Face's of Meth and Heroin

I posted this thread the other day and it got almost 500 replies so kets go for round 2.

Tell me any story, thought, or opinon you have on drugs and drug addicts. Weather you were one or were used/robbed by one. I wanna hear them all.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I blame the nigger that sell her meth

I paid a meth whore 40 dollars for sex and it was the best I've ever had.



>Like all of Erdös's friends, [fellow mathematician Ronald Graham] was concerned about his drug-taking. In 1979, Graham bet Erdös $500 that he couldn't stop taking amphetamines for a month. Erdös accepted the challenge, and went cold turkey for thirty days. After Graham paid up — and wrote the $500 off as a business expense — Erdös said, "You've showed me I'm not an addict. But I didn't get any work done. I'd get up in the morning and stare at a blank piece of paper. I'd have no ideas, just like an ordinary person. You've set mathematics back a month." He promptly resumed taking pills, and mathematics was the better for it.

Try it.

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Everyone says kill drug addicts until its a white girl. Then they want to kill the dealer.


I was at Penn station in NYC one or two years ago when a woman who was clearly a drug addict approached me. She wasn't that ugly either. So she went on about how she needed money for a ticket to go see her daughter who was in a hospital in New Jersey, and if I could give her at least $20 so she could get there. Obviously it was bullshit, but I should have told her to give me a hand job for $20 if she needed it that bad. I always regret that encounter because it would have been a great story to tell my friends.

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Don't care

After working in medicine for a while. I say fuck em.


legalise everything

I knew a guy who used to fuck gypsies beggars. He waited for them at the end of the train car, where there's no seat and no one around, and ask the girls, usually kids, 12-16 maximum, if they wanted to fuck for money, €20-€50.

Used to shoot heroin when I lived in LA. I went to a mission and got clean. Had one relapse shortly after that but haven't touched it in years since. I have to be careful with any kind of pills now because they make me want to relapse. Thankfully where I live it's not in my face like it was in LA. You could walk downtown and there would be horses of people slinging dope.

typical frog behavior

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whoa mayne dats sum goood sheeeeit

dude why does meth causes that shit to crop up on your face? Like how is it that shooting up a substance like t hat... FUCKS YOUR FACE!?

>it's still just a game
>shit has gotten real

They sit in front of a mirror and squeeze bumps for hours.

Smoked meth for 8 months.
all day every day
These people NEVER drink water.
Seriously shooting it is that much worse, it dries your entire body out and these people don't eat or hydrate. When they DO it's candy or fucking soda. Sugar causes your face to look like shit in excess
I also work at walmart overnight, tje junkies that don't look like complete shit wear a lot of makeup, to the point they look normal to the average person


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That's what I look like after cooming except male.

Punish them both.

Also this.
I had a studio that was a trap for some time and females would fucking stand in front of the mirrors popping shit. Only to cover their moon face with layers of shit applied make up.
Sad desu

Kill white female drug addicts(not stoners)

Looks hotter

$20 is a lot for a handjob.

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It's almost like we value beautiful white women over ugly black men!

OP's pic is hideous.

such a shame!
you should have told her to give you a blow job.

Young white women don't need to buy meth. She just sucks/fucks the dealer.

>smoked meth
>worked in Walmart

Degenerate. Opinion discarded.

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I've usually had a great time on drugs. A few scrapes and scares but hey, nothing is perfect.
Drugs are awesome.

Now, when shitty people use drugs, you get news stories and statistics. The drugs don't cause this. Shitty people do. Just like shitty people ruin education, shitty people ruin the internet, shitty people ruin food, etc. Drugs and gun and other politically contentious things get bad raps from bad people.

PS: if anyone on drugs(or off) tries to fuck with you, beat/kill them. They are scum.

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Semen is corrosive

...homeless on the streets giving handjobs for crack

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Fuck that looks good

hey rabbi watcha doing

Why can't Jow Forums learn how to use an apostrophe?

This brings up something I want to know.
Are there any drugs that aren't kosher for jews? I know psychedelics are cool, as are benzos, strangely. What about pure stimulants, or dissos?

