PewDiePie makes fun on Jow Forums Jow Forums

Literally says you're ALL IDIOTS for thinking he SIGNALLING TO YOU
>"whatever side your on I don't like you"
>"i made edgy jokes 3 years ago and dont care anymore"
>"fuck nazis fuck commies"

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Fuck jewdiepie


eternal swede strikes again

yet he cucked the ADL, what a great success.

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I can smell you sweating bruh

he's always been fucking crypto jew retard. i mean it's honestly surprising how many retards think he's 'zomg based pewds'

>this is your cope
I dont feel anything but contempt.

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get fucked goyim
your race's "hero" is a FUCKING JEWISH PUPPET

Clearly a signal.

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We had fun, you are hysterical

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If you watched his videos you would know he was never on our side. he is Swedish, he'll never have the balls to be conservative

I would blow his head off with a shotgun and feel nothing.

Kill yourself, kike

Don't worry. He'll blow his own head off and then throw himself off a bridge tied to a cement brick soon

Or when Marzia fucks the black guy Felix is friends with.

his feefees are hurt cuz you bad boyz stopped licking his butt and instead called him a kike diring the ALS drama. Or ADL or what was it? i dont temember and dont care desu


Pewdepie was always a cringey soi boy, this is obvious to anyone who's over 9 years old. He likes being "edgy" in some videos because he's a fucking retard that doesn't even understand what he's saying half the time, only that they're "EPIC MEMES BRO XD" that he pulled from Reddit (that stole them from here).

WOWOWOW hhhhhh how unexpected .
kill your self retarded amerimutt if you ever expected this creature to be anything else but a degenerated kike that abaned every idea of duty towards history for material possessions he doesn't need . Btw he was already rich even before he started yt a literal kike . But this is pointless since i know words are wasted on cultists

what an absolute cucklord

He's only doing what he is (((Told))) to do. Dumb-asses. Just trust the optics. He red-pilled everyone about the ADL. He is only doing this now to keep (((ADL and them))) off his back.

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He does not possess the testicular fortitude.

>again pretends he didn't know about the ADL even though they destroyed his deal with disney
>gave the peace sign in his video after the one in which he announced him recalling his donation pledge just like an user asked him to


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>actually believing this

Another one after Taylor. Maybe /pol would finally abandon these celebs and start to care about relevant themes.

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That's going to happen to all the amelek spawn. :)

>Btw he was already rich even before he started yt
Whats his background?

Lol. Jews are feeling it coming... 110 is on its way. Gonna be a BIG one this time kike.


>muh jewtube ecelebs
Nobody who says anything meaningful hasn't been banned off kiketube.

interracial cuckold videos, in the background

Damage has already been done and there is nothing you can do about it. Kike.

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maybe you can shut the fuck up about him now then?

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This is easily the most pathetic thread I have seen all week.

Why do you care about this Swedish faggot attention whore?

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Too late his wife should expect a visit from a few very "hung" Muslims refugee's that will rape-impregnate her leading pewdiegoy to suicide since he out lived his usefulness.

>Against labels
>Hates it when people dont give others a chance
>Labels all Jow Forums ebil nabseas and hates them without giving them a chance
What did you yards expect from a Plebbitor and a tard named Kjeil(((berg)))


No don't you understand he has to come out and demand niggers be lynched in the streets. Just reveal your entire power level so they can ruin you, goy. Otherwise you're a cuck!

Let me ask you this. If you were making anti-Jew jokes, the ADL gets wind of it. Sends the glowniggers to your house to have a talk with you. Would you stop doing it entirely, or would you play a game where you donate to the ADL, on "good faith" explain to some people what their organization is all about, then you generate the anger, the frustration, the hate and then you withdraw your donation from them. Angering them, but at the same time, putting up a faux face of being a good "goy" would you still do what he did?

He made nazi jokes, he go into trouble. he then pledges donation to them, fans gets red-pilled instantly and rebels, then withdraws the donation. But then puts on a brave face to say bad to us, but at the same time, secretly chants us on as heroes. Would you do that too? Again. Trust the optics.

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>"whatever side you're on, I dont like you"

He hates you too, kike

The real story here is that pews is welshing on a gift.
I'd like more explanation of why he decided to ungive the 50K.

Kill yourself mutt, die for Israel like a good goy faggy while ur wife produces some Black Bucks

confirmed pewds is a nazi

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If you listen carefully he never denies being our guy, he just says we're idiots


then why is trying to "end anti-Semitism"

We're national socialists, not nazis. Nazis are the jewish caricature and war propaganda.

