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based & wokepilled

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big hairy men

Ben Carson is a national treasure


Why does this bitch insult men openly? She needs to go back to Somalia.

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Use their thinking against them
>I'm concerned about big hairy men who aren't taking their new identity seriously

Based Carson

white people smfh

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God i love everything Ben Carson stands for ,its a shame for ever Ben Carson there are millions of gang banging Tyrone. I guess the law of probability states that there will be a IQ outlier after millions of trials.

Nonetheless , i wish the word had more Ben Carson's.

Even Hitler thought Himmler had negro genes, which is why he didn't second guess his betrayal.


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His head ON A PLATE ! The Demoncratic party doesn't accept such vile bigotry.

>how to get free sex as a homeless man
>steal a wig
>put on wig
>smear shit all over your face
>claim you identify as a black jewish female
>nobody can say anything to you because that would be anti-semitic and bigoted and racist
>start doing whatever you do
>nobody can stop you
This is the world lefties will create.

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intardesting fren

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Amen brotha. Right on.


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Muh based black man aside, Carson was legitimately one of the top neurosurgeons in the world. People who call him stupid/ignorant are themselves gigantic retards.
Also, fuck trannies.

reminder that this man on national television redpilled the masses that the democrats and hillary clinton follow the teachings of the jew saul alinsky who has listed lucifer as an inspiration in his book Rules for Radicals
the masses chose to not listen to him, but he has balls

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>liberals are the REAL racists

It’s all so tiresome

>When Benadryl Carson gets woke

uncle ben nooooo

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Us people here in the real world call a spade a spade

>the normies are catching on

The general population may not have listened, but a lot of people understood and woke up with that. Before I watched him say that, I thought that leftists had just gone crazy, not that they were being driven by actively and profoundly evil demons in human skin.


Women shelters are for women. No penises allowed. No exceptions, not even if the penis has been cut off.

it makes more sense if you say "jew liberals" because they're the ones who construct these stringent grand narratives of "the lived experience of systematic oppression"

do you even critical race theory bro?

Bears in wamen's tents? INTERASTING!

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They are, though.
Jow Forums only wishes they could racist as much.

called out sexual predators, what's wrong there?

ben carson isn't in his right mind, and hasn't been for quite some time

nah fuck sleepy

The racism of lowered expectations and absolution of responsibility is far more damaging to the group in the long run than the racism of discrimination and exclusion.

Based Ben

big and hairy pilled


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One of the few strikes against shipping the blacks back to africa would be the loss of sleepy ben

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>Grey hair
I forgot all about him since 2016 elections

Based and redpilled.
Remember when we thought he was going to be Trump's vp?

Sounds like he's just trying to defend homeless women from weirdos.

Poor guy, this is his wife

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He's literally a doctor.

He may be sleepy but he's wide awake

However , they are both black, this is the kind of representation we need. A shame hes considered a "uncle tom" and his actions are considered white.kek

i really should ask the docs at my work if they actually believe the trans = woman trash, but that might be risky if there's a crazy leftoid hidden amongst them

I just went to his Twitter, doesn't seem too bad desu what are the biggest downsides mutts know of him?

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Ben Carson said nothing wrong
There are only two genders.
Transsexual "women" are not females, they are men who took cosplay and drag and hyped the extreme to full belief. Transsexual "men" are not men, they are females with an identity crisis

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They believe whatever the pharmajew that pays them tells them to believe

Fun fact a bunch of leftist and niggets vandalized his home even after pulling a lot of them out of poverty with his urban helping laws.

Why are leftist such children?

Seems reasonable and not in need of a defense.

>Why are leftist such children?

This is canada, they don't get THAT much per prescription.

That's not what I mean.

Yeah my mother in law use to be homeless and now she works for women's homeless shelters because they saved her. This is a real problem, most homeless men are crazy and crazy men do pretend to be women to try to get in to women's homeless shelters to get closer to vulnerable women and children. Duh

ben carson is almost as funny as his cousin johnny
'what is an... oreo?'

It's not ground breaking stuff, but compared to other candidates, not too bad

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His only downsides i think would be his energy. He talks very slow and literally seems sleepy. He's in Trumps Cabinet as a head of Urban development , which was such a good pick for trump because Carson is literally from a ghetto without a father etc.

I think he is amazing because he shows nogs that they dont have to be gang banger and adhere to juden produced "culture".

His policies are very intelligent too , and hes not afraid to call out hypocritical nigger culture.

>Will create
>Using future tense instead of past

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Explain then. From my experience most doc send the patient to me for a radio, then look at it 20 sec then send the patient away to wahtever. They get money when the patient swipe his card in at start, so they go fast

He shoulda


Still hoping for ww3

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One can hope , we need a cleansing by fire.

he's just a typical surgeon. surgeons are always just a bit off. but he's a good guy, i've always like him. he went to my alma mater so maybe i'm biased

Is he better than Trump?


hard to say. I like him better because he's a very chill dude. but he probably would not have made a better president

>big, hairy men

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The last thing a battered women needs is a man stealing their bloody tampons to make estrogen tea.

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Defend what?

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That's fucking gross you fucked up vaginal blood fart...but Sleepy's right battered homeless women don't need some MAN larping as a female victim (wat?) in their faces when they need some peace of mind.

>not knowing about deranged trannies stealing used tampons
Oh sweet summer child

shouldve been

Every homeless female should have the opportunity to suck fuck a fellow homeless female's cock.
Homeless men would be smart to say they are women, because no one gives a shit about homeless men. This is just another example of females being parasitic pieces of shit and getting all the funding. Women are the garbage of humanity, but somehow the pieces of shit are always treated superior to men.

Anyone remember when Reddit went full KKK because Blacks wouldn't vote for Bernie lmao.

They are, though. They are obsessed with race every fucking minute and import billions of brown people to undermine their own people. They've been doing it for centuries.

Women in women's shelters are likely afraid of men, trans people rioted in Vancouver because a shelter pointed out this fact.


It's one of their shit tier tactics.
They come here to get pol's comments when one of the flock speaks the truth. It helps generate talking points to silence our negro in tomorrow's news cycle.
It doesnt work.

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Trannies on suicide watch. Still.

shouting DR3DR3DR3 over and over doesn't make it untrue

He's right, you know.

How many mens shelters are there?
Why don't they focus on this clear discrimination against shelters for big hairy mean?