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It backs up your digestive system to the point that shit literally comes out of your pores. It also makes you “pick” your skin, feeling like there’s itchy stuff you can’t get to beneath it. Hence the open sores and stuff on their face.

All drugs should be legal and cheap so all the addicts with just od and die. Natural selection and population control.

You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.

Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

>dude why does meth causes that shit to crop up on your face?
the impurities of street crank, especially when smoked
pure methamphetamine itself, for example as the prescription drug desoxyn, doesn't do that and isn't harmful at reasonable doses (when taken orally), it's similar to adderall and has shown to improve neural functioning
if you're smoking crystal in heavy doses and getting blitz it's almost certainly neurotoxic though and doing god knows what to your lungs

>Like how is it that shooting up a substance like t hat... FUCKS YOUR FACE!?
idk if many shoot it up, i guess you can, but it's usually smoked, like i said
snorting it works as well and is much better for you
as far as what people usually shoot up, that's heroin
of course with street heroin you run into the same problems of impurities, and especially now misrepresented often much more potent opioids like fentanyl etc, but the classical opiates aren't actually bad for your health, as long as they're pure, they're just highly addictive and induce a physical dependence so that when they don't use they have flu-like symptoms and feel like dying

That's just women without makeup

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1. Meth causes an increase in hystamine levels as a side effect of heightened norepinephrine. This causes irritation.
2. Some people who use meth don't bathe properly, and expose themselves to oily surroundings.
3. Meth increases body temp which in turn causes pores to open more, and open pores can become clogged easier.
4. Meth causes you to be more prone toward obsessive activities(scratching and picking).

All of these are easily handled with some basic hygiene, hydration and diet, and staying cool. I've never had the issue myself. Also, l-theanine and magnesium greatly reduce the negative effects of stimulants.

I hear this many times user

all drugs are shit for your brains, this way or another. including alcohol. you may possibly use some soft ones in a very moderative way, but still - no money no honey, you will pay for this by your own neurons.

Things that never happened

>all drugs are shit for your brains
Technically, yeah, but being alive is shit for your brain too. Every year you age, you deteriorate, after early childhood. The key is to get shit done without going overboard, which isn't too hard if you have some discipline.
Anything worth doing is going to cost you something. Even reading books costs you time.

Any intelligent man can weigh the options and deduce what risk for what reward her wants to take. That's one of the great things about higher intelligence, is being able to grasp concepts and apply them to come up with a guideline for successful operation.

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it might be enabling them and perpetuating the addiction but, on that day, at that time, maybe it made her day and she felt back in tune with existence, if only for a few hours or a night.

you're forgetting jewish dealers and the CIA.
Nobody wants to kill them either.

From my experience, street dealers are garbage. If you're going to get into pharma, either buy from reputable vendors online or make your own.
Like me, I'd never buy methamphetamine off the street. I'd rather pay twice as much to make my own or buy from Europe than get that beaner crank shit.

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Amongst white people. Obama hates white people

Is there a difference between "faces of meth" and "no makeup challenge?"

Heroin AND meth?
They're complete opposite drugs. Please break down which one had which increase please.
Generally, methheads hate heroin and vice versa. Exceptions are there of course.

You overpaid by 30 bucks.

I was an addict and got clean through AA. It's astounding how people do not get it or just don't want to do a 12 step program to stop. There is a solution, but most users do not want to do anything to get clean. I now sponsor young guys to help them get it together. Watching the light go on in them is a beautiful thing. Seeing people go from this to someone who contributes to society is an awesome thing

Keep projecting your own pathetic uneventful life onto the degenerates here

More like this I wanna scare my kid

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You're a good person

LSD, psilocin, and other psychedelics have a far greater rate of success WITH therapy, but AA tells you to avoid everything except cigs for some stupid reason.
I can testify to the efficacy of psychedelics. I kicked alcohol's ass with 4-ACO-DMT. It wasn't pleasant either, that first trip. But the effect was immediately apparent. And nowadays I can't drink heavy at all. It makes me physically ill.

