Stop drinking alcohol

Stop drinking alcohol.

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already did, only subhumans partake in the debauchery that alcohol creates. Fuck you Bacco you gay boy

I don't


I think it would be neat to be a sage.

I wish I could grow a stache like that

But it makes your mom really easy!

The first ever miracle of Jesus was turning water into wine at a wedding.

I have a stache like Nietzsche's and it was the best decision...

sorry for genelets, it's a flex

Alcohol makes people masculine and dont give a fuck. Thats exactly what we faggots need to prevent based habbening even further.

I tried to but it's hard when your always around it but I only drink once a week heavly but used to more. Longest I've ever gone was 5 weeks without it


>Drinking an ingredient for sauces and stews
I never understood this

>Take away the one thing that allows autists to socialize semi-normally
Yeah fuck you OP.

Would rather eat a bullet

> First they come for your abortions.
> Then they come for your hentai.
> Then they come for your alcohol.

Then there was nothing left.

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Why? It makes you not dwell on bullshit

Not true. It lowers testosterone & raises xenoestrogen levels in males. Aka, gives you man boobs, lowers your libido, makes you weaker, addition to the corrosive damage to your liver, raising bile levels, dehydrating your skin making you look irreparably older, etc...

Sure you may be confident for those few hours you're drunk. But once it wears off you get to suffer from all the negative side effects, which are the antithesis of masculinity.

t. Recovering alcoholic

That doesn't change the fact that christfags will do anything for women and niggers.

Used to drink every day for years maybe 8... Drank 5 times in the past year and have lost 20lbs.

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I have drank somewhat heavily for last 5 years (6-8 beers daily). Here’s my take for what it is worth - if you want to drink daily, don’t do hard alcohol. Just don’t. You’re 10x more likely to become an alcoholic. Cutting out booze (which I have done on occasion, last being September 1 to 10th) has some great benefits such as losing weight, better sleep, healthier diet (less likely to binge eat while tipsy). It’s not the end all be all if you cut alcohol out of your diet. But put it this way, 6 pack of bud lite a day is 600 calories daily. You’ll lose at least a pound a week if you cut that out (4200 calories is a bit more than a pound). Combine that with a healthier diet, and serious drinkers can shave 8 pounds off in a month, no problem.

The alcohol kills your libido drive cuts both ways. Sure you might get hornier but imo sex feels better and lasts longer buzzed.

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Not only the health benefits but the financial benefits as well.
You'd be saving at last 30~60 bucks a week if you drink as much as I used to.

Drinking is such a flaw in Western culture. One time like 3 years ago, I saw a webm of a group of Muslims beating up a drunken Brit in the streets and it occurred to me that we are in a war and you don't get hammered in the heat of battle (unless you're a mad cunt.)


I've tried SO hard. So, so hard. My record is 92 days. Prior to that was 37 days. Since then, I made 56 days and then 17 days. I can't do it. I can't stay sober.

How do you do it?

I’m trying but’s it hard to when you get bored very easily

Time to get into rehab fren

>Here’s my take for what it is worth - if you want to drink daily, don’t do hard alcohol
Why not? I drink whiskey and coke everyday. I never get drunk though.

Rehab is a joke. You need willpower to quit.

I stopped for years but fell off the wagon. I need something to numb the clown world.

ITT: nerds

or to sage a NEET

How about no

I'll stop drinking alcohol after you stop drinking your father's spunk.

Sounds like he doesn’t have it right now. Maybe rehab can give him a kickstart


Legalize recreational marijuana in Florida. Sobriety is overrated though Id rather smoke bush than drink sauce. I dont like being heavily intoxicated but I like the buzz that brings me out of my introvert prison... marijuana puts a cover on that cage and personally locks me in my mind for the first hour or so but I enjoy it so much more and its always a curiousity where it will take you each time. Your mindset going into it always leads the charge while alcohol just makes you live in the moment until you start to feel dizzy and load up on chicken tendies.

Someone I love is in the process of dying from excessive drining when young,but still drank a twelve pack every three days with dinner and all meals except breakfast. In his younger days he really drankk to excess. The Satanic neighbor would invite him over for Gin and Tonic. He was very mean on Gin. I mentioned this to someone else whose husband died from drinking. I asked if she noticed that when people drink gin do people seem meaner? She said right away Yea it is different with gin. They call alcohol "spirits".
With the gin I was thinking of the muslim devil..the Djinn . Just saying. Here's how it happened here. Sudden weight loss and energy,hard protruded stomach. (pancreas) intense pain. Cirrhosis from booz has no cure unless you get a chinese harvested organ or an organ from a Chicago shooting victim! Yes they are harvesting the shooting victims. That's why Chicago likes it. Zeke Emmanuel organ transplant expert btw. Any this dear dear person is dying from excessive drink. God loves drunks,babies,and widows. I will be a widow soon. He aged 30 years in a few months and skin and bone. I hate alcohol myself.Cant stand taste, So many times tried to stop it. He didn't drive drinking, Just played ancient music and built instruments. 150 IQ He'll be gone soon. I'll be out amongst normies. No refuge. We are still living in 1999. We never became human resources. This is gonna hurt bad. Worse for him. I will ache this It will kill you later I hate drinking.

How do I skip work and not go broke? Also, what is rehab going to offer me that I don't already have? I'm fairly self-aware and conscious of the problem of my alcoholism, but it's just not working.
Where do I find that?

Nah, I like things to be fun and actually being able to sleep is great.

keep telling yourself that

When he can't take the pain anymore he will sneak out in the snow this winter and drink a 5th till he passes out in the snow and leave. He slipped up saying that to me. I enjoy every second of his existence till then.

>Stop drinking alcohol.

Learn to appreciate good wine, whiskey and brandy faggot.

Syphillitic dementia saves you buying alcohol. The ride is cheaper and wholly natural.

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No thanks shitskin. My for fathers built this country on grain whisky, and I will continue the legacy.

Every time i want a drink i have to look at merchants to fight my finnish proclivity for the liquid jew

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Just say "no!" To tea.

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Syphilis theory is bullshit btw, he had none of the symptoms. My bet is that he had a brain tumor.