Anyone remember that Matt Damon movie Elysium?

Anyone remember that Matt Damon movie Elysium?
You think that was a fucking joke? The entire planet being mexicans, matt damon speaking spanish and walking amongst the brown slaves, condemned to live amongst them as a fellow slave..

Do you think they were fucking kidding? This is the future. This is actually now.

Attached: holamattdamon.jpg (631x270, 53K)

its a movie

It just happened, and there is nothing to stop it now. Fucks sake that was easy, just give you all some porn and vidya and the deed is done while you entertained yourself.

Huge brain right there

the brainiest

It sucks they had to tell us the future With a Matt Damon movie.

>hollywood movies describe reality or future realities
old news

they dont call it predictive for no reason at all.

Yep just the other day some mercenaries descended upon my village from an orbital platform where all the rich people live and massacred everyone except me

>stop discussing

wait until planet of the apes

im good too. was in the bushes.

until africa invents airplanes, it will be planet of the burrito at least on our side of the realm.

It was Jodie Foster movie, bitches

Mommy wants TO KILL US ALL

Attached: jodie-fo.jpg (640x265, 16K)

is she 2% or vitamin D? I'll take a gallon, she aged into 100% milk.

Alita is the better movie and better analogy. Goyim serving the elites in a city called (Jeru)Zalem.

>stop talking about mexicans



you're the one promoting hollykike movies

America needs to be purged.

>dear diary today I spoke

Daily reminder that Kruger did nothing wrong, and that a coup is exactly what we need.

Become power, take positions of power, and execute your greater will. Swallow that fucking powerpill and shit out a new great society. They will make marble statues where you once stood user, if you put forth the will and do great things that are beyond yourself.

all humans go extinct soon.
dont worry

>he took the hollywood pill