Why is the establishment left setting Biden up for failure?

Why is the establishment left setting Biden up for failure?

Every question to him in the debates were phrased to make him look bad

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Just put on the record player and hear words user.

I learned a lot. And I learned that, uhh, it makes a difference. This was the diving board area and I was one of the guards and they weren't allowd to uh - it was a three meter board. If you fell off sideways you landed on the damn uh darn cement over there! (laughs) And Corn Pop was a bad dude. And he ran a bunch of bad boys. And I did ya he and back in those days, to show how things have changed, one of the things you had to use if you used pomade in your hair you had to wear a bathing cap. And so he was up on the board wouldn't listen to me so I said "HEY Esther, you" (crooks finger) off the board right now or I'll come up and drag you off. Well he came off, and he said "I'll meet you outside," my car, this was mostly, these were all public housing behind you. My car there was a gate out here, I parked my car outside the gate, and I, he said "I'll be waiting for you," he was waiting merr there were three guys with straight razors (raises his hand) not a joke! There's a guy named Bill Wrightmous (sp?) the only white guy and he did ALLLLL the pools, he was the mechanic.

And I said "what am I gonna do" he said "come down here in the basement where mechanics where where all the pool fuh fuh filter is. You know the chain, used to be a chain that went across that deep end. And he cut off a six foot length of chain he folded it up he says you walk out, with that chain, and you walk to the car and you say you may cut me man but I'm gonna wrap this chain around your head. I said you're kiddin' me. No he said if you don't, don't come back and he was right. So I walked out with the chain. And I walked up to my car. And they had str- in those used to remember they had a straight razor you'd bang 'em on the curb, get 'em rusty, put 'em in the rain barrel, get 'em rusty? And I looked at him, but I was smart, then. I said first of all I said, when I tell you to get off the board you get off the board and I'll kick you out again but I shouldn't have called you, Esther Williams, and I apologize for that. But I didn't know that apology was gonna work. He said "You apologize to me?" I said I apologize for what I- not for throwing you out, but I apologize for what I said. And he said, OK, closed the straight razor, and my heart began to beat again.


>Every question to him in the debates make him look bad
He is old and senile, about 2 calibers higher than his leftie competition. But dumb as a fucking rock. He will win then left and get massacred by Trump.

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They have absolutely no one else to run.

that's not true, last time webb would have won

they don't have anybody else THIS DEEP INTO THE CABAL to run this time, that's the true fact, biden has to win and pardon everybody, including himself, it's his only hope

So why were they shitting on him so hard in the debates and giving him the worst questions?

they are trying to get the controversy out of the way first

Because they don't WANT to run him they HAVE to and they HATE that. They want a token spic or nig but they can't. They want their commie/socialist jew but they can't and they can't stand it.

They don't want to win if it means having a senile lame duck president. Biden wouldn't be popular amongst the "intellectual" wing of the Democratic Party, ie the blue checkmarks who push an anti-white, anti-male agenda. He'd only be popular amongst old black people and middle-class whites who still believe in the bipartisan meme and just want a "return to normalcy". If he became president it would deflate the left's momentum and they'd be stuck with a president who isn't willing or capable of enacting their real agenda, not even the media would bother defending him and Republicans would clean up in 2024. If Trump wins the Dems can keep riding the outrage wave for 4 more years and then they could clean up in 2024 with a younger, more "progressive" candidate.

Lol I can just imagine it
>"Yes I paradon myself and the swamp for crimes we totally didn't commit."

Oh there's secret pardons now though. Have been since Reagan.

Blue dog democrats days are numbered. They already lost over half their caucus after 2010 and 2014.

Kek his brain has left the building. It’s almost Ghoulish he’s being wheeled out to make warren look good

Because hes white

If that were the case then why is he still dominating the primaries?

Because he's fucking a white man.

Motherfucker is there ANYTHING Ronnie didn't fuck up????

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They know he's damaged goods because of all the Ukraine and China and pedo shit.

They’re throwing 2020 and hoping to stuff the SocJus left back into their hidey-hole. Sadly for them I doubt it’s going to work.

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Every body is gaining on him. Every time he has to get up and talk he sounds like an Alzheimer’s patient who escaped the old folks home

There's no such thing, there's no group of Blue Dog Democrats. It's a media name for Democrats who voted by momentum and shit.

