Porn allows single men choosing to focus on work or careers a way to have sexual release. How can people argue that porn is bad, when it has such positive effects on society?
Porn is positive
When you blow your load balls deep in tight pussy then your mind becomes clear and you can really be a productive member of society.
If all you’re doing is jerking it you’ll never attain that level of clarity and therefore never live up to your full potential
>when it has such positive effects on society?
[citation needed]
>Porn allows single men choosing to focus on work or careers a way to have sexual release.
Porn and sexual release literally taks your mind away from work, hobbies, careers, ambitions and dreams.
Everything is sex. After sexual release, there is no need to acheive anything else.
Porn rules. When you are taking 26 credits in college, you just need to fap sometimes. Porn is your friend. I love it, and you should too!
Rabbi, we see you
She’s now a crack addict living under a bridge in Reno or Las Vegas
You do realise Jenni Lee is fucken homeless thanks to ((((porn)))).
>choosing to focus on work or careers
See, that's the problem. (((Work))) or (((careers))). For (((whom)))?
We don't want people productive and complacent, we want them angry.
>not all of them watch it nor want to
Few things compare too the shame of spoofing on yourself
>Porn and sexual release literally taks your mind away from work, hobbies, careers, ambitions and dreams.
>tl;dr everything you do except having sex is a distraction from your sexual frustration
The level of mental gymnastics you have to get to that conclusion is liberalism tier.
So you are in favor of placebo instead of fixing the problem.
>we want impotent rage
>we don't want people with means, position or abilities to actually do shit
Stupid pole.
>focus on work or careers
focus on survival
it's so positive you start thinkin you're a bitch 10 years down the road i don't fuckin think so coomer kill yourselves
Everything is good in balance. Porn - is not bad. Porn addiction - is.
They stop giving a shit about career and work if they don't have a woman
Porn makes me want to suck dick and fuck trannies.
>inb4 you were already gay
Whatever. I would have never thought of half the gross shit i do if porn didn't teach me
you're knows is showing
Or u run around making welfare queens.
Just follow your passions before puberty
Men did this before porn ever existed.
degenerate, don't breed, if you can't get a woman leave the tribe
You lazy fucks are so damn tiresome.
Stop insulting this place with your idiocy.
True that, porn is a mistake and it should get banned like in south korea.
Thank god the coomer meme exists
>what are fuck buddies
>what is casual sex
lol you've never had sex
I can immediately sense that you are a virgin
>yes just be a good slave to your nose master, that will solve all problems automatically!
Stupid fingol
Reminder that gorillas masturbate, but only while in captivity.
Your level of reading comprehension points towards american proxy.
Everything that you do is powered by sexual desire. You can use sexual desire to procreate, to waste it on meaningless sex, or to create civilization. When men start wasting their seed, civilization begins to degrade, for it is sexual energy that civilization is built upon the first place.
That's not what I said. In contrast, a long-term unemployed man with anger issues rarely is a man of many skills let alone means to do shit. It's the definition of impotent rage.
>She’s now a crack addict living under a bridge in Reno or Las Vegas
Kek. Bogus claims with no proof, the Jow Forums way
I'm not opposed to porn simply because the average western female seems to be a moron.
For example I was talking to a single woman I know who's about 19/20.
She will date a man who is 29 but not a man who is 30.
That's like saying that person over there could be perfect for me but you know she's 1 inch to short or too tall so no way.
Renting a whore is much better than porn tho
Oh lord.
>buy into new age crap
>tell others they're retarded
Tell us how you've changed the world now by jizzing your pants while you're asleep instead of while you were awake.
I must be the world only example that debunks you then.
>basic biology is new age crap
>Porn is positive
Women's preferences don't mean shit. They will discard them the minute a suitable mate comes along.
>Porn is positive
Okay. Now fuck off
>Porn allows single men choosing to focus on work or careers a way to have sexual release.
They aren't supposed to work, they are supposed to burn everything down. Porn is jew weapon to maintain status quo.
> it is good to coom Goim
t. eternal ((( COOMER ))) ^•
That's not a good thing you stupid motherfucker.
Kills my boner to see close up of another man's balls and ass.No wonder everybody turns gay, Its disgusting. I only fap to solos/lesbos or my own sextapes.
Coomer, coomer starts to moan
As he begins to jerk his bone
Without a care for soaring crime
Corruption paid for by our dime
Of rising unemployment rates
Of hostile moves by hostile states
The problems that all plague the news
The problems caused by clever Jews
Don't concern this happy dude
Content to watch the thots get screwed
Coomer's eyes glued to the screen
For that hit of dopamine
With tired arm and glassy eyes
Jacked up on SSRIs
This is how the ego dies
Wrong. Porn makes you less motivated to engage with women. As a result, men pay lot of taxes but have no kids
that girl in the OP is homeless now
People don't just need sexual release.
