Banning racist speech

Is she right? Is it time we ban racist speech online?

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Are you gay? Is it time to stream your suicide online?

nah, she's a beaner nigger.

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I think we should hang taco burrito loco santa maria cortez


Lets ban all speech. No more talking.

It's really like she's never been on the Internet, remember back in the day it was way more "racist" too.

who exactly defines what is racist though? if it's majority black vs. a majority white group alone it's going to be horrid alone because we can't agree on much alone at least.

Is that image the modern voight kampff test?

It’s sad, that turtles life has more value than that niggers

As an American born Mexican of Jow Forums, I say nay.

Poor turtle bro.

God I want her to sit in my lap as I finger her

in many situations they say only whites can be racist and/or etc since they are in the majority - polish jew came up with the "term" racist and/or whatever - communist bolshevik jew type.

on the other side

"it's not even okay to be white" (((they))) and blacks attack "it's okay to be white" all the time.

Ask her to explain the difference between racism and bigotry (read dictionary to her after), and then ask her why she is being racist by serving hispanic interests.


but if you go with jewish bolshevik communism and/or globalism for that matter. whites are a minority in that. they can racist against you.

lose / lose / lose

you can't even define racist speech. you're just going to make people afraid to say anything. that's just stupid.

Got a link, tardacus?

So, they are going to stop all the anti white hate speech at last? Noice.

you can't hate white people. white people don't even exist. only white supremacists believe this.

white people will completely disappear by the year 2035. and that's a good thing.

OH really? Why do all these racists constantly talk about white people in a bigoted and racist manner, then?

only white people can be racist.

Only an idiot racist would believe that. Idiot racist.

>muh racism

shut the fuck up, bigot.

About time we banned everyone who talked shit about white people.

But everything is racist now. How is this going to work?


it's not.

god i hope this retard gets voted out in 2020.


Speak for yourself kikes.

Pot calling the kettle black here eh? Racist scum.

racism isn't against the law.

Checkmate. Sorry.

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Yeah sweet.

>get called a white dog by the local Lebanese cunt.
>complain about it
>goto jail

Come to think of it England's already done this

Which definition of racist is she using?

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>housemember of some tiny little NYC neighborhood
>news treats her like a big contender whos opinion matters
really weird that the left does that

The people with guns decide who gets to talk.

This made me more unreasonably angry than most things I’ve seen on here.

Ja, wir müssen jede rassistische Rede verbieten! Nur so können Menschen im Internet frei sein! Heil AOC!

Holy fuck, there's no way that turtle met a decent end. It was boiled from the inside out alive. Was this a moron with no clue how microwaves work, or was this an act of malice?

She's so cute when she's in fuck whitey mode

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with (((exceptions)))

Consider the following:
Jokes about non-whites
Anything pro-white
Pointing out hypocritical media phrases
Openly respecting ones culture
Having prejudice in preference
Discussing history
Sharing opinion

It's a clown honk clown world out there, and the way I see it, this is a political and social weapon in design.

Does that include Zionism?
Or promoting anti-white hate ideology called white privilehe theory?

Attached: shapiro_jewnazi.jpg (513x496, 34K)

The 14th District of New York
Population 700,000
50% of are Hispanic
350,000 Hispanics in NYs-14th
Donkey face cunt gets 110,000 votes.

Media darling because Hispanics will listen to her. Most of them are not very educated, but they understand gibs me dat. They understand her when she says orange and white man bad. She is a useful idiot for the (((DNC))). There is a lot of war history and black ops shit gone on between the U.S. and mexico, a lot in the past 120 years I might add. You think their grandparents pass down racism the same way everyone claims whites do? She is increasing the likelihood of Hispanic democrats every single time she is showcased. Even if her ideas are retarded, the majority of Americans are retarded too, in that they believe these "leaders" can do what they say.

she looks dumb as a rock

How the hell would they even accomplish that? Sites and servers could ban the use of racist speech as per the TOS, but a federal law against racism appearing anywhere online is impossible because of our Constitution. Furthermore, even if they were to push for it, this would create so much bureaucratic red tape that it would come back to bite them. Endless lines of appeal will pop up, targeted harrassment could be twisted into any context depending on a prosecutor's whims, and lawmakers will fumble over each other fighting to determine what validates racism.

On second thought, its such a display of clown world in action, that it just might happen.

Define racist. It always seemed so vague as to be meaningless.

a white person using the word racist is racist.

If we banned racist speech there would be a lot of black and brown people in jail.

>Or promoting anti-white hate ideology called white privilehe theory?
This is what gets me. The kikes incite racial hate against whites 24/7 on every channel and page and in every college.

racist: white

Why does AOC look fucking insane in every picture of her?
She looks like pic related. She looks beyond fucking nuts. She looks like she belongs in an asylum.
Why is this the only expression she has?

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meatniggers will get the rope soon

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Shit tier

She looks like she's traumatized from a gang rape and now needs to lash out at society

Sticks and stones.

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yes, first ban niggers from calling each other niggers

obscene gestures only

Fuck no. 1st amendment

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Only white people are racist.

just because the rest deserves it

Technically it's already banned

Fuck niggers, don't microwave turtles. Don't do that shit. Microwave niggers who do that to turtles.

Yes, we must remove the nigger word from the internet so that no dindu will ever shred a tear again

no such thing as hate speech retard beaner now back to the kitchen with you.

delete this

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Someone needs to out on high quality beaner makeup, get drunk with her and make a vid of all the racist anti white shit you could get her to say with virtually no effort. Repeat with every brown critic.

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It's time to ban bartenders from holding public office.

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it was an act of niggers

It's also exactly what they want.

Minorities will define what youre not allowed to say

Don't need to ban anything Jagmeet Singh is going to win PM of Canada and send all racists to the CAVES OF NEWFOUNDLAND, They will get mattresses and 4 chan and can rave about the sneaky jew all they want! Problem solved JATT style bruuuuuaaaaaah/

Attached: Maharaja Jagmeet Singh.jpg (275x183, 9K)

And when whites become a minority?

>It's time to ban bartenders from holding public office.
She never stopped taking shekels from an intoxicated crowd.

Whites are 80 percent of Canada and hold all the power, but ohhh nooooo there are brown people in the country now oooohhhh nooooo!

Probably apartheid to fix institutionalized racism

omg YES.

Perhaps everyone thinks this bitch is a joke.

Do whites hold all the power in your country, or (((whites)))?

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wasn't she supposed to not be an out of touch old man
why does she think you can ban things on the internet

He likes to fight racists with his fists!

Attached: fighting Jagmeet!.jpg (225x225, 10K)

You know the answer to that question.

He wants all the smoke. Wants to take you racists on head on

Attached: Jagmeet taking down an incel.jpg (272x185, 10K)

>be a nigger
>its cold
>think "hey bro my turtles cold, i better heat him up in microwave"
>put turtle in microwave
>it dies
>think "wtf happened aye wtf fuking cracka microwave ass bitch nigga"

Meet some of Jagmeet;s friends he would like to send to the CAVES OF NEWFOUNDLAND.

does that include racism against whites and brown supremacy?
(X) Doubt

Love this discord.

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You live in an 80 percent white country. All minorities live in like 3 areas. Off to the cave with this one

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let's cut tounges off from people.

Justin really needs to stop. This is getting embarassing

also let's cut penis off from males to stop rape.
and let's cut hands off from people to stop stabbings
and let's cut heads off from people to stop the wrongthink