He makes people seethe so hard it’s unbelievable...

He makes people seethe so hard it’s unbelievable. Hes in the same industry as all these other people and has worked with many of them, even hiring some and they all stab him in the back when he gets the highest ratings. What did he do to upset them so much?

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He isn't jewish and isn't a far leftist shill.

White supremacists revere Carlson. White supremacists openly admire Carlson’s ability to mainstream extremist talking points. Not only do they consider his show a platform to push their messaging, but they also view Carlson as an influential leader laying the way forward for their movement through his ideas. They have made it explicit on their shows and in their private chat messages.

Why does tucker always look like he's watching a several clowns exiting the arse of a midget?

He's a hypocrite, a liar, a coward, a bully, and a punkass bitch. you know...all the things you guys are soooooooooooooooooooo proud of being. fuck y'all.

>this rich TV news host understands me and identifies with me!

Conservatives are retards desu

What a jewish post.

because he can see the world for what it is


>regurgitates whatever his zog overlords tell him to so he doesn't get in trouble with his fellow lemmings

Can you please atleast try.

he holds them accountable but also shills for them from time to time.

He speaks the truth

>regurgitates whatever Hannity, Tuck, Rush and his media bubble feed him


I don't watch cable news networks. Nice job repeating what you're expected to, lemming.

Hmmm and I’m sure you’re completely immune from the Tolstoy effect, right? After all you’re an independent free thinker and those liberals are just NPC’s lol, like the funny pol meme. It has to be, that’s what your podcasts and articles say!

>you're a lemming too
>time to double down on what I said earlier

You're failing the Turing test.


You’re just as much a lemming as the liberals you despise. It’s very hard for anyone in this world to be truly objective

That's why you show up as a mob outside his house, threatening his children while he is away instead of confronting him face to face, right?

It doesn’t matter if he identifies but he obviously understands. It will resonate among many. He has over 3 million followers

Tucker is the chosen one

>He makes people seethe
Seethers gonna seethe

Attached: seether-gonna-seethe.png (400x360, 34K)

>a fucking theme account
Everyone hates you, Reddit.
Now go back.


Mmmmm crounchyy

>goes for the triple down
fucking incredible

Imaging falling for his cringey freshman level rhetorical appeals to emotion

Imagine tucker not appealing to you

I’m white, straight, hold a masters, own a house in a based midwestern city, have a gf, own phantom ars. Why wouldn’t cucker tarlson appeal to me?

Because I’m not afraid of what’s outside my computer room, not poor and white, and not angry I never got laid or can’t get more than a 2/10 like you and all fans that aren’t boomers

The truth hurts.

Attached: negressfelicia.png (209x257, 71K)

Even 2/10 whites are swimming in brown and Asian pussy but a shitskin like you would never know. Your women would literally rather bang a 1/10 white guy than a 8/10 of yours.

0/10, memefag

>not white

Attached: 1563039888662.jpg (447x438, 16K)

>im white
>im not white


How dare i care for normal white people i should be shoving dildos into me arse