Islam Is Right About Women

No one is going to see right through this, it's perfect!


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>haha u remind me of a non-playable character from my favorite video game

This board is literally filled with children.

everything about this
including your phrasing and le reddit spacing
has the stench of leftism on it

>le reddit spacing

imagine being this autistic

Leftism is cool and good. suck a dick.
Enjoy rageposting for years on here and eventually killing yourself.

Nobody said anything about vidja games you turbonigger. Is shareblue paying you enough to chance your sanity on this site? Remember, you can never leave

You poor thing.

absolutely seething

>butthurt /leftypol/ fag tries to ruin the fun, fails as expected

that image is le ebin NPC meme. an NPC is a non-playable character from a video game. stop pretending to be retarded.

But I have absolutely no intention on pretending to care about women. I unironically think Islam is right about women.

>Leftism is cool and good

It's a lot better than voting against your own self-interests like you boot-licking cuckservatives.

and yet, you replied.

The fact that you felt the need to explain the npc meme shows who you are. So answer the question shill, is the pay worth it? How long till you kill yourself? Are you a nigger or feminist, or just a retarded tranny? Are you angry because you know you'll never have a real family? Did you hit the wall, and now the idea of dieing alone with only your cats for love frighten you?

please come back, i need more salt

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>Islam is right about women
>let’s pretend to care about women
Uhhh one of these things is not like the other

you telling me islam was wrong?

OP segfault'd


Pretend? We are the olny ones who seek to elavate women back to their proper place.

OP is a nigger jew foreskin eating fag.

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