They need longlife human companionship as well.
Not accurate, that's why all these 30 + woman are only pairing up once they're train-wrecks.
Your full of it son.
>Master and Coomander
I hate that forced coom meme but tjat was top fucking kek
>After sexual release, there is no need to acheive anything else.
>basic biology
user, I...
Nothing you have written is even remotely related to anything i wrote.
>Porn allows single men choosing to focus on work or careers
When slaving and career is more important for you than being happy and healthy then chanches are you are jewed
Neck yourself shill.
Evolution is only concerned with your ability ot procreate. Every physiological, psychological and spiritual function that exists within you is geared towards this. If you think otherwise, you are clueless.
>They stop giving a shit about career and work if they don't have a woman
Career and work is literally only to attract a decent female
Not my fault you are incapable of formulating a coherent argument. Go grow 35 years then come back to converse on my level.
Think of the concept though, robots created of biological matter that slowly adapt themselves to their desires and environments facilitated by a programmed central urge to renew themselves using a trait preference and error cancellation system.
Untrue. What underlies career and work is purpose and ambition. Women are attracted to men who demonstrate having a strong sense of purpose and ambition.
>work is slavery
>absence of responsibility is ultimate happiness
Like a liberal, you have twisted words to the point where they don't have any meaning. Yeah, and we're the ones who are jewed.
>literally only
mcfukcing kill yourself
The coomer meme has gone down quite well with the Germans.
Isnt that the girl who is homeless living in a sewer underneath vegas?
That's not basic biology what you're describing is reductive to the point where you're dismissing consciousness itself. We're just animals trying to spread seeds, right? (((They))) want you thinking that way. You've bought into Jewish lies.
>gives worse advice than watching porn
>it's a swede
Kike. Moving on
> We're just animals trying to spread seeds
No chance. You are reducing my argument By pretending it is a reductive argument in order to effectively dismiss it and feel like a winner. We ARE animals trying to spread our seeds. We are of course much more too. It doesn't change the reality of how evolution works. Everything that is not exclusively beneficial to your ability to reproduce will be bred out in the long term.
see You're
>pic related
It’s alway the fucken juden!
>porn is good for (((the economy)))
Porn is selfish, addictive and Jewish.
1. Funded and run by Jews
2. Masturbatory. You are pleasing only yourself and not bonding in a relationship.
3. You are becoming an addict. No different from drug use.
4. You are giving Jews money to exploit women. Read up on who many of these porn actresses are.... they are young, foolish and broken girls. Usually dad stepped out and mom is a whore. This is someone's daughter.
5. You are encouraged to focus your mind on the flesh. If you do this enough, you will become a golem and will only think about fucking and cumming. You realize there is more to life than cunt? There are monks who live in great peace and will never have sex. Celibacy can be a beautiful thing.
There's dozens more things to say.... but I shouldn't even need to write anymore.
Haha you got me with that ass pic.
Also 1 post by this ID
the government can then import niggers who they didn't spend a single cent on!
profits all the way down baby
>porn is jewish
>*posts orthodox monks*
>just started nofap
Time for a change, friends!
Read the rest of my post. I talk about how celibacy can be beautiful and how we don't need to focus on flesh. An image of holy men can only help make that point.
Blessed post. Good luck with your semen retention
So what you're saying is that they don't drink their own poison?
>Every physiological, psychological and spiritual function that exists within you is geared towards this.
>Everything is sex. After sexual release, there is no need to acheive anything else.
>> - We're just animals trying to spread seeds
>No chance. You are reducing my argument
>We ARE animals trying to spread our seeds. We are of course much more too.
>*cues rewind sfx*
>Every physiological, psychological and spiritual function that exists within you is geared towards this.
>Everything is sex. After sexual release, there is no need to acheive anything else.
>Everything is sex.
Right. Try reading those lines above and try making sense next time.
>Everything that is not exclusively beneficial to your ability to reproduce will be bred out in the long term.
You are AGAIN dismissing free will.
>We're just cellular automatons, bro
Just teasing you, it was a good post user.
Tell my why do you think men should focus on working more? They already work far more than they should, they should go home and be with their loved ones instead of being a slave of money and corporations. There is a lot of man's work missing from home like putting women to their place.
>absence of responsibility is ultimate happiness
Nigger when did I say this? Men are responsible for their sons turning into S.O.Yboys fags and trannies, they aren't responsible for earning Mr.Nose more shekels
>doesn't change the reality of how evolution works. Everything that is not exclusively beneficial to your ability to reproduce will be bred out in the long term.
No. in the long term we understand how to transplant ourselves into our own designs. Unless of course..
>(((trust my luciferian delusions bro)))
>get called out for an incoherent train of thought
>flaunt ADD symptoms
no surprises there
Try reformatting your post in a more humane form and I'll give it a go. I got a headache just looking at it.