How fucked is he?

Attached: NINTCHDBPICT000523409533.jpg (2000x1329, 620K)

so many threads

Stop wearing that black mask mutt!!!!

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He doesn't use the blackface for dress up anymore. Then again he is only dressing up as Princess Jasmine these days.

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Not at all. Rules for thee not for me.


How much is in the bin? kek

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More fucked then a loli on Epsteins island, and probably getting it by many of the same people.

Are those Sikhs kek? They seem alright about it in that picture. Hmmmm weird...

I'm starting to like this guy

Fresh OC

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kek it's actually a pretty good costume

Even Sweden is making fun of you canada

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Not fucked at all.

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Damage control, KYS Liberal shill rat
Real Canadians will vote Bernier

Literally nobody gives a fuck about this. Even Bernier doesn't care.

This is just a slightly above average week for Canada and the never-ending global humiliation that is Justin Trudeau

Attached: trudeau winning10.png (647x639, 376K)


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>paid shill supports his PM
Honestly, give me 5k and I'll vouch for Trudeau, too.

>vote Bernier
I remain cautiously pessimistic.

Damage control

>Can't even remember how many times he has blackfaced
He is literally addicted to blackfacing, and it's breaking my heart.
Canada has a blackface problem!

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Bernier is our only hope
NPD: Take away handguns
Scheer: Trudeau #2
Truedope: More bullshit
Bloc: Worthless idiots
Bernier: Common sense

wait until the debate
trudeau is fucking done
CPC will probably win because of boomers, but the PPC can become the third party behind the NDP
it will send a message

>King virtue signaller
"The virtue is always a cover for the sin"
That statement perfectly describes Castreaux

I'm not voting for Trudeau, just stating facts. And the CBC has been running anti-Trudeau articles since the Liberals confirmed the first photo was real.


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He isn't, this will be forgotten in a week.

believing Aladdin was a nigger and not a sandman. guy is an absolute moron. wtf Canada?

That's the thing, though. Trudeau hasn't gone Full-Mulroney. You NEED to go Full-Mulroney in order to absolutely trash your party and hamstring them for decades, and he just hasn't fucked up that badly.

As a sub-note, Mulroney wasn't a bad PM while he was in office, he just had to deal with the absolutely botched rollout of the GST.