October 21 is the date! Are you voting?

October 21 is the date! Are you voting?

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Imagine thinking there's a differences between Canadian political parties. They're all the same.

Attached: CanadaParties.png (930x607, 87K)

Trudeau is based

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I'm going to be in Japan probably watching the imperial coronation or something when election day comes around. Already mailed out my advance ballot though

I don't even know what the issues are. What is this election all about?

of course :^)

I just realized I have no idea. Something about pipelines maybe. Immigration should be one of them but only the PPC is talking about that

a referendum on whether we're allowed to dress up in coonface again

Reminder the People's Party are the only ones who see a problem with this.

None of the other parties think anything is wrong with this.

Attached: no_problem_here_goy.png (810x293, 57K)

Why would someone who's "based" apologize like a faggot cuck ?


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So nice, I'm moving to Canada.

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Anons of Jow Forums
Please enter your province and who you are voting for

I'll start:


Attached: MADMAX.jpg (620x348, 38K)

doin my part

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sk, PPC

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Onterrible, PPC

Alberta PPC


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Good job retards, split the vote, best way to get Justin brownface Trudeau re-elected.

Scheer is splitting the vote

Attached: Dividing the vote.jpg (800x450, 75K)


Good. Scheer is Trudeau Lite. A second term of Trudeau (with NDP or Green support in case of minority) will be needed for mass redpilling and the PPC will only grow more powerful. If Scheer gets in, nothing will really change.

This election is too early for Max. Yes Scheer is a useless nonce with the charisma of a oyster drying in the sun but he's a necessary evil for this election.

scheer needs toe the line.


The Left vote is going to be split as well, many are gonna defect to NDP most likely especially considering the brownface shitshow thats put many off from Trudeau.

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Scheer is part Jewish and running a Paki in my riding. So nope. Not gonna happen.

I'm not going to waste my vote on a barely lesser Trudeau

I wish max could make it but I'm afraid it's too soon.

Scheer's hypocritical response to Trudeau really hurt his image, and Bernier's response went viral

Scheer is a fucking snake and I want to believe the CPC voters will realize in time

Bernier isn't splitting the vote if noone votes CuckPC

He'll be on the debate stage, there's hoping he murders lil Andy

Scheer is Trudeau lite. At least Trudeau is an incompetent faggot and never keeps his promises. Another term for Trudeau and the PPC can grow significantly.

Scheer and Trudeau constantly fuck up massively, every time they do thats more votes in Max's hands. He definitely won't have majority but he'll definitely score some seats.

Theres a whole other month's worth of time for them to keep fucking up and bleeding potential voters.
Most younger voters on the right seem to realize what a dog shit choice Scheer is, the only ones on the right voting for him is gonna be the boomers.

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>He definitely won't have majority

I believe he can

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>not having any intelligent candidates
>but you should vote for some faggot
>because reasons
the post

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>No intelligent candidates

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Fuck off Jamal

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voting trudeau out, yes


fuck no you drippy bitch
nobody in your shit enclave even looks like that anymore

you're a shill or an idiot.
if YOU wore blackface, he'd make sure you lost your job.
trudeau is a progressive 3rd wave feminist shithead who said there is no Canadian identity, and made it ILLEGAL to use the wrong pronouns for transgender people --- and you watch, he's going to make blackface an offically legislated Hate Crime.

as 'based' as AOC

Attached: 152886100981245974954 trudeau tears.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

I'll vote Bernier

It is a big problem indeed, we need to set it at zero and deport many


it seems like every non retarded leaf on Jow Forums is voting ppc, but i hope there's enough of us to make any difference.

don't forget to sell mad max to your friends and coworkers, make him seem like the best choice.


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I don't want Trudeau to confiscate all my funs

What matters is to get a maximum of seats for the PPC for now
I don't want Truedope or the NPC streetshitter that will take our handguns away from sales

>None of the other parties think anything is wrong with this.
Conservatives did.

You give him bullets first, make some IEDs too, easy
If shit hits the fan, remember you have nothing else to lose
Live free or get fucked

>seats for the PPC

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Glow more faggot

Eat shit faggots, you won't change anyone's minds
Only Bernier makes sense and is qualified for PM

Key word: 'did'
They won't do anything to stop it, should they try they'll face pushback and give up. They're total pussies and never mean business.

>The actual amount of times Scheer has bent over and apologized for retarded shit to appease CBC and Liberals


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How do we find an alternative to this meme based on performance and reasonable completion of campaign planks over a term? Democracy isn't holding candidates to task. None of them deliver.
>inb4 fascism

That won't happen though.

