Was American History X Based or nah?
Was American History X Based or nah?
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Its gay
nah, pretty bluepilled
The moral and of the story, little brother nazi was bluepilled by big brother nazi, who was a bit of a fag, then right at the end got capped by a nigger that he should have never turned his back on...so, maybe redpilled?
good movie either way
>main character ends up bluepilled
>"iS iT bAsEd?"
Yes, thought most don’t see the message and this it is a blue pill to most
>a kike movie, written, starred, produced, directed, gaffed, scored, etc, by KIKES
it was a bullshit propaganda movie you gullible little pussy
Don't forget that big brothers girlfriend is a satanist irl
A portrayed skinhead defends his home, but may have taken it too far (curb scene).
Folds underwear with Jamal and learns the mystic ways of the black manz.
This movie is a great example of Jewish trickery.
the alternate ending is
It was supposed to make us look bad but any white kid would think that curbstomp scene is genius. "You messed with the wrong bull. Now say good night!" BAM
That's the thing, the movie ends with proving that Derek was right all along. The dirty nigger shoots his little brother for no reason at all other than your typical jiggaboo crap. The movie also does a great job at showing that skinheads are no better than niggers. The true white supremacist is an educated, respectable member of society.
1 Pooosssst by this ID
> respectable member of society
If you're respected by a (((society))) that wants you genocided, you're not doing white supremacy right.
spoilers ahead
>bigger brother wins basketball game against nigs
>big bro goes to far in self defense, goes to prison
>young kid has minor altercation with niglet because he was helping bullied kid
>Bigger brother goes through a lot of trouble in jail
>talks younger bro out of skinhead ideology
This movie is a giant redpill. Takeaway is that even if you decide not to hate or confront niggers, they will still KILL you for a minor inconvenience. Danny was blowing smoke in a niggers face and they KILLED him, days later, in cold blooded, planned murder.
movie was used in high schools all over america alone to guilt trip whites. white guilt type stuff alone.
no if you guys really paid attention to the movie it sympathized white nationalists and black people both; the white nationalists were swayed as children by a corrupt leader for money, and the blacks were dehumanized throughout the entire film until the prison scene
even at the end the black kid who shoots the white kid is made to show regret after his shooting - prior it was soulless and filled with evil, it’s basically about the cycle of hatred and ends on a bitter note
The character literally states at the end the supposed message the film's trying to get across.
>don't waste your time hating people hurr durr
>You do that you won't let niggers turn your entire country into some disgusting ghetto full of shitty and worthless monkey animals
>embrace turning into monkeys, don't you have any negative fefes about it, that's foolish
To which I say fuck that, white peoples haven't got 10% of the hate we NEED in western society today. Hate is free. It doesn't cost anything, it motivates to get things done, and it's usually caused by something material. Worse you get off it your blood pressure might go up some. Fear can be irrational, but hate usually makes plain sense. Hate more. Stop crawling up you own ass thinking your smart for not hating. You're not at all.
Only good scene was when he's in the van with the fat dude singing the song.
I don't go anywhere near anything political on Netflix or any mainstream place, because it's all kiked bluepill propaganda. I haven't seen it and I don't intend to.
Get the clippers hans
It's bluepilled with the character arc but whites that matter see the movie differently. It's a white man standing up for himself and his race. The images are powerful.
>A portrayed skinhead defends his home, but may have taken it too far (curb scene).
>Folds underwear with Jamal and learns the mystic ways of the black manz.
>This movie is a great example of Jewish trickery.
But the ending tells you that he was right about NIGGERS all along......the ending tells you that you can't trust NIGGERS...the ending tells you that NIGGERS really are NIGGERS!
The movie is a roller coaster....it takes you way up and then you do a few loop de loops, a giant drop and then it has the gigantic finish.
Personally, I hate the middle part with the magic negro and the harp strings....I wasn't fooled by this joooery.
So the people focusing on the subversive aspects and saying its full on propaganda, and the people talking about it being a de facto redpill are both right here. It was obviously intended to teach you to bond with outgroups otherwise people die, but because post-modernist writing is obsessed with "moral greys" and "gritty realism", the story ended up undermining its own intentions for the sake of "I DUNNO LOL LIFE IS MEANINGLESS RITE GUISE".
No. Funny at parts but, no.
Nah. Just fearporn for lefties that led to the regressive left we have to day. Captain Sisko's performance was good, though.
I feel bad watching that movie and then thinking about how Edward Furlong ended.
A real shame, he was a really good actor.
>And the moral of the story is, stand up to bully and u get shot hate beget hate
Masonic jew propaganda
Main characters starts out a big mean white supremacists then takes a lot of black dick in prison and learns the real meaning of Christmas.
Its the best disney can do.
This film is an odd duck. Yes is mostly pozzed anti-racism bullshit but when they ended it with that nigger murdering his brother anyway it kind of destroyed the entire "racism is bad mkay" narrative they were building and undermind the entire rest of the film.
Also the rape scene was a total lie. Niggers are the majority of rapists in prison and mostly rape other niggers. Aryans gang-raping a fellow white is damn near unheard of mainly because thats faggot shit and they hate and often kill faggots.
Also we got some awesome internet memes out of that movie like the kawaii anime girl curb stombing that nigger to death for example.
The message is clear, blacks will do you wrong without cause (Dereks father), defending yourself is hopeless (Derek), and you better accept your fate meekly (Dereks brother)
This. The swedecuck needs to remove achmeds dingdong from his anus.
They want us divided.
>father says a bunch of true redpills
>He's made to look evil
>But not once do they ever actually prove him wrong
Some of the filler appears bluepilled, but the takeaway there is "even a based nigger is still a nigger".
I'm with (You) but also niggers gonna nig. How many more decades until they behave?
Based but not red pilled
this swede gets it
you need to be a little of both, bruce
I like "the believer" with Ryan Gosling...
Now that's underrated and kept quiet.
everything happens just to lead to that final redpill
based movie
>white supremacist
>taking the jew's label
>takes the jews label as given
>"gets it"
Kill yourself.
>movie was used in high schools all over america alone to guilt trip whites.
checkin em and also reminding you about how they did it before that with THE WAVE:
Don't forget the original ending had Derek shaving his head and going right back to the nazi ways.
And that's why the huge focus is on white school shooters. They need to cover up this redpill that blacks do this shit all the time and have been for decades.
> because post-modernist writing is obsessed with "moral greys" and "gritty realism",
Which is what made it a better movie than any of the propaganda they shovel out these days. No gray areas, no moral dilemmas. Everything is pure good and pure evil (and the pure good is ALWAYS some SJW shit).
The song "American History X" by Ill Bill is pretty good.
Whoops, forgot muh link.
far too wignat.
You forgot the butt-fucking nazi gang
Hey Wally, is the DVD of this movie banned from Wallyworld? $5 or $3 bin? Still a fan of yours.
Jesus, I dont know. No clue. No need. My torrent client does it all for me!
It wouldn't have gotten made if it were actually based.
The point of a movie was to push the fake white supremacy narrative while disgusting the real Jewish supremacy truth.
It's always the jews playing whites against niggers. We could all get along if they weren't poisoning the well so often and put entire peoples where they don't belong.
hollywood should burn itself down.
Based and vermelhopilled.
yes, as soon as he relaxed around blacks he get's bix noobed
it's jewish propaganda meant to show how bad and illogical racism is but the end of the movie ended up redpilling an entire generation
fuck niggers and fuck nazis
Tranny right?
>magic negro
Stand up for yourself