Next wave


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who i date is none of your business

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Hey guys I just had upper surgery, what do you think?

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Bump this ones good


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thanks, putting the fear of destroying someone's life because they wont date a disgusting tranny really fucks with the sjw mindset, because even though they "support" trannies, dating studies have shown almost literally no one would actually date one.

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Nice try discord tyranny, now fuck off

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That butchery doesn’t change anything. A dude that’s been mutilated isn’t a woman.

As a biological creature one of the most important factors in choosing a mate is the ability to procreate.

Why would anyone date someone they knew was incapable of producing offspring?

Now as a coupe you may decide not to have kids but you need to keep your options open.

wtf is "athetics"?

Looks better than tranny """pussy""". Would date that instead of a tranny if I had to choose between those two.

Find me one like Astolfo, Felix or Luka first

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boo hoo why should I care

I'm a wizard so no dating period.

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dumb fags always trying to force people to push their poop in go get aids from a nigger

Wrong the left will jump at anything including the ok sighn.
I think a small hashtag at the bottom right will set this off. But the signs have to be good

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That's most people

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this one is actually decent

They will fail because none of them understand why IOTBW succeeded.

The original intent of IOTBW was to prove that the left is wrong in attacking ideas based on where they came from. We were arguing at the time that, no matter what is said, Jow Forums is wrong by default. By creating a completely innocent message, we basically proved that they dont care about the Idea, but who says It.

IOTBW was apolitical; it's statement of fact. It wasn't meant to generate heat or discussion. If instead we said something about Israel or transexuals, It loses it's meaning. It becomes a discussion on jews or trans rights instead of something that shouldn't even be discussed at all. I only ask that people stop trying to change the message. IOTBW is perfect as It is.

>Israel is RIGHT about the Goyim

>Christ banishes demons called "jews".

>said somebody somewhere
imagine getting triggered by this, pathtic incel homo seriously

then go around and catch leftist politicians refusing transgender advances on camera, then BTFO them.

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This. And I don't give af who you fuck and with what after market bodyparts. I don't care what you or anyone else does in the sack. Imagine being so pathetic that you try to shame someone in to fucking you? Disgusting even rapey. Gross.

>the components of an IOTBW
>the components will change just as the definition of a wojack, a pepe, or vaporwave changes over time
>current two IOTBWs are right wing
>current IOTBWs are designed to put the left into a verbal trap
>current IOTBWs are very very prefectly worded to be catchy and hard to undo
>no one can trace the origin of them, they are only created by accident
>IOTBWs don't happen at high frequency. the internet lays them at intervals like eggs
>no one person can decide that something is the next IOTBW, the entirety of the internet just suddenly knows all at once.

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The reason there are all these shitty proposals suddenly is they are trying to distract from the very effective "Islam is right about women." It is beautiful and simple and possibly the next "IOTBW"

OP ~ I'm going to kick your penis real hard

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What did they mean by this?

These trannies are scared of the coming campaign and are trying to drown it out. Sad!

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based arby

Islam vs. Women (and maybe jews)
Jews vs. Whites
Jews vs. Muslims

The general format of "[identity group] is right about X" is fantastic

do a "jews are right about the goyim" one, that literally cannot be anti semetic