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Max is in the debates on Oct 7 and 10.
He is going to utterly annihilate everyone up there, because he's fucking right and everyone knows it.
And you all know what comes next. You can guaran-fucking-TEE the only counter-"argument" the street shitter, conservacuck, and niggerface will have for him is to call him a bigot. They'll spout vague platitudes about diversity being a strength for Canada without ever elaborating as to how. That there's no place for politics of "hate" or "divisiveness".

If Scheer wasn't such a goddamn cowardly cock sucking conservacunt the cons would actually be winning in my riding. I'm still voting PPC, I have no illusions of PPC actually winning in my riding, but my hope beyond hope is that CPC get a fucking spine and steal some PPC policy/rhetoric to claw back some support and still somehow win.

Jesus Christ it's all so tiresome.

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I hope the CPC crashes and burns to be honest

I honestly was right alongside the guy saying it'll be free for weedman if we vote ppc but a couple days ago I realized I've got to vote for who I want, not completely strategically. I'm all in now, let's do this shit.

another term for trudeau and you'll be imprisoned just for being on these boards

>Most younger voters on the right seem to realize what a dog shit choice Scheer is, the only ones on the right voting for him is gonna be the boomers.
because the fucking boomers understand that gettng rid of trudeau is Priority #1.
Max cannot win, and making a point by voting PPC only helps the Liberals.

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>gettng rid of trudeau is Priority #1

Getting rid of shit to place diarhea in place is not a fix

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Maxime is the Future. One day we will win, because we speak the truth. Imagine every liberal piece of crap shitting their pants in terror. Every SJW having a total meltdown. All the elite globalists packing their bags in total panic. There will be so "safe space" left for them. We will make that happen. And we will be the ones laughing then.

KYS Liberal shill rat, fear mongering cuck

your prime minister.....
I can't stop laughing

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This. We get to "choose" between taking in 100k, 200k or 500k immigrants a year. Democracy is a fucking joke.

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I feel. God BC is fucked beyond belief demographically. All that NDP support is due to all the poos here no doubt, Jagmeet is their idol.

Liberal vote is going to be split as well, more moderate lefties have lost a ton of faith in Trudeau.

Unironically 80-90% of CPC voters would rather be voting PPC if they weren't so scared of muh vote splitting, and the rest would be forced to follow or sink

This. That's why Bernier was "ousted" from the Conservative Party, he was actually Conservative and wanted to take action.

Hopefully we can convince more poos to vote NDP to split the lefty vote further

And many true conservatives are following Bernier
How many people joined on Day-0, 100K? I did

This. I don't give a shit about muh vote split. CPC barely retained my vote after good goy Harper. Scheer pulled the party left and I'm done with it.

What is the point in "winning" with a Conservative party whose platform is indistinguishable from the Liberals five years ago.

Cons: Let's keep immigration at 250k a year.
Libs: Let's increase immigration to 300k a year.
Libs: Let's increase immigration to 400k a year.
Cons: No let's keep immigration at 300k a year.

I'm not voting for that shit anymore.

PPC started out great. Then they became a lolbertarian freak show for a bit. Now they're back to pseudo white nationalism and they've got my vote for it.

yea, I want the guy that's giving $1,000 to each of us in Canada to win. For every white American Citizen that is alone at least. yang fell off here in America and we are kind of desperate right now.

----- No, but not Canadian and hopefully it isn't anyone degenerate. good luck up there.

This. Reform did it in 1987 when PC became a bunch of lefty cucks and PPC is doing it now that CPC has gone back to their roots of cuckoldry.

PPC has an even bigger chance of usurping since Reform was always seen as a western only party.

>KYS Liberal shill rat, fear mongering cuck
just what this leaf says:
i like max, but i need trudeau out

Attached: maxime bernier canada immigration.png (1039x996, 712K)

Tons will vote for him regardless. Seeing one of their own running for office in this place is bound to sweep them all up and away from Trudeau for sure.

Granted they don't vote Liberal as they're why they came here originally.

Just wish the boomers would stop being retarded and vote for Bernier. My grandparents both know that he'll actually do something and they whine and bitch about how shit the conservatives have been all the time yet they're still going to vote Scheer. They don't realize how bad the Liberal vote will be split.

So lets all vote Bernier and get the Libcons out, we're only stuck because the collective believes they are stuck with either Cuckdeau or Scheer

Attached: CUCK SCHEER.jpg (1370x1030, 158K)

One year after forming Reform took 2.1% of the vote and 0 seats. 4 years later they took 19% of the vote and overtook PC. 4 years after that they were the official opposition and had destroyed the PC party.

Max is looking to get 2-5% of the vote. The party is rising and we're not scared of muh vote splitting when a CPC win is no different than a Lib win.

I'm voting liberal and I use Jow Forums everyday, you nigs haven't redpilled me yet

ab, liberal

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You have to go back Pajeet

Enjoy having any semblance of freedom being stripped from you.