Talk to some union worker and ask them if they're a Democrat. Publicly, they will say FUCK YEAH but in private they all admit to being Republicans. This is who Hillary didn't even bother campaigning for, because there's literally no point.

People say it was a mistake for her to skip the Rust Belt but it was a wise move. She had no powers there. Yet a full house would ROCK her, and not vote a single vote for her.

Just find some guy in a work truck and ask him if he voted for Hillary. You'll get punched for being a faggot.

Cuz they ditched him. Warren or Bernie are the left's choice now.

It used to be Harris but she spaghettid too hard

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he will win, it's literally the only hope for the cabal

except he won't, but look at the fucking polls, omg the polls show he's up by fixty eleventy hundred!

There will be A LOT of dirt on him uncovered closer to the election if he is the Dem candidate, and of course that will risk tarnishing Obama’s legacy as well

I work in an industrial environment, the mechanics still have a huge trump banner hanging in the shop.

checked, and that pasta is verbatim

nothing added nor taken away

It's all a show. Like that one debate where he said, "I guess MUH TIMES UP" That was all planned. They want him and plan for him to step aside to some brown skin woman or something.

Nah they’ll try to slow play it. It’ll be warren. They aren’t ready to go full commie globohomo just yet. They know the push back would be too severe right now

yet their union securely thinks that they will all vote D

also call them cucks because their union dues are going to the s o y i m at the dnc


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I had a Blue Dog Democrat representative, and he was full of shit about his policy positons which is why he lost. The party doesn't want white dudes who aren't insane anymore.

>also call them cucks because their union dues are going to the s o y i m at the dnc
It's true but I don't really wanna start a fight with em

Oh i know. It’s amazing to see how his brain just fucked of elsewhere his hair sniffing ass behind

>of course that will risk tarnishing Obama’s legacy as well
Oh shit I never considered that.

But but hillary, look here faggot the polls have already decided the outcome of next year's election

Because white man bad. The leftist woke white men are useful idiots.

he called women our little tootsie pops and said it was cute when they tried to help

he was fakin' it, blue dog is a media slur for 'white person who isn't full globohomo'

>Still signs into law no-fault divorce which gave women godlike power over their husbands
>Privately hated minorities while opening the floodgates to them and granting them amnesty
Excuse me if I think his words mean anything

fuck corn pop, joe biden, and union cucks who have to pretend to be democrats, they should grow a pair

let's be honest, the aluminum powder being fed to him by papa bush and rummy had him completely looped out

he didn't know or do shit, that presidency was bush 1.0 alpha

I guarantee that if there is a single thing that you are pissed off about regarding modern American politics, (((Ronald Reagan))) invented it.
Reminder that Reagan's administration destroyed every single piece of information related to the Iran-Contra Affair, pinned everything on Oliver North, and then FUCKING PARDONED HIM.

He wasn't looped out when he did the things I pointed out. Reagan was one of the worst presidents ever. LBJ may have unlocked the door with the 65 immigration act but Reagan kicked the door of it's edges and tore out a wall to let in as many spics as he could.

reagan wasn't in charge of jack and or shit

>bipartisan meme
only way to pass anything right now is with bipartisan support

meh Jow Forums has always hated conservatives, reagan included

it's not edgy to hate reagan, he was a mind controlled cuck

what's edgy is to say bushes and clintons and obama are all working for the same company

Sorry my dad just worships the guy and I can't understand why, he's SUPER redpilled on most things but still clings to Reagan.

he had a fuckin monkey that solved crimes when your dad was a kid

that mkultra tube programming is extra strong

based for a leaf

Only milquetoast bills like prison reform. Nothing that the new, more extreme branches of the left and right want to accomplish can be done bipartisanly, only through absolute victory across all branches of government and in the court system. That's why a second Trump term would be great even if he doesn't win back the House, he'll get to appoint at least one more SCOTUS judge and continue appointing record numbers of judges across the lower circuits.

Yeah even I struggle with some programming everyonce and a while

>at least one
kennedy and thomas have both said they will retire in 2020

and rbg is dead

trump will get 5 justices

Kennedy already retired, did you mean Breyer?

yeah dreyer's