Hats off to you. My fiancé just started sponsoring people. We’re both alcoholics, quit 9 months ago

Life is much much better

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I do believe in the potential of using psychedelics to aid addicts. I used to be very into phenethylamines, tryptamine, and lysergamide psychedelics. Bill W was a proponent of using LSD. I think MDMA or ketamine therapy could be beneficial under direction of a trained psychotherapist. Seeing things from a different perspective is also what the 12 steps are about. A spiritual experience from psychs could greatly aid recovery.
I didn't believe in AA when I first got there, but it works. It addresses why I feel the underlying need to continually use drugs to an extreme. For the majority of people in AA, I feel it is best to keep it simple and the message of no drugs is beneficial to most.

So why do they let you smoke cigs? Of all things. Is there evidence that it helps? I've never looked into this aspect of addiction treatment. Sometimes, they even ban caffeine.
But cigs are cool. Not that cigs are as bad as people think. Heavy smoking is though.

she turn into Gollum

Honestly I nearly relapsed tonight but I saw a honkamania post and started laughing so I stayed in.

On the real: I have 13 months sober.

That's what happens when you have no self control and ride hard for a year or two, not eating or staying hydrated, fucking all the time(that's all chicks do on meff) and not taking care of yourself.
It's like running an engine that isn't built or modified for extreme performance at extreme levels. You're gonna blow it. No question.

I've looked downright rough after binges, but I sleep and eat and recover and work out and shit afterwards, rebuild, and look normal. People like her use meth consistently for months, no downtime and recovery.
It's like setting a kid loose in a candy store.

Nicotine and caffeine are not necessarily mind altering drugs. They are addictive and create dependence but do not alter perception or impair judgement. That's really key, addicts do not have a drug or alcohol problem-they have a sobriety problem. Addicts will find any excuse to use and engage in escapism. Those drugs cannot really be used for that purpose, they do not necessarily impact a sober mind.
Ultimately it is avoiding substances which are not medically necessary. If a doctor deems medication needed for an honest medical problem, it is acceptable. Lying to get adderall, etc, is not. If surgery is needed, general anesthesia is fine. Shooting ketamine to deal with life's problems is not. That's the distinction if it helps

Vivitrol does the same thing. I don't quite understand pol's aversion to AA. It's based in western theocracy, non-degenerate, advocates personal responsibility...

This is only a few months user. You clearly have never seen a true meth head.
Teeth go missing (magic). marks all over their body, usually looses everything including soul, becomes some type of prostitute, steals from everyone, goes to jail but doesn't help, goes to jail 5 more times, still doesn't help.

It's important to have fun, stay active, and be with others from my experience. If I don't, I get too into my head and start thinking stupid shit. I don't have the obsession anymore, but fleeting thoughts happen a few times a week. The "a beer would be nice right now," though staying active in AA keeps all that away. Working with others really helps me stay sober

If you think adderall is a mind altering drug, you're retarded. It's like long-lasting caffeine.

>Addicts will find any excuse to use and engage in escapism.
That's true enough. I never use anything to escape, but rather and a mental journey-type thing. "Feeling good" is not the primary effect I'm after, even in a dopaminergic stimulant.

>Those drugs cannot really be used for that purpose, they do not necessarily impact a sober mind.
True. Even though caffeine and nicotine are stimulant in their effects, they don't heavily impact dopamine, which means risk of psychosis is far lower, as well as risk of general issues like altered ego state, and libido, which can make less-disciplined fuckers act like idiots.

Yes, the thought of "a beer would be nice right now" is pretty common. The only thing that stops me is knowing that I won't stop at one. I will look like the woman in OP photo if I start at the bar again.

It always starts at the bar....



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Vivitrol or oral naltrexone is a useful tool initially, but I had to realize it's just a tool. It helped bridge the gap from when I got out of treatment until I started AA. I was miserable because I was using that as my recovery initially
It's unfortunate because I see many addicts refuse to get Vivitrol. I've seen so many excuses "I don't want to get a shot in my ass" or "if I get in an accident I can't get pain relief." In treatment the Vivitrol shot was free before getting out and few took advantage of it. Most of those who I was in treatment with are dead or back to using unfortunately

OP's filename claims the gril is from Indiana. If so, I guarantee that whore bought it from some white trash scumbag. I've never seen blacks sell meth.

t. I live in this shithole

lol this

blame her for having lack of self control.

