realistically, how much longer before the collapse finally happens? i cant take any more of this
Realistically, how much longer before the collapse finally happens? i cant take any more of this
Why would collapse occur? Only your life is shit
There's no collapse that's coming.You're going to have to find a job.
2020 election
You need to get better at dealing with anticipation/suspense
I recommend trying edging for a while
If nothing else, it'll give you something to do with your hands
There's also always the clown-pill
You and everyone else has a loooooong fucking wait so deal with it or KYS Faggots
27 years
Nothing ever happens. Deal with it.
We're right in the center of it ...DO YOU EVEN PAY ATTENTION?!
>2020 election
President Warren will probably be the catalyst.
mine is too.
hah! checkmate
I'm with OP. Can we get to the end of this act and move to the next? The clown world is victorious.
>implying the universe has a center
We're in the middle of the decline right now.
It's going to be a painfully slow process. It'll be so gradual, people will hardly notice until it's too late. We're not there yet, but it doesn't take a genius to see the trajectory that we're on.
We probably have about 7-10 years yet.
It will be slow.
Trump will get re-elected in 2020. He wont fix anything but instead, he kind of acts like a hand-brake to slow things down.
It's fairly certain an SJW will get voted in by 2024. That will bring on an avalanche of GIBs, forcing all white men to go full-bore MGTOW and drop out of society to avoid taxation. Then the Economy collapses because women and niggers wont do any hard work.
Those last 3-5 years will still be stable enough for MGTOWs if they stay out of the cities.
Past that, shit will get Mad Max so learn bushcraft skills between now and then.
you cant just end an act abruptly, because you will miss the whole plot and dont understand the deeper meaning. Just lean back, relax and enjoy the show or take a nap.
it's really close. The forthcoming attack on Iran will lead to WW3.
My head hasn't been right the past few days thinking about this.
Right now is the "too late" you're talking about
THESE you dumb goy! Everything is fine. Get a job and support the business cycle.
>In 10 years populace is convinced to cut off of their childs dick and give them hormone blockers at age 5 because TV said so
Ye ok my dick gradual
>shit will get Mad Max
Guys you really should look up "shifting baselines" and the racial demographic development projection for the next decades
If nothing really RADICAL happens really soon we are already DEAD!
Stop believing the liberal media lies. Its fucking great outside here in the real world.
Water gradually coming to a boil?
nah mate, listen to this:
Trump is the last president of america. Either there wont be anyone to govern america, or another form or reign will be established like the anti-christ (excuse my bad english).
That means we need to wait until 2020 intil the final happening or, if trump gets re-elected, until 2024. After trump is gone, we will witness the chaos that has been foretold in the bible.
I am not kidding, screencap my words.
really?! how is it living next to niggers and spics LMAO Who is brainwashed here!
Global financial crisis comming. Gibs is coming to an end.
What he means is, it's great because we can all participate in American culture together. More specifically Spics, Niggers and Aryans can all shop at Walmart and McDonalds at the same time. MLK's vision has been achieved.