Trudeau’s popularity skyrockets in Quebec after revelation of brownface photos

No, this... this can't be happening!

Attached: trudeau popularity surge in quebec.jpg (744x714, 166K)

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Black people don't mean shit what's new.

Based Quebecois

Kek, white people are so stupid. They love being secretly racist while importing millions of non-whites.

Attached: 3736667A-CFFC-4B7B-811F-3FAFDCBA7B2F.png (600x800, 669K)

based French fags fucking it up for everyone again

WTF I love Trudeau now.

>Posting Canadian onion

8 more years

Attached: Tarnac The Magnificent.webm (1280x800, 1.75M)

Trudeau SURGE after reveal that he hates niggers and poos

Attached: trudeauvoter.png (901x316, 195K)

Holy fuck, she's based.


Attached: IMG_20190919_194038_e.png (473x263, 128K)


Blackface, fake eyebrows, funky socks? I'd vote for Trudeau.

Basedeau wins again and the kikes are seething

Evidence #262727372 that leftists don't even believe to their own bullshit and that right-wingers are retards who take the bait and get on their knees to prove they're not *insert muh evil thing* instead of talking about the real issues.

>read the article
>its clearly some leftist parody
>next article "Jordan Peterson refuses to call film “IT”, says clown is clearly a “HIM” "

cool story op

cheap labor

Attached: oh justin2.jpg (586x536, 56K)


He sure as fuck isn't more popular, just people that wanted to ignore his existence can't do that anymore

The Beaverton is the Canadian version of the Onion. Trudeau is widely despised in Quebec.

Trudeau is a tranny.