still 56%

I have met Spanish people and I can't tell them from the Palestinians or Lebanese that live here with a slight majority Arab population. I have met Spanish exchange students and I can't tell them from a dirty muzzie

No. Hes not.


>racism is about feelings and skin color!
It's not. It's science.

Get fucked. Herbs in fields.

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Syrian wife lmao. You're a meme buddy and you're still a steppe nigger in your core. Far from Europid.

anecdotal evidence. All the Americans I see on a daily basis are mexicans or niggers, does that mean Americans are all Mestizos and Niggers?

Who the fuck thinks that person who is born in Spain is white? Fuck off meme flag.

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Syrians are white dipshit. She has brown hair with blonde strides and pale skin. She sorta looks like this.

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Es descendiente de brasileños mulatos.

aaaaaaand you're done. I'm assuming you're out of bait now.

so you're bragging about marrying someone who comes from a race and culture of people who are currently abusing our women and children? You're a white woman in a man's body.

I'm not joking retard. Syrians are different from other Arabs since they still retain their original features which wearnt muted out by Arab steppe invaders.

I'm not bragging. I'm making the right decision by marrying a holy women who has culture and knows her place as a female to support her Viking warrior who has to fight the non white invaders.

>that ring
>that flag
>that greasy hair
kys fatass

Hahaha you aren't a Viking

>calls me a mutt

You cant make this shit up folks

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You look like a beaner paco. Black hair, dark skin and you probably have brown eyes. I'm actually spanish and look way whiter than you lmao.

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6'4 230 pounds. Normal Viking height and weight Chang.

You can't be serious.

I'm half German half Swedish. My ancestors were from the coldest harshest parts of Northern Europe fighting huns. You Spanish Arabs were lazy just getting fucked over by African moors and mudeterrians.

He looks Armenian.

Attached: mousasi.jpg (1280x720, 44K)

>a race and culture of people who are currently abusing our women and children?


Ahaha dude you will never be blue eyed, light skinned and have reddish hair, kys brown scum.

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Vikings were like 5'9 you moron

Damn he cute.

Show your mutt face you hook nose, big lip, unibrown having mutt

Nice tits

Subhuman height.

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Show yours darkie

Already did mutt

He doesn't look North African you dumb rat.

>Yes he is. Just because he has a tan as it NATURAL for some Meds to have, doesn’t mean he isn’t white.

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> mutt
Yeah ok when you have blue eyes, light skin and nice golden red hair you'll be white. Lmao you're just angry you look like a turk or an armo.

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I’m pure NW European.

He is. He’s European.

It doesn’t though.

He really is. I think a lot of these ‘Meds aren’t white’ posts stem from envy.

You look like me and I'm Castizo, LMAOing at your life beaner.