>when you google ‘Jow Forums pol’ a link to pol is no longer in the results
>when you google other boards it’s the top result
What did google mean by this?
When you google ‘Jow Forums pol’ a link to pol is no longer in the results
Based. Infamy is the way it should be.
but google told congress they don't edit the search results, do you really think they would lie like that?
I've noticed this too. Very obnoxious.
No shit you notice it just now on other boards some board like /b/ or Jow Forums won't appear on the page.
Thank god.
I was gonna post this few minutes back.
It means you should have Jow Forums bookmarked , you fucking casual .
>Not just typing the url from memory
google pizzagate and see what happens. you just pages of 'pizzagate is fake' bullshit
google is gone
its literally just Jow Forums.org/pol/catalog
just type that shit my nigga
honestly if you haven't already switched to something like startpage or ddg you might be an npc
Google Employees ITT
Watch-out faggots
>using google
(((someone))) put dmca so it wont show
Congrats guys we are now the deep web
>uses google
>phone posts
i wish it was impossible for newfags to post without having lurked for at least a year
or just sad panda it and make it so normies can't get in
>Burgur educayshun
It means we're on the right side of history
>smells like shit
Seriously why do your people smell so horrible
lol wtf even is that google graphic.
is that a chick getting raped?
Ring ring.
It must be International Ignore Immigrant Gang-rapes Day again.
works for me
They're afraid.
sorry misread the OP but it also still works
No it doesnt fucking glowniggers
i guess your country is cucked
Even duckduckgo gives me a link to 8pol and /x/ instead of here.
>It must be International Ignore Immigrant Gang-rapes Day again.
so normal day in bongland. cool.
Startpage stopped giving me a pol link days ago
Ive noticed this too strange
They couldn't bully Jow Forums to shut down, they couldn't CloudFlare us to death.
So, this is the next best thing.
I wish 8 C H A N would open back up so that the Magapedes would gtfo
>burger educayshun
fuck jews and fuck niggers