They gots a point, you know

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How’d he write that then?

>student of baltimore city public schools
>a broke blackie

Powerful and brave


Instead of Nikes he could buy normal shoes and lots of pencils.

If he really did all that it is commendable.

None of this would be an issue if black fathers would stay and raise their children.

Yes, shines, you still need to fulfill your obligations. Just because your mother is a crackwhore, doesnt mean you can coast through life without doing the things you need to do.

Also..., get to school to have a good breakfast.. kek
I hope Korea nukes the Southside of Chicago

Written by some virtue signaling teacher

They don’t have any points, only excuses.

on his iPhone 11 Pro

Reminder that Baltimore spends more per student than 99% of school districts in the US and still manages to receive the lowest standardized test scores.

>i had to wipe my ass after i shit
>I had to move my lungs to breathe in air
>Why everything cost money yo.

Nig nog doesn't need a pencil, nig nog needs a rope

Commendable that he showed the fuck up to school?

This is what's wrong with liberals. They hold blacks to the absolute lowest standards imaginable, and treat them like fucking Rhodes scholars, when they spell their name. The constant blowjobs from cuck lefties give them a complex and that's why they chimpout when they meet the slightest adversity

Wash your own fucking uniform, light a fucking candle or go outside in the sun, borrow a fucking pencil, split the chores with your sister so you don't just sit around and complain that nothing is being done like a fucking ape. Take fucking responsibility for yourself you fat fucking stinky dark nigger.


Niggers, I swear.

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So why doesnt he just take a pack of pencils while he's hitting up walmart stuffing his pockets with candy and electronics?

the only reason they went to school was for the free breakfast.
He got up, got his sister up, and got to the free breakfast place.
Zero shits were given about the actual tools of learning, because that wasn't what he was there for anyways.

The fucker got free breakfast paid by taxpayers.

ayyo fuck whitey with them rules n shiett

I live in this city. Was downtown yesterday around 630 and this black 10 year old kid in a wife beater is walking screaming
>I live in a city where people die
>for a dolla I shoot a nigga in the eye not think about it.
His mother was walking behind him completely strung out. Looked like walking dead. She had 2 more kids probably 12 and 13 behind her.
It's great to see what blacks do to themselves. This place is a jungle

Perhaps he should consult with the members of his community and tell them to commit less crime.

Attached: poverty vs race in crime.jpg (1024x430, 75K)

Over the past years 99% have failed basic english and math standardized tests. And the answer is SPEND MORE MONEY which instead of going to schools gets spent on lucrative contracts for the mayors and Elijah Cummings friends

If he can't afford an alarm clock, his house has no electricity, his mom is absent, and he presumably can't afford breakfast but still takes care of his sister that is commendable. I would say that same thing of any other kid. Your race addled mind just ran away as usually.

>parents aren't there physically, and aren't properly taking care of their spawn
>won't buy school shit for their niglets
>"the problem is the racist school system not knowing my life."

>its great to see what blacks do to themselves.This place is like a jungle.

Every jungle has apes, concrete jungles get pavement apes.

Yes, I'm sure blacks just magically did it to themselves.
No organized effort on the part of the jews or anything.

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>woke myself up cuz I ain't got no alarm clock sheeeeiiiit
Bullshit, little nigger. You know you have an iPhone. Even if it's not yours.

Should just put the boi pussy on stroll if he cared about his sister so much.

Brother ain't willing to take a dick in his ass for the good of his family, SMDH. Brotha gets no respect from me.

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Imagine being a taxpayer in Baltimore lmao

What twilight zone episode is that screencapped from? I thought I saw every ep.

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Why is it that when niggers show up to work or school they never have their stuff? This nigger I worked with lost like 10 box cutters.
>Blames whitey

A child's home life is more important than the school system. I can't think of any effective government solutions that wouldn't also be unconstitutional.

