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Its astonishing that there arent one of these threads up

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National Socialist Revolutionaries stand with our brothers. Bump

I think we should plant redwood trees in areas that have no trees in order to provide lots of shade

Makes a general.. posts nothing.

One day the world will be covered in forests so dense and tall that no sunlight penetrates

Yeah because your supposed to post in the thread

That can only happen through a National Socialist Revolution

We should plant large amounts of trees in the Great Plains region. What the fuck do we need all that open field for?

Food for Africans, Asians and profit for traitors to employ non whites

The ultimate form of eco-fascism is the world trees.

Trees converts co2 to oxygen and carbon into wood.
Before the bio weapon know as fungi came about, trees did not rot.

Wood can turn to rock and stone through fossilization and petrifaction.
Rock formations are actually remnants of gigantic silicon-based trees.

Some mountains are giant tree stumps which were cut down by the giants.
This proves and explains the giant insects and why they cut them down.
Humans instinctively fear spiders, bugs and snakes too which all would have been eating us at that time.
They would be sources of protein and food too, imagine the bee honey and spider silk you could have farmed.

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I totally agree with you. As someone who has family there whos done that i think we should turn the entire place into a dense forest so we can hide. The only problem is the farmland and grazing animals will eat saplings.

Can we get some uplifting messages?

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Wood turns into stone because volcanic ash covers the wood then the frame fills with silicate lava and crystallizes.

Thinking of making a wiki for the collection of ideas relating to /ecofacism/.
What are some topics that should be covered?

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i shit my pants :(

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The best kind of fascism.

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Not just with lava/magma though, being buried and having groundwater run through is enough.

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good looking kot

Human population reduction
How to deal with technology in an ecofascist world ?
How to deal with other races ?
The importance of bith control

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state enforced veganism

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Why do you keep posting this stuff

crashing this thread
with no survivors

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Is there any ecofashwave music?

>iceland kike crashing the thread
I guess I was right, giant trees must return.

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Fuck off

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I'm making this pic my phone background.

this picture hurts my brain
cant even read it

>Autism the post
Unironically retarded

yes this is acctually true, I read this in the National Georgraphic magazine back in 2014 or something. Because the athmosphere wasn't as dense as it was today, trees would grow much taller and wider.

It's funny you have this symbol in Stellaris, I'm playing as space birds with this symbol and I'm conquering and enslaving other species this run :)


So how many trees have you guys planted? For me its 12 redwood saplings that i grew from seed.

I'm going to bump with images from previous threads until people get done working.

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Hopefully I don't get stuck in a captcha loop.

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Anyone got some good videos to watch? Non cucked nature documentories are becoming harder to find these days.

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Image bumping.

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Is Eco-fascism for or against nuclear power?

Ecowave has to be recorded outdoors and is tribal and organic in it's mood.


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jew confirmed

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I think it could be for but better safety technology needs to be researched and implemented before it can replace fossil fuels. Safe advanced nuclear is the only solution at this point.

I love nature and the planet. But to truly help it we need to address the biggest polluters: China and India. White people are already pretty good for the environment.

White planet is the Earth's only real hope.


John 14:6 kjv
>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

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fuck your impaled kike

yes, basicly a hybrid system of renewable and nuclear to replace fossil fuels completly overtime

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>when you get imprisoned for life for seeking peace

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the vermin races use your home as their toilet

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Glad Captcha isn't fighting me.

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Not entirely on-subject, but relevant.

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Breddy cool but if these plateaus are Yggdrasil stumps... where's the rest of the tree?

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Environmentalism has been ruined by the people who are supposed to be supporting it. The hippy/vegan/liberal environmentalist is only doing it because of a superiority complex . These people are ruining it by annoying the masses, making them not care for environmentalism and by spreading incorrect information. First world cities are living way more efficiently then people like to admit, making up roughly 1-3% of the earths surface they hold ~5 billion people. We could never support the amount of people if we didn't live the lifestyle we have. Securing food, heat, and shelter has become vastly more resource and land efficient than ever before. Our end goal should be maximizing the amount of space for nature and non-human species. Suburbs, low-yield farming (organic), and many forms of renewable energy production require lots of land space and minimize room for nature. We need to embrace technology and scientific advancement while also decoupling our production from nature. Fusion/fission reactors, GMO, high-production farming, are in a bad light because "Beth" saw something on Twitter and wrote about it on her blog but these are what will allow us to survive. Third world countries are actually the cause of most of the problems, you will get people blaming our consumerist lifestyle but it is the inefficient production in third world countries making the issues. A great example is China, if they used more efficient manufacturing processes we would not be in as dire of a situation. This is just the ranting of an annoyed university environmental student though, so think what you will.

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Beaver post.

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Still a real person.

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Do you have the one for noble violence? That one's my favorite.