If he is the embodiment of the typical alt right, Tyrone will surely rape you all with his superiority.

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>i white
>i go extinct
>i love bbc
>i amelek spawn get genocided

everyone is a libertarian at his income level

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I’m sure he completely forgot about what (((they))) are doing to his country. I believe him.


>we take everyone else with us.
Guess you'd better start helping.

based and redpilled
FUCK Jow Forums

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Nu-uh. That would happen to your Israeli relatives. I bet this kike rat parasite whore was raped too and she enjoyed it since your women are so huge whores, that your whole religion is matrilineal, because your women take so many goyim dicks in their kike cunts that there wouldn't be any jews if it was patrilineal.

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Have faith he is our guy

are you all retarded? what was he supposed to say? that he regularly browses Jow Forums and although his choice of clothing (Vete with the cross) was accidental he still endorses nationalistic ideas? he and his channel would be instantly annihilated by the media. what he did was the best choice since thanks to it the media can't attack him anymore because he's a 'good boy' now, but at the same time he cucked ADL and redpilled 100k+ people about them.

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tldwant to give him a view
>adl is an anti hate group
>i'll still donate to a jewish anti hate group
>i want to end anti semitism
It's always hard to see someone cuck this hard, especially if he used to do jokes so based as the death to all jews sign

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What fantasy are you legit living in?
He didn't read pill anyone . The casual normalfag is a retarded creature with 0 though process or inner voice. He showed submission on encountering the tiniest barricade . Why did he do this? So he can gain more money from people that allowed him to reach these heights . Thats the only reason he decided to donate . He doesn't care about anything else then money. He even admitted it. 50 grand wont save you from the day of the rope jewdiepie.

desu fuck the Jow Forums

you all bunch of faggots

Ah yes, i do watch pewdiepie, how could you tell?

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>samefagging this hard
>easy (You)'s
>retards falling for the bait

COPE more you S E E T H I N G kike.
1488 SAGE

Seems like he was trolling the ADL, what now?

amelek spawn you these goys? they think there satantic spawn race will be around in 10yrs LMFAO
>We conquered you
>We made your women hate you
>We made you inferior sexually
>we turn your sons gays
>we turned your daughters into whores
>we erased your history
>we destroyed your "culture"
>we brag about it
>ur only pussy left is Asian "women" lmfao
>u have no friends or allies
>ur all incels now
>ur all low iq
>White "men" are second class citizens in there home countries now
>whites are getting genocided
>blacks-niggers can rape white women anytime they want
>blacks can impregnate your mother anytime they want
>anti white rhetoric in the media is at a all time high
>your fathers-mothers worship bbc and will defend them raping you and killing to their last breath
It's over you lost.

He is right. Funny thing, OP is doing the very thing Felix is ridiculing in the video - outrage for the sake of internet drama based on barely an implication of whatever the audience THINKS he is saying/doing. He is simply like "whatever I do both sides take it the wrong way, so fuck you all, it's stupid, you are stupid, I'm just gonna play Minecraft"
Good for him.

You have to be 18 to post here

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Your a perfect golem for our plan, calm down inferior shitskin ur race, nigger race, mudslime race, chink race, poo race were never important only a pawn in a game to destroy wh*Teoid amelek race

Nice false flag.
No really. A lot of people took the bait.

im actually jewish fuck off amelek faggot


>fuck nazis
>not nationalists
and? learn to play the semantic game, define nationalists as non-aggressive (and NATIVIST rather than nationalist in the context of europe) and nazis as aggressive supremacists who invade other lands
this saves the good of nationalism while also opening the door to demonize israel as the only concrete example of white supremacism in the modern world
learn to play the game

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This. He wasn't even trolling the ADL. He wanted to betray everyone in the nastiest way possible, and when the backlash happened, his natural swede instinct to cuck took over. Now he's a tough guy again.

It will happen more and more and less people will care, no matter how much you kvetch about it.

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hahahahh 8dchess right gguooyss??

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He should never have strayed from just being a gaming channel aimed at teens, good for him if he finally decided to mature.


This made me cry. That poor little crab on his way home from school :( killed in an instant

I've been saying this since the start, he's just some dude trying to play minecraft and make money off memes
He's not some white nationalist ffs

signal shit you stupid toothpaste.
if this faggot reklam cares he would sacrifice more. especially as hes already financially secured for generations to come.

hes a fucking kike sellout

op is a seething kike who can't stop thinking about this

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>if you pay your censors you win

He's not wrong. Jow Forums is filled with retards.

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