All the money goes to jews. They destroyed housing then bought city blocks for 1 dollar and built skyscrapers. They're pushing all the blacks to west Baltimore where it's practically a warzone. Eventually the blacks will leave and they will be able to buy up all west Baltimore for probably 1K and build mansions there

The Jews have their hands in black American culture, just like they do in every other American culture. See: the abrupt heel-turn of rap music from "WE HATE THE RICH (AND ALSO, SORT OF, JEWS)" to "WE LIKE BUYING SHOES AND DRUGS AND JEWELERY AND WHITE PEOPLE IS BAD!"

However, they are not 100% responsible. Jews didn't make Africa a shithole.

>treat them like fucking Rhodes scholars, when they spell their name
They really do that. I have seen black girls in college with middle school knowledge and skills.

This nigga writin poetry. Why he actin white?

ah yes, the jews are why Africa is a shithole too. And why they were still raping and murdering whites in the early 1900s. Why they were even lynching each other back then.

"He went to school"

Wowzer, kid should be president.
By the way, none of that shit is true. He is making shit up, because he got yelled at for not having a pencil again.
Dumb fuck

He didn't lose them he "hustled" them off for other shit.

I hope you didn't give him any of yours, your fingerprints/blood/hair might end up being found at some crime scene if you did.

Precisely the kids dont fucking want to learn, why teach them. Spend the money on improving their homes and problem fixes itself. Teach them welding not algebra.

Must be hard being a nigger. I never would have known if i didnt read this shit. Sombody wake this nigger, wash his clothes for him, turn on the light swithch in the bathroom because he cant figure that out. Pay for his breakfast and buy that nigger a pencil for fuck sakes!


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This also. This nigger gets free food, and also free sunlight, and he still complains about doing shit in the dark, instead of utilizing the greatest source of light ever known by simply opening a the fucking blinds (niggers and northern yankees love to hole themselves up with blackout curtains for some reason). He also got a FREE uniform, and he manages to even complain about not getting even more FREE shit like an alarm clock and a pencil. The absolute gall of this nigger.

To a normal (aka white) person, not taking care of an immediate family member isn't even a possibility. The fact that you would reward him for making the 'right' decision, when a white person wouldn't even have a decision to make, tells a lot about how low the bar is for black people.

Noggity noggy noggity nog
Niggity niggy niggity nig
Naggitty naggi maggot nag

This applies to every action they make, too.
Next time you see blacks interacting with other people, picture a person of any other race, behaving exactly like they are, and imagine how others would respond to them.

Can a nigga get a pencil?

Its insane that there is a nigger blackmarket for dumb shit like that. But no the company paid for it.

That's fucking classic!

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DAE not like black people??
Updoots to the left

>Jews didn't make Africa a shithole.
Plausible but I still kind of think jews were involved in some way.
Because of the commie support for revolutionaries.

Tbh most white families no longer do this either. Society has gone to shit.

Yes, but it is the context of his going to school and more so him taking care of his sister in a deadbeat household that has no electricity. I'm sure you could have understood that if you tried.

And I said IF he did. If he didn't, who cares.

Niggers can’t stand any criticism. They are lost beings. If you critique a nigger he will want to fight you if you are white. Kill all niggers

>we ain't got an alarm clock

What a luxury item! $5 alarm clock is far too rich for black people.

a pencil is like at most 50 cents. meanwhile they wear $400 shoes.

Improving their home won't be easy. A lot of the parents are so unfit for parenthood there is no reasonable amount of money that would fix the problem. And I'm pretty sure you need to know basic English and math even in the trades.

they have the newest iphone and $200 shoes though

>had to walk to school cause im not far enough away for the free bus
>had to pack my own lunch because I dont get lunch for free
>didnt get a good breakfast because i dont get breakfast served to me at school
>harassed by niggers and spics on my walk to school, walking across campus and sitting in class waiting to start
>nigger throws milk at me he got for free
>teacher asks why i hate niggers


>when a white person wouldn't even have a decision to make

You're reading too much into this. If this was some poor white redneck kid with an alcoholic father and meth addicted mother, I would feel the same way.

