Can someone explaine to me why every kike media outlet in America is shitting themselves over this...

Can someone explaine to me why every kike media outlet in America is shitting themselves over this? when was the last time someone bought a new $1500 milspec colt AR, I don't think i've seen for sale in a gun shop ever.

Attached: colt end production of ar.png (501x448, 271K)

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sorry they are $999 for a milspec AR

>the Oregonian
i don't know how to pronounce this

Is there an AR15 used in the military? This article is gay as fuck and fake as fuck!

The idea is probably to try to get the public to put pressure on manufacturers to stop selling to the non-government market.

Did you read the article?
They have too large of a supply and have been awarded too many contracts with the locals, staties, feds and military LOL

The libtards are too retarded to understand that there are about 1000 AR-15 manufacturers right now.

AK is a better purchase anyway.

No one even remembers 2014 when colt did the same thing

Because they can't read.

The gun control crowd is literally 60 iq when it comes to firearms and don't realize the weapon's design isn't manufactured by a single company.

I did read it, I understand that colt is stopping production of AR-15's because civilians don't buy their over priced shit, and they have more important government orders to fill, because government have a short list of approved manufactures and colt is on everyone of those list, they practically a monopoly on government issued m16's. I'm just looking at how the media is giving colt good goy points because they think colt is somehow being a "moral" company by doing this, never mind the 100s of other AR manufactures, practically every state in America has a local company that makes a AR.

Remember when Kamala Harris said she stop the import of AR-15's into the United States?

Have you turned yours in yet?


the AK is shit and you know it

>weapon of the enemy

no he doesn't he lives in NZ probably never shot ether one. Also I disagree, I like the AK, i've shot a very nice vepr before.

>gun manufacturers worrying about boycotts from nogunz
Who runs Colt?

>weapon of the enemy

i'd way rather live in Russia at this point, they don't hate whites, fag marriage is illegal, white women look like women and act like women still.

literally who cares, no one gets their overpriced shit anyway.

It's a lesser PSA AR for literally twice the price.

they are owned by a (((investment group))) cannae holdings.

Because they are trying to spin it. "Gunmakers are responding to public pressure! Gun control is winning! Assault rifle are bad!" It's bullshit but it's all they've got.


>i'd way rather live in Russia at this point, they don't hate whites, fag marriage is illegal, white women look like women and act like women still.
yeah but the rest is about the same with less jobs

It will probably work, I have no hope at this point, Liberals are so fucking stupid at this point.

jews don't use ak47 you idiot

Galil is bastard ak.

>know your enemy

Attached: tavor.png (1600x882, 1.41M)

Galil is basically an ak-47

and the tavor is a backwards AR

I paid about 800 for an armalite. Tolerances are extremely tight, it's a wellmade piece.

Do not despair. Beto has just pissed off millions of voters. Dems can kiss Pennsylvania and the rest of the deer-hunting states goodbye in 2020.

I live in a blue dear hunting state, the fagots in Portland have been trying to change the gun laws every year since trump came to office. I worried about this year.

So norinco and hk?
Norincos already banned and hk is overpriced

It means military put out a contract for an assload of m16/m4s before they invade iran.

Depends on the AK

Attached: 13453.jpg (581x1032, 275K)

Is there anykind of statistics of how many guns are there in usa and an estimate of how many illegal guns?just that if everybody would stop the production then wouldn't there still be like 3-4 guns per people in circulation?


>Can someone explaine to me why every kike media outlet in America is shitting themselves over this?
Propaganda purposes. They want the leftist morons to think they won something.

my point is she's a retard that doesn't realize 99% of salt-rilfes are made in the USA


>military put out a contract for an assload of m16/m4s before they invade iran.

nope FN makes the AR replacement parts for the US military now, Colt has been out for awhile, these orders are probably manly for police departments and overseas military orders.

Can you find a link to this because I would love to share it.

>Communists don't use AK

yep, about 400,000,000 legal owned guns that have had a background check done on them, who know how many that where made before 1968 that never had serial numbers on them or ghost guns that have been made by people.

Like oregano

This is what the media does. They are trying to set the stage for other firearms manufacturers to be "good goys" and destroy their own business to be woke.
Furthermore they're trying to paint it as a win to give leftists a morale boost, as well as to increase 'peer pressure' on gun owners and manufacturers to make them seem unpopular.

It is all part of their propaganda games and this should be obvious to you at this point.

Read the article. They’re focusing on pistol sales and may reintroduce the ar platform in the future. They’re just not doing great on rifle sales.

>For civilians
As though any military would touch em. Why is the world full of such whining faggots.


It's very obvious to me, but the media is completely retarded if they think they will get firearms manufacturers get woke, they above all other groups of people understand giving the government too much power better than anyone. If anything guns owners have been getting more radical not less, they are purging all of the fudds, the NRA is falling apart currently because its run by boomer fudds that have no interest in protecting peoples right to own AR, AK, MP5, ect....


Can’t say, don’t know


Probably just a money based business decision because nobody is buying their overpriced crap but the timing is awful. They are going to lose a lot of money from the 2a crowd on their other shit because of this.

Let them think they won.
Colt is overpriced shit that didn't adapt to today's market. You know it, I know it. Just sit back and quietly laugh at their expense.

>ywn own a machine gun