WV here, addicts roam day and night looking for shit to steal. If you want to keep something you better make sure its bolted down.
Lots of niggers from dayton, michigan, and Columbus here getting arrested with "intent to distribute". Also I noticed the black population has increased by the thousands compared to the 90s.

im going to sell drugs than use the money to knot the daughters of anyone in this thread lame enough to have a daughter

u mad h*manbois?

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I'd sponsor a cutie like the one in the OP if she fell in love with me and became my wife but women are ungrateful whores

I used to use research chemical stimulants a lot, mainly N-ethylhexedrone and A-PHP. Every time I used them I would end up going on a 4-10 hour masturbation binge while watching sfm porn (usually featuring Ellie and Sarah from the game The Last of Us, pic related) AMA

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It's a potent dopamine releasing agent, and if it could be smoked as easily as meth, it would cause just as much trouble.
Meth taken orally is pretty much just like amphetamine, with a little more potency(20mg MA to 30mg Amp) and slightly more pull on serotonin.
Either drug used orally isn't too nasty at all. And amphetamine is in fact used far more safely because it's not IV'd or smoked.

The difference between oral stims and smoked/injected stims is like night and day.
And oral amphetamine can also be used to stay awake long enough to enter that wonderful state of stim psychosis, and that state of mind is most certainly altered.
DO NOT underestimate amphetamine.

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Toofless mouth help in fellatio

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I went to rehab in Maryland. A good place and well run. Good staff.

But the majority of my fellows from that rehab are back out. Three OD'd. I may be the only sober/clean one remaining.

AA gets tedious sometimes. The boomers and all their cops-and-robbers stories. It gets old. I stick with the winners. I prefer men's meetings. Hate big book meetings. Absolutely love anniversary meetings (the best speakers).

She fell a long way. Damn.

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>and A-PHP
Did you ever do a straight 7-day binge(no sleep)?
I find these utterly fascinating. The libido shit wears off after day three and psychosis sets in. And then I can make my senses do utterly batshit things. Like making still 2D images become 3D at will, then make them move like film or cartoons.
Of course, the shadow people always come to lurk around, but I've gotten to know them and they never hurt anyone.

Of key note: I always make sure my house is safe, secured, and everything is stable before I do binges like this.
A state of psychosis like that is only safe in a very secure area. You can't have any dangers or risks, or people around. After all, it is insanity. For a week.

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>faces of meth
>post only one picture

What are they trying to slide?

She was on both. Most of her arrests consisted of both.

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>I've gotten to know them and they never hurt anyone
What are they like?

Happy for you guys.


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One of my "have fun,stay active, be around others" things is playing on a beer league baseball team, just finished our fifteenth season. Had at least one beer before each game began. I find it stops me from thinking, lets me act on instinct. It keeps the world from crowding in on me

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Are you the 300 bitcoins user?

Yeah I'm in NJ and the fentanyl on the streets takes many out. They don't get or want to accept that it's not just heroin anymore.
AA does get tedious. I attend men's meetings regularly. I do appreciate BB studies around here as most members have 10+ years and give good perspective. I can't stand those that preach, but it's rare.
We also have some informal meetings here. My sponsor hosts 20-30 people every week for an hour BB study followed by a newcomers meeting. That's probably the meeting that has done the most for my recovery

Where the fuck in NJ is there a fentanyl problem, the niggers I assume aren't doing it and everything else is either jews or really nice.

I only ever ordered like 1 or 2 grams at a time, I never stayed up for more than a day or two
>making still 2D images become 3D at will
this happened involuntarily, after like 6 hours of compulsive dosing (maybe 2-3 times an hour, probably more often). Still images would appear to be animated. Continued dosing would lead to "someone's watching me" paranoia and auditory hallucinations

It's crazy to think about how many of my potential marriage prospects are lost to degeneracy. Obesity is the biggest factor. That took like 30-40% of them off the market right there alone. Drugs and excessive drinking is at least another 10-20%. I don't want a roastie lads but I don't want to die alone either.