>i aint paid no bills
>mah mama tol us wes dont need to pay fo notin no way no how
>i gots me and ma sisa a free lunch jus like mama alway taught us ta doe'
>i git to class and thu teacha won' gib me a free pencil
>i say you gotta gib me dat
>he say no way I need to buy that
>mama tol me we dont buy notin no way no how
>now we gotta get mo' of dem programs foe' dem pencil funds

But to these blacks its all about them. They don't extend empathy.

nigger will be amazed when he learns about candles and that he can wash his clothes shit by himself

>So why doesnt he just take a pack of pencils while he's hitting up walmart stuffing his pockets with candy and electronics?

Attached: Walgreens vandalized by kneegrows - Streamable.webm (640x360, 1.85M)

>baltimore city

Attached: baltimore chimpout 2.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Stop being a white-hating nigger

If he is missing all of those things. What exactly is he doing to take care of his sister? Existing?

I woke up from hearing angry chimp sounds and gun shots
Stole my neighbor's clothes, which turned out to be dirty underwear
Mom squandered the handouts that should have been spent on electricity
Smacked and shouted at my half-sister (different, but also unknown father) until she woke up
Mother is currently absent as unknown father
Would starve to death if the government didn't rob White people
Teacher fussed when I punched her in the back of the head
Then some Jew wrote a poem about a pencil

It's just a kid. Maybe he will grow up to be a complete piece of shit. I'll hate him then. Not now.


Attached: baltimore chimpout 3.webm (480x480, 1.35M)

Bigots he had a pen but the teacher wanted erasable writing utensils to prevent tagging
A nigga can steal or extort a pencil

can you imagine a dozen white guys stomping out a black guy and him popping back up afterwards?
Gingers are the true master race

Reqium for a heavyweight?

nigger should have brought a fucking pencil

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>bix nood ooga wypipo needz 2 gibz mo money eye ain’t got no mutha fuckin got damn pencil n sheit

If the sister is young enough she may not know how to get to school. He said he got her 'ready' - woke her up, helped her with other stuff. You can be racist and have basic reading comprehension at the same time.

Out of all the things this nigger stole, it could have been a pencil.

Random black man: i takes care uv muh kids! Whur reward?
Chris Rock: that is what you are supposed to do. That is the absolute minimum.

When black people still voted Republican

Maybe you should have packed a fucking pencil nigger

Needs a copy editor.

the could put the pencils on chains attached to the table, like in banks

I dont get it, he has the usual life of a ghetto chimp yet is acting like hes so special.

What an asshole teacher. Here in Canada, teachers had spare pencils and they give it to any one who was missing one

Damn, leaf, you nailed it.

Hmm it’s almost as if the teachers aren’t responsible for the basic welfare of students and are there to provide formal education, or something like that

Brutal leaf honesty


I knew a kid who never stopped stealing pencils. If you left your pencil unattended it would disappear, I don't know what he was going to do with all of them.

>ain't got

You give these niggers anything and they will all be gone in a week. They will just come back the next day asking for a pencil. They 'lose' everything.

BRUTAL leaf!

This is such a bullshit poem
You don't need a fucking alarm clock because your phone has an alarm clock that stores 100 alarms, and even the poorest nigs in the ghetto have phones 1 year old at the maximum
Nigs do poorly in school because they don't fucking care and shouldn't be there, they just drag the whole system down because standards plummet to ensure nigs pass even though they still can't no matter how much the bar is lowered. And no teacher would bitch that the nig has no pencil. Because I went to school with nigs and everyone knows nigs aren't prepared, ever, and wouldn't do work even if they were, so nobody tries.

i made you not bring pencils to school ?

Did he have a pencil yesterday